
Terms for subject Technology containing capital | all forms | exact matches only
absolute fixed capital绝对固定成本
accommodating capital movement资动
account heading of capital construction基本建设科目
accounting of capital construction基本建设会计核算
accounting of capital construction account基本建设账户
accounting report of capital construction基本建设会计报表
accretion of the capital资本加大
accumulated capital累积资本
acquisitive capital期望获得的资本
active capital能动资本
additional capital追加资本
additional paid-in capital附加资本
additional paid-in capital超面值缴入资本
additional paid-in capital附加实缴股本
additional paid-in capital额外实收资本
advance capital付资
Aeolic capital爱奥尼亚式柱头
aggregation of capital资本聚集
all amount invested in capital投入资本总额
all capital earnings rate资本总额收益率
amount of contribution to capital出资额
analysis of capital changes资本变动分析
angle capital转角柱头
angle capital角柱头
angle capital转角柱帽
angle capital角柱顶
angle capital decoration转角柱头装饰
annual cost capital recovery资金回收年成本
annual plan of capital construction基本建设年度计划
anta capital壁角柱柱头
antae capital壁角柱柱头
appraisal capital增值资本
appraisal capital估定资本额
appraisal capital评估资本
Arabian capital阿拉伯式柱顶
Arabian capital阿拉伯式柱头
arbitration in disputes between labor and capital调停劳资纠纷
assessable capital stock可催缴成本
audit capital sources of construction project建设项目资金来源审计
audit of economic reasonableness of capital construction project基本建设项目经济合理性审计
audit of estimation completeness of capital construction project基本建设项目概算完整性审计
audit of estimation legality of capital construction project基本建设项目概算合规性审计
audit standard of investment efficiency of capital construction基本建设投资效益审计的标准
authorized capital stock account额定股本账户
authorized capital stock account额定股本账
authorized capital stock account法定股本账户
auxiliary capital辅助资本
average capital ratio method平均资本比率 (法)
average occupied amount of current capital平均占用的流动资金
average occupied amount of current capital平均占用流动资金额
balance of capital movement资本流动差额
balance on current account and long-term capital经常项目和长期资本往来的平衡
baluster capital望柱头
basket capital花蓝状柱头
basket capital花篮状柱头
basket capital篮状柱头
beginning capital期初资本
blind pier capital附墙柱头
blind pier capital筑在墙内的部分墩顶
book value of capital stock股本账面价值
bracket capital伸臂柱头
bracket capital早期西班牙式的牛腿柱冠
bud capital柯林斯柱头
budgetary estimate of capital construction基本建设预算
budgeted capital预算资本
building as capital列人资本的建筑物
bull capital大型柱顶
Byzantine capital梯形柱头
Byzantine capital拜占庭式柱头
call for capital筹集资本
call for capital招股
call for share capital筹集股份资本
called-up capital audit投入资本审计
called-up capital authenticity audit投入资本真实性审计
called-up capital legality audit投入资本合法性审计
capital arising from re-capitalization由调整资本而产生的资本
capital array基本台阵
capital asset pricing model资本资产评价模型
capital assets基本资产
capital assets fund资本资产基金
capital consumption allowance资本消耗补偿
capital consumption allowance基本消耗的限定
capital expenditures基本费用
capital expenditures基本建设费 (用)
capital expenditures基本建设投资
capital expenditures基建费 (用)
capital expenditures资本支出
capital expenditures基建投资
capital expenses集资费用
capital gains资本升值收入
capital gains资本收益
capital gains and losses资本的利得与损失
capital gains or loss资本损益
capital gains tax资本收益分配
capital intensive enterprise资本密集企业
capital intensive goods资本密集货物
capital intensive industry资本密集工业
capital intensive investment scheme资本密集投资计划
capital intensive project资本密集型项目
capital intensive project资金密集项目
capital mobility case资本流动情况
capital plant大型工厂
capital plant主要工厂
capital reserve资本储备
capital reserve资本公积金
capital reserve资本准备
capital reserve资本储备金
capital returned to stockholders in dividends以股息方式摊还资本
capital saving资本节省
capital-saving invention节约资本发明
capital-saving technical progress节约资本的技术进步
capital works主要工作
capital works基本建设工程
carrying cost of capital资本的附加费用
carved capital雕刻饰柱帽
carved capital雕花柱头
carved capital雕饰柱帽
charge against capital冲底资本
check and accept the completed capital construction project基本建设项目竣工验收
