
Terms for subject Dentistry containing can | all forms | exact matches only
A toothbrush can not properly clean all the plaque from these grooves刷牙并不能清除所有沟裂内的菌斑
An immediate denture can be inserted on the same day of the tooth extraction拔牙的当天就可以有一个即刻义齿的戴入
Bad breath can be caused by gum diseases牙龈疾病可以引起口腔异味
Can you charge it to your organization?单位给您报销吗?
Can you chew properly?您能正常的咀嚼吗?
Can you describe the pain?您能描述一下您的疼痛吗?
Can you return on Monday next week?下周一您能来复诊吗?
Can you see the red stains on your teeth?您看见牙齿红染的地方了吗?
Can you see the redness in your gums?您看见您的牙龈很红了吗?
Can you tell me average pattern of your bushing your teeth?您怎么刷牙?
Can you tell me more about it?能描述一下您的症状吗?
Can you wait for twenty minutes?您能等二十分钟吗?
Dental caries can be prevented with a combination of home care and professional care龋病可以通过家庭和专业的护理来预防
Fluoride can increase the hardness of the tooth surface, decrease the acid solubility of the enamel and inhibit the growth of bacteria氟化物能增加牙齿的硬度,降低酸溶解牙釉质的能力和抑制细菌生长
Fluoride is good to tooth remineralization and can help the saliva to repair the demineralized enamel氟化物有利于牙齿的再矿化,帮助唾液修复脱矿的牙釉质
How can we help you?我能为您做什么?您有什么事吗?
I will put a red color liquid on your teeth so that we can see the sugar bugs我将用红色的液体涂抹你的牙齿以便我们能看到牙虫
Is there any thing we can do for you?我能为您做什么?您有什么事吗?
It depends on the result of the examination, whether you can have implant treatment or not您是否适合种植牙治疗取决于检査结果
It is not a deep cavity, and can be filled easily这个龋洞并不深,很容易被充填
Plaque can be removed by effective tooth brushing and dental flossing有效的刷牙和使用牙线可以去除菌斑
The acid can eat a cavity in the tooth酸可以把你的牙齿弄个洞出来
The chipped tooth can be restored easily预备好的牙很容易被修复
The crown can be made completely after one week牙冠一星期之后做好
The metal plate denture is very expensive. It is not only tough and thin, but also can conduct the temperature of the food金属基托义齿很贵,但它比较结实且厚度较薄,能传导食物的温度
The plastic plate denture is cheap, but it will be thicker than the metal plate denture and you can't feel the temperature of food as well as with the metal one塑料基托义齿相对便宜,但它较金属基托厚,您不能像戴金属基托义齿那样很好的感觉食物的温度
These grooves can be protected by a hard plastic coating called pit and fissure sealant可以用窝沟封闭剂来保护沟裂
This denture can be repaired这个义齿可以修理
Unfortunately, I can't conserve this tooth because of the abscess around the root tip很不幸,由于这颗牙根尖有脓肿,所以我们不能保留它
We can bleach the tooth我们可以漂白牙齿
We can make an immediate denture我们可以制作一个即刻义齿
What can I do for you?我能为您做什么?您有什么事吗?
What can make the pain relieved?怎样能缓解疼痛呢?
You can eat about an hour after extraction but please chew on the other side of extraction and eat soft food, And avoid eating hard, hot and spicy food一小时后您可以用对侧吃些软食,不要吃硬的、热的和辛辣的食物
You can remove the plaque with a tooth brush and dental floss, but you can't remove the calculus您可以用牙刷和牙线清除菌斑,但是清除不了牙结石
You can't clean the teeth effectively when there are deep pockets当存在深牙周袋时您无法有效清洁牙齿