
Terms for subject Sports containing call | all forms | exact matches only
As you do not take part in engage in the competition, you are not allowed to come into the call room你不得进人检录处、因你与这次比赛无关
Attention please! Athlete No. come to the call room right now号运动员请注意!马上到检录处 (immediately)
bad call裁判错误的判罚
call a game裁判员宣布停止比赛
call a game宣布停赛
call area检录区
call area检录处
call off取消
call off a contest取消竞赛
call off the contest宣布停止比赛
call off the contest取消比赛
call one's own foul宣布自己犯规
call out the time动词词组报时注释:call out 原意是大声喊叫
call room检录区
call room judge检录员
call room manager检录主管
call the roll动词词组点名
call the roll of contestants检录
call the shot预计成功
call the shots控制
call the shots操纵
call the toss抽签时要硬币的某一面
call the toss选硬币面
call time宣布暂停
call time暂停比赛
call time报时间
call to quarters业余无线电爱好者相互通信前的讯号
come to the call room到检录处
customer call centre客户呼叫服务中心
first call第一次点名
last call最后一次点名
marker's call记分员的口令 (squash)
One phone call will also bring a fitness coach to your house, bringing all manner of fitness equipment with him打——个电话就可以把健身教练叫到家,他还随身带有各式各样的健身器材
second call第二次点名检查
second call第二次点名
The Call Room Judges shall ensure that advertising on clothing and athletes' bags must comply with IAAF Rules and Regulations检录裁判员应确保运动员服装和提包上的广告必须符合国际田联的规则和规定 (注释:1. advertising 广告通常作集合名词使用,是不可数名词;all advertising, a great deal of advertising; 2. 广告通常用 advertisement 是可数名词; 广告牌 bill board; 在报上登广告 place advertisements in the newspaper; 广告栏 columns of advertisements; 第二种用法在国际田联规则中很少见)
The Call Room Judges shall ensure that the number bibs are worn correctly检录裁判员应确保运动员正确佩戴号码布