
Terms for subject Business containing cancellations | all forms
automatic cancellation自动作废制
automatic cancellation of the contract合同自动解除即买卖合同中的不可抗力条款规定,如发生不可抗力事故,合同即自动解除
broker's cancellation clause经纪人取消保险单条款
broker's cancellation clause经纪人取消保单条款
cancellation as per contract by the company公司单方面解约
cancellation as per contract by the representative业务代表单方解约
cancellation charge注销费
cancellation charges销号费
cancellation clause租船合同中撤销契约条款
cancellation clause解约条款
cancellation clause保車注销条款
cancellation completed signal已销号信号
cancellation fee注销费
cancellation law of multiplication乘法消去律
cancellation network补偿网络
cancellation of a call取消通话
cancellation of a call销号
cancellation of a lost instrument注销遗失票据
cancellation of a lost instrument遗失票据作废注销
cancellation of an agreement撤销协议
cancellation of balances of accounts余额转账
cancellation of bill of exchange汇票注销
cancellation of booking注销登记
cancellation of debt注销债务
cancellation of future performance撤销未到期合同
cancellation of indebtedness免除债务
cancellation of insurance退保
cancellation of lost instruments注销遗失票据
cancellation of offer撤回发盘
cancellation of purchase contract取消购买合同
cancellation of registration注销登记
cancellation of the policy退保注销
cancellation of treaty注销条约
cancellation without notice by the company公司未先通知即自行解约
cancellation without notice by the representative业务代表未先通知即自行解约
compensation for cancellation of contracts解除合同补偿费
hand in business licence for cancellation缴销营业执照
hand in one's business licence for cancellation缴销营业执照
hiring cancellation租金取消
hiring cancellation取消雇用
mark down cancellation降价取消
mark down cancellation取消减价
notice of cancellation of anniversary date周年期满发注销通知
period of the cancellation注销合同通知期
pro rata cancellation保险按比例注销
surplus from cancellation of stock销股盈余
withdrawn provisional cancellation notice撤回的临时注销通知
written cancellation notice书面注销通知
written provisional cancellation notice书面临时注销通知