chimney capital烟囱顶 (部)
chimney capital烟囱帽顶
circular capital圆柱顶
circular capital圆柱头
circulating capital营运资金
circulating real capital流通资产
circulation capital流动资本
circulation capital流动资金
circulation capital reductive rate流动资金降低率
civil economics of capital construction民用基本建设经济学
Collins capital柯林斯柱头
column capital柱尖
column capital柱头
column capital柱帽
column capital form柱头形式
commercial capital贸易资本
commercial capital construction商业基本建设
complex capital structure复合资本结构
composite capital组合柱颈
composite capital组合柱头
composite capital of Rome罗马复合式柱头
consumption capital消费资本
consumption capital消费资金
contribute their respective shares of capital缴足认购资本
contributed capital投入的资本
contributed capital投入资本
contributed capital实缴股本
contributed capital已投股本
Corinthian capital考林辛式柱头
corner capital转角柱帽
corner capital转角柱头
corner capital角柱头
crocket capital卷叶形柱头
crocket capital卷叶饰柱头
cube capital方块式柱头
cube capital立方体柱头
cubic block capital方块柱头
cubic block capital斗状柱头
cubical block capital方块柱头
cubical block capital斗状柱头
cubiform capital方块柱帽
cumulative capital stock累积股利的股票
current capital流动资金
current capital allocated by government国家拨入流动资金
current capital management流动资金管理
current capital quota流动资金定额
current capital turnover流动资金周转
cushion capital方块式柱头
cushion capital罗马式上方下圆的柱头
cushion capital垫块状柱头
cushion capital罗曼式柱头
cutting down capital construction scale压缩基建规模
dead capital不生息资本
debenture capital信用借贷资本
declared capital设定股本
declared capital申报资本 (额)
declining marginal efficiency of capital资本边际收益递减
deepening of capital资本深化
deferred repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
deficit in long-term capital长期资本短缺
deposite capital ratio存款与资本比率
design of working drawing of a capital construction project基本建设项目施工图设计
disruptive flow of capital破坏性资本流动
division in capital ratio按资本比例分配
domestic capital本国资本
domestic capital as circulating funds流动资金内资金部分
domestic capital used for purchase of rolling stock机车车辆购置费中内资
Doric capital陶立克柱头
dormant capital未利用资金
double capital柱头
double capital双柱
eagle capital鹰头柱头
earned capital赚得资本
earnings on invested capital投入资本盈利
effective capital recovery rate有效资金回收率
efficiency of capital investment资本投资效果
Egyptian capital埃及式柱头
employment of capital资本运用
endowment of human capital人力资本赋予量
engaged pier capital部分砌入墙内的墩帽
engaged pier capital附墙墩帽
equalization of profit rates on capital资本利润率平均化
equal-payment-series-capital recovery-computation按期定额支付资金回收计算法
equilibrating movement of short-term capital短期资金平衡移动
equity capital投入资本
equity capital股东资本
equity capital主权资本
equity capital turnover投资总额周转率
estimation of capital cost估算基建投资
expansion of capital value资本的价值增值
expenditure of capital投资费 (用)
farm capital农场固定资产
fixed assets to capital ratio固定资产对资本比率
fixed capital固定基金
fixed capital定资金
fixed capital cost固定投资费
fixed capital cost固定资本值
fixed capital efficiency固定资产效率
fixed capital management固定资金管理
flat slab capital construction无梁板柱结构
flight of capital资本外流
floating capital流动资金
floating capital游资
fluid capital流动资金
foliage capital叶片花饰的柱顶
foliage capital叶饰柱头
foliated capital叶饰柱头
foreign capital flows外国资本流量
foreign capital inducement吸收外资
foreign capital intake吸收外资
foreign capital investment外资投资
foreign capital investment target外资投向
formation of capital资本形式
free capital游资
fully paid capital stock缴足股本
general capital总股本
general capital increase普遍增加资本
Grecian Doric capital希腊陶立克式柱头
Greek Doric capital希腊陶立克式柱头
gross working capital总营运资金
gross working capital毛流动资本
gross working capital总周转资金
hard-earned capital血本
Hathor capital爱神柱头
Hathor headed capital哈托尔头像柱头 (古埃及女神)
Hathor-headed capital古埃及建筑的爱神头像柱头
Hathoric type of capital爱神柱
higher composition of capital高位资本构成
hostility between capital and labor劳资冲突
human capital人力投资 (investment)
human capital人力资源
human capital approach人力资本法
human capital formation人力资本成形
human resources capital plan人力资源资本计划
idle capital呆滞资本
