
Terms for subject Business containing call | all forms | exact matches only
abandon call and retry挂断并重新拨号
advance call预支保险费
agendum call card待议事项调用卡
amount subject to call待催缴金额
at call短期贷款
at call按通知指在短期贷款协议中约定,债权人可在到期前,通知借款人还款
bank call银行传唤
bank call美国政府要求各银行公布财务报表的报账通知
banker's call rate银行活期贷款利率
banker's call rate要求各行报告贴现率通知
bond subject to call易于收税的债券
book a call挂发电话
book phototelegraph call挂发传真电报
booked call挂发电报
booked phototelegraph call挂发传真电报记账
booking of telex calls用户电报挂号
booking telex call挂发用户电报
broadcast call广播通报
call a strike发起罢工
call account呼叫账户
call account coding呼叫账号
call analysis访问顾客分析
call arrears of rent收回欠租
call back招回临时解雇工人
call back与顾客再会晤
call back收回产品进行修理
call-back pay加班费
call back pay加班工资
call bell叫人铃
call birds媒鸟低价出售某一产品,吸引顾客来店购买其它高价商品
call birds廉价招徕
call book催缴股款簿
call booked by pre-arrangement预约挂号
call box公共电话亭
call broker通知贷款经纪人
call capital催缴资本
call charged to another number第三者付款电话
call compensation误通知上班补偿金
call cost通报费用
call cost通话费用
call credit商品取回信贷
call delayed system等待损失制
call deposit活期存款
call deposit通知存款
call for arrears催缴欠款
call for bide递价
call for capital筹集股份资本
call for capital筹资
call for fund集资
call for fund招股
call for fund筹集基金
call for interview安排面谈
call for orders港序
call for orders要求订货
call for share capital招募股本
call in引入
call in advance预收催缴资本
call in arrears催缴延付欠款
call in arrears催交延时股款
call in arrears延付催缴股款
call in debt收回债款
call-in pay到工但无工可做工作日工资
call in question提出异议
call information service呼叫查询服务
call list调用表
call loan bond活期放款合约
call loan broker短期拆放经纪人
call loan dealers bill短期票据
call loan market活期放款市场
call loan panic活期放款恐慌
call loan rate通知放款利率
call loan secured活期抵押贷款
call loan secured短期同行抵押拆借
call loan transaction活期拆放往来
call loans拆借资金
call market拆借市场
call market活期贷款市场
call market短期同行拆借市场
call money拆借款
call money拆放款
call money活期借款
call money and discount market短期拆放和贴现市场
call money market活期放款市场
call number图书编目号初
call of more option多购选择权即付费获得购买选择权的买主,到期购买证券时,如本人要求,可购买多于原订数两倍的证券,称为多购选择权
call off order按需交货订单指买方按其需要要求卖方交付定单数量内的部分货物的一种订货方式
call-of-more option加倍买入选择权
call on hand预约挂号
call on shareholder催交股款
call on shareholder向认股人要求缴付股款
call on waiting list预约挂号
call option on preferred stock优先股票购买选择权
call options购买期权指以一定代价取得的,在限期内按一定价格和数量购买商品或股票的权利,到期是否购买,可由买主选择,称购买选择权
call options购买选择权
call options on preferred stock优先股票购买选择权
call-over system证券交易所喊叫制
Call-over system交易所喊价制指交易员在公开交易中喊出卖出或买入价,以便达成交易
call premium提前兑回溢价指债券发行人提前购回债券,其购回价高于债券面值的差额,为兑回溢价
call premium on bonds债务赎回溢价
call premium on bonds债券提前兑回溢价
call price债券提前兑回价格
call privacy私人通话
call privilege赎回权利
call privilege赎回权
call privilege兑回权利
call protection对催缴债券的保护
call provision bonds提前回收赎回债券条款指债券发行协议中的回收条款,发行人可视债券市场利率形势,趁利率下跌提前兑回,以避免损失
call provision on bonds债券提前赎回
call rate拆借利率
call rate短期拆息率
call rate通知放款利率
call recording & storage用户信息记录
call report要求提供报表
call report催款报告
call secured loan通知担保贷款
call slip领料〔请拨〕 单
call to account要求解释
call turnover短期拆放周转率
call up提出
call-up capital已催缴股本
call-up capital催缴股本
calls in arrears拖欠催缴资本
calls in arrears催缴延付欠款
cancel the call without charge免费退号
cancellation of a call取消通话
cancellation of a call销号
carried forward call预约挂号
cash call筹集现金
chargeable call收费通话
Club call保赔协会通知付款书
cold call意外访问
commercial call商务通话
conference-call installation会议电话设备
conference call service会议电话业务
cost per call接洛费用
credit call信用卡记账电话
credit-card call信用卡电话
cum call附催缴款项通知单
cum call催缴款项通知单
day call按日贷款
dealer in money at call银行可以随时通知收回贷款的经纪人
debit at call一经通知即可收还的债务
deposit at call即期存款即随时可提取的存款
deposits at call即期存款
disannul a call销号
distress call遇难信号
house of call通知送货公司
house of call定购货物的送货者商行
immediate call紧急电话
individual call私人电话
initial call初期保费
interest on call通知借款利息
international call国际电话
international interbank call rate国际银行同业间拆放利率
leave word call留言电话
liberty to call有权靠港
local call charging市内通话计费
long-distance international call国际长途电话
maintenance margin call维持保证金通知
margin call交纳保证金通知
mid-day call交纳当天保证金通知
money at call and short notice临时与短期资金指英国商业银行发放的不超过 14 天的贷款
money at call and short notice银行临时性短期通知放款
notice of a call催缴款通知
on call随时可支取的
on-call time pay待命时间工资
option to call限额预托买进
order call ratio订货拜访比率
overnight call loan日拆
overnight call loan一夜借款
overnight call loan隔夜货款
overseas call国际电话
paid call已付长途电话费
personal call点名长途电话
person-to person call指名受话人长途电话
port of call泊港
price of call按合同规定牌价
put and call股票出售与购买选择权 (option)
put and call买卖股票期权
put and call option卖出和买入选择权按给予者或持有者的意愿授予卖出和买入的双重权利的期权
put and call option卖出和买入期权
puts and calls买卖股票期权
rate of call拆息率
refer to my telephone call参照我方通话
reference to my telephone call参照我方通话
reversed charge call对方付费电话
roll call点名时间
roll call点名
safety of life telex call人命安全用户电报
service call服务要求
street call loan临时同行拆借
supplemental calls追加股款
supplementary calls增收保险费
transferred charge call受话人付费长途电话
trouble call故障信号
uncommercial call非商用通话
unconditional call loan无条件通知放款
unconditional call money无条件通知款项
will call预定零售部
will-call sales预定销售
yield in call通知赎券收益率
yield to call至通知赎券收益率