
Terms for subject General containing camera | all forms | exact matches only
advanced vidicon camera system先进光导摄象管摄影系统
"all in one" camera万能〔多用途〕电视摄像机
Baker-Nann Camera贝克-南恩摄像机一种用来观测人造卫星的摄像机
bomb strike camera轰炸摄像机
boresight-motion-picture camera瞄准式电影摄影机
camera angle观察角
camera angle摄像机物镜视角
camera-cable corrector摄像机电缆校正器
camera eye像照相机似的眼睛
camera eye过目不忘的人
camera eye摄像机取景孔
camera film scanner电视电影摄像机
camera framework镜箱架
camera gun空中照相枪
camera gun空中摄影〔照像〕枪
camera gun摄像枪
camera gun照相枪飞机上记录空战实况用的
camera hood摄像机遮光罩
camera lens镜头
camera lineary test摄像机图像线性试验
camera man摄影〔摄像〕员
camera masking摄像机镜头罩
camera mixing电视摄像机信号混合
camera pulse摄像机输出信号
camera pulse摄像脉冲
camera reportage图片报导
camera reporting摄像机转播剧目
camera shot取镜头
camera shot摄像机拍摄
camera switching取镜头
camera switching摄像机取镜头
camera switching电视摄像机转换
camera switching电视摄像机转〔切〕换
camera target-plate element摄像管靶面象素
camera tripod照〔摄〕像机三角架
camera-waveform monitor摄像机波形监视器
camera work摄影工作〔技术,操作〕
cinematograph camera电视摄影机
Could you show me this camera?可以让我看看这款相机吗?
electroplane camera光电透镜摄像机
Excuse me, I wonder if I can get a digital camera不好意思,我想知道可不可以租个数码相机
Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp.费尔切耳德照相机与仪器公司
fisheye camera水下摄像机
fisheye camera水中〔鱼眼式〕照相机
four vidicon camera四光导管彩色摄像机
hot camera在拍摄的摄像机
I had to pay customs duty on my new camera我必须给新照相机交关税
I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it我把手提包弄丢了。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用卡
I've got some money, my camera and some presents for my family我随身携带了一些钱、相机,还有一些给家人的礼物
Japan Camera Industrial Standard日本照相机工业标准
live colour camera实况转播彩色电视摄像机
motion analysis camera运动分析摄象机
multiplane camera动画摄影机
on camera电视机正在放送电视信号
on camera出现在电视上
on camera被电视机摄取
Radio Corp. of America camera美国无线电公司〔生产的〕摄象机
reticule camera制板 〔网线〕照相机
serial plate camera连续硬片摄影机
sound camera光学录音机
sound camera电影录音摄影机
studio camera演播室摄像机
studio camera摄影室用照相机
telephoto camera远距照相机
texture camera织构照相机
That newscaster is a showboat. She wants to be on camera all the time那新闻播报员是一个爱现的人,她随时想上镜头
The camera panned slowly across to the door镜头慢慢摇向门口
The director sweated out a camera angle with the cinematographer导演和电影摄影师好不容易才对好了拍摄角度
thread a camera为照相机装胶片
Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph拍照时照相机不要晃
turret-front camera镜头转盘式摄影机
very luminous camera大集光度的照相机