idle capital闲散资金
idle money-capital闲置的货币资本
impost capital拱墩帽
impost capital拱墩柱头
incoming of foreign capital输入外资
incremental capital output ratio边际资本产出率
indigent capital贫困的资本
instrumental capital生财资本
interest-bearing capital借货资本
interest-bearing capital生息资本
internationalized capital资本的国际化
introducing of foreign capital引进国外资本
invested capital基本工程投资
investment in capital construction基建投资
investment in capital construction projects for commercial and productive purposes生产经营性基建投资
issued capital发行资本
Italic capital大写斜体字
joint capital合股资本
joint capital联合资本
joint capital investment共同投资
junior capital初级资本
labor and capital劳方和资方
labor and capital resources劳动与资本资源
labor-capital dispute劳资纠纷
labor-capital relations劳资关系
labour and capital劳方和资方
labour and capital resources劳动与资本资源
labour-capital dispute劳资纠纷
labour-capital relations劳资关系
lack of capital缺少资金
laid-up capital闲置资金
level of capital gains资本盈利水平
liabilities to capital ratio负债对资本比率
liberated capital行动自由的资本
loan repay capital with interest statement借款还本付息计算方案
loanable capital可贷资本
locked-in capital闭锁资本
long-term capital长期资本资产销售收益
lose one's capital赔本
loss capital资金亏损
loss on capital assets固定资产损失
lotus capital荷花饰柱头
lotus capital古埃及的莲饰柱头
malleable capital可延展的资本
manpower capital人力资本
marginal capital coefficient边际资本占用率
marginal capital expenditures边际资本支出
marginal capital-output ratio边际资本产出比率
marginal cost of capital边际资本成本
marginal efficiency of capital边际资本收益率
marginal returns to capital边际资本报酬
marginal returns to capital边际资本收益
medium term capital中期资本
method of controlling current capital流动资金控制法
mine capital construction矿山基建
mobilize domestic and foreign capital筹借国内外资金
Moorish capital摩尔式柱头
Moorish capital摩尔式柱顶
national capital region首都范围圈以首都为中心的首都地区
national capital region首都圈
national capital region国家首都特区
national capital region development plan首都圈整顿规划
net capital净资本额
net capital employed企业运用的净资本
net capital gains资本净收益
net capital to debt ratio净资本对债务比率
net current capital净流动资金
net profit ratio of registered capital资本净利润率
net stock of capital剩余固定资本
net working capital净营运资金
net working capital净周转资金
net working capital ratio净运用资金率
net working capital turnover净营运资本周转率
new capital issue新发行的资本股票
non-material capital非物质资本
non-monetary consideration in capital investment decisions在基本建设投资决策中的非货币因素
non-operating capital非经营性净资产
non-productive capital非生产性资本
non-productive capital非生产资本
non-productive capital construction非生产性的基本建设
non-productive projects in capital construction非生产性基本建设
occupied rate of current capital流动资金占用率
operating capital turnover ratio营业资本周转率
operational capital营运资本
optimal capital structure最适当的资金结构
ordinary capital resource普通资本来源
original capital初始成本
original capital初始资本
original capital cost原始投资
other money capital audit其他货币资金审计
outstanding capital stock净发股票
own capital自有资本
owned capital自有资金
ownership capital自有资本
paid-in capital投入资本
paid-in capital缴入股本
paid-in capital已认股本
paid-in capital in excess of par value超面值缴入资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超定值缴入资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超设定值投入资本
paid-up capital已付资本
paid-up capital已付股本
paid-up capital缴清股本
papyrus capital纸莎草形柱头
papyrus capital古埃及建筑的莎草花柱头
papyrus capital纸莎草饰柱头
papyrus-bud capital纸莎草芽状柱帽
papyrus-bud capital纸莎草芽状柱头
partnership capital合伙资本
payoff method for capital investment投资回收年数法
payoff method for capital investment资本投资回收年数法
permanent current capital固定性周转资本
pilaster capital壁柱帽
pilaster capital壁柱头
pillow capital枕垫形柱头
plan of utilizing foreign capital利用外资计划
pooling of capital集中资本
preliminary design of a capital construction project基本建设初步设计
premium on capital stock超面值缴入资本
prepaid operating capital预付营业资金
procedure of capital construction铁路基本建设程序
producer capital生产资金
production capital生产资金
production capital quota生产资金定额
production comes before capital construction先生产后基建
production rate of fixed capital固定资产产值率
