
Terms for subject Economy containing call | all forms | exact matches only
a margin call增加保证金的通知
a notice of a call催交股款通知书
a notice of a call催款通知
a reversed charge call受话人付费长途电话
a station-to-~ call对站长途电话
a will call预订售货
a will call预定零售部
additional call增加保险费
advance call垫款预支保险费
amount subject to call可以随时收回的金额
An important part of a secretary's job is dealing with incoming calls秘书工作的一个重要部分是处理打进来的电话
an outward call发出催缴通知
an overnight call loan日拆
an overnight call loan隔日贷款
an uncommercial call非商用通话
As our clients are pressing us for prompt delivery, we have to call on you to void by the agreement由于我方客户催促迅速交货,务请你方按协议办事
at call通知收回
at call随时可以收回的贷款
at call随时偿付在银行同业拆息市场上的交易,表明贷款偿付条件按贷款人要求随时偿付
At this juncture n., we would like to call your attention to the terms agreed upon此刻,我方愿请你方注意议定的条件
call a case传审案件
call a strike发动罢工
call arrears of rent收回催付欠租
call away转移 (某人的思想)
call away把…叫到别处去
call-back回收 (指厂商收回新发现有缺点的商品)
call back取消 (声明等)
call back收回 (意见等)
call back pay加班费
call deposit通知存款 (提取时须先行通知银行)
call for a readjustment in pricing价格标定需做调整
call for bid招标
call for bids on招标
call for share capital筹集股本
call in收回 (贷款、欠账、旧币等)
call in loan收回债款
call-in pay出勤到工但无工作可做的工作日工资
call in question某人的正直、 名誉等表示怀疑 (one's integrity, honour, etc.)
call loan透支贷款
call loan dealers's bill短期贷款票据
call loan market短期拆放市场
call loan market短期放款市场
call market短期贷款市场
call money通知放款
call sb names谩骂某人
call of more包括追加权一起购入
call on对… 催付
call on拜访
call option买证券或期货的权利
call option on preferred stock优先股票的购买权
call or more要求添加
call pay最低保证工资 (被迫停工时)
call premium提前偿还债券贴水
call price收回价格
call privilege收回权利
call provision on bonds债券条款提前兑回
call report财政报告
call report美国金融当局每年要求银行提供的报表
call stock market turns预测股票市场涨落的变化
call to account责骂
call to account斥责
call to account要求说明
call-up capital已缴股本
call value折款
call value透支的放款
calls in advance预先催缴股款
calls in arrears逾期未付的催缴股款
club calls保赔协会收的保险费
club calls保赔协会通知付款书
collect call受话人付费长途电话
cum call附催缴款通知单
cum call附有催缴款项通知单
day call日拆 (息)
European call option欧洲方式的证券买进约定
first call第一次催交股款
fixed time call定时电话
have the call of the market市场兴旺
He felt obliged to call off the agreement他觉得必须取消该协议
junction call郊区通话
junk call垃圾电话
junk call拉生意的电话
margin call增收保证金
margin call补充保证金通知
member bank call report会员银行财政报告
messenger call传呼电话
money at call流动资金
money at call随时可提取的存款
money at call随时可支取或收回的款项
money not at call先期通知才可提取的存款
money on call临时借款
money on call通知放款
notice of call催款通知
One of the terms of the agreement calls for punctuality of the payment of the rent本协议的条款之一要求如期支付租金
overnight call loan一夜贷款
overnight call loan隔日贷款
overnight call loan隔日借款
overnight call money过夜贷款
overnight call money隔日贷款
paid call预付长途电话费
Party A shall have the right to call to the attenuation of Party B甲方有权提请乙方注意
person-to-~ call指名受话人长途电话 (受话人通话时才开始计收费)
port of call停靠地
port of call停靠口岸
port of call停靠【暂停】港
private call私人电话
pull-and-call price根据任意买卖契约所定的牌价 (交易所用语)
rate of call短期折息率
rate of call通知存款利率
regular call income经常会费收人
regular call income经常会费收入
shipment on call随通知随装运
stock calls股票购买权
supply call-forward供货请求简写为SCF
The board of directors of the new corporation made a call for cash yesterday新公司董事会昨天提出了支付现金的要求
the liberty to call有权靠岸
The salesman plans to make seven calls next week该外销员计划下周拜访客户7次
the savings at call通知储蓄存款
The ship will call at your port the day after tomorrow后天,该轮船将在贵方港口停靠
the supervisor call管理程序调入
the unscheduled call意外停靠
the unscheduled call意外停泊
The wording of the contract calls for amendment合同的措词需要修改
This might damage the reputation of our company and calls for special treatment这事有可能损害公司声誉,需特别处理
trunk call长途电话
unscheduled call意外停港
We must call in a financial expert to advise us我们必须聘请一位金融专家帮助我们
will-call sales预订零售部的销售