productive capital生产资金
profit and loss on capital and interest本利的盈亏
profit margin of current capital流动资金利润率
profit margin of fixed capital固定资金利润率
profit on working capital流动资本利润率
profit ratio of paid-up capital实收资本利润率
program of capital work基础工程计划
programme of capital work基础工程计划
project capital项目资本金
project selection in capital investment资本投资中项目的选择
proto-ionic capital原始爱奥尼克柱头
quick capital流动资金
railing operating fixed capital铁路运营固定资金
railway capital structure铁路资本结构
railway income capital铁路收入资金
railway non-operating state-owned capital铁路非经营性国有资产
railway operating state-owned capital铁路经营性国有资产
railway working capital铁路营业资金
raise capital by floating shares招股
rate of capital net profit资金利润率
rate of capital return资本利润率
rate of capital turnover投资周转率
rate of capital turnover资本周转率
rate of earnings on total capital employed使用总资本收益率
rate of return on invested capital method投资收益率法
rate of return on the use of foreign capital使用外资收益率
rate of returns on invested capital投入资本利润率
ratio analysis of net sales to net working capital净销售额与流动资本净额比率分析
ratio of capital to liabilities资本负债比率
ratio of net profit to capital净利润对资本比率
ratio of net worth to total capital净值对资产总额比率
realized capital变现资本
recouping the capital outlay收回投资
recovered civil works capital rest value回收土建资产余值
reduction of legal capital法定资本的减少
reevaluation of capital资金重估
refuge capital逃避资金
registered capital已注册资本
regulations on administration for environmental protection of capital construction of nuclear power plant核电站基本建设环境保护管理法规
residual value in capital investment投资残值
revolving times of circulating capital流动资金周转次数
risk capital冒险资本
risk capital承担风险的投资
rolling capital经营成本
rolling capital经营资金
Roman Corinthian capital罗马考林辛柱头
Roman Doric capital罗马陶立克式柱头
round capital圆形柱头
schedule of turnover rate of circulating capital流动资金周转率计算
scroll-shaped capital旋涡形柱顶
second capital陪都
segmentation of sources and utilization of capital划分资金来源用途
self-hold capital自有资金
self-same capital同一个资本
shortage of capital资金短少
short-term capital gain短期资金收益
simple capital structure简单资本结构
social overhead capital社会分摊资本
social overhead capital社会总资本
social replacement capital社会的补偿资本
spare capital闲散资金
special capital专用资金
split capital分割资本
stated capital申报股本
statutory capital法定资本
stiff-leaf capital密叶饰柱顶
stiff-leaf capital密叶饰柱帽
stocking capital储备资金
stocking capital quota储备资金定额
sum load of current capital流动资金全额贷款
surplus on appreciation of capital assets固定资产增值盈余
temporary foreign capital短期外资
the capital obtained from insurance of government bonds国债资金
tie-up capital呆滞资本
trade capital营业资本
turnover days of circulating capital流动资金周转天数
turnover of net working capital净运用资本周转率
turnover ratio of gross and net working capital运营资本总额及净额周转率
Tuscan capital托斯卡式柱帽 (古罗马)
tying up capital备用资金
tying-down of capital资金积压
uncalled capital未缴股本
uncalled capital未收股款
unpaid up capital account未付资本账 (目)
unproductive projects in capital construction生产性基本建设
unsubscribed capital stock未认购股本
urban capital diagram市区现状图
usage factor of capital资本金利用率
variable money-capital可变货币资本
vaulting capital拱顶扁倚柱头
vaulting capital穹隆柱顶
vaulting capital支持穹隆的柱顶
venture capital投资 (资本)
venture capital投入的资本
venture capital冒险投资
venture capital investment风险投资
venture capital of new technology新技术风险投资
vested capital投入资本
vested capital已投资本
volatile capital flows不规则的资本流动
volume index of capital investment投资物量指数
wage capital可变资本
wall pier capital墙墩柱头
wear and tear allowance of capital资本损耗设备抵
weighted cost of capital加权资本成本
working capital生产资金
working capital生产资本
working capital经营流动资金
working capital loan流动资金放款
working capital ratio流动资金比率
working capital reserves流动资金准备
working capital turnover流动资本周转 (率)
working capital turnover time流动资本周转时间
working fund for capital construction基本建设周转金
years in return of capital investment投资回收年限
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