
Terms for subject Pharmacology containing caffeine | all forms | exact matches only
aminopyrine and caffeine氨基比林咖啡因 (镇痛药)
anhydrous caffeine无水咖啡因 (咖啡因 (caffeine) 的别名;中枢兴奋药)
aspirin and caffeine阿司匹林-咖啡因
aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine复方阿司匹林 (解热镇痛药)
caffeine and sodium benzoate安息香酸钠咖啡因
caffeine and sodium benzoate苯甲酸钠咖啡因 (中枢兴奋药)
caffeine and sodium benzoate安钠咖
caffeine and sodium salicylate柳钠咖 (中枢兴奋药)
caffeine and sodium salicylate水杨酸钠咖啡因
caffeine citrate柠檬酸咖啡因 (中枢兴奋药)
caffeine citrate枸橼酸咖啡因
caffeine sodium benzoate安钠咖 (中枢兴奋药)
caffeine sodium benzoate苯甲酸钠咖啡因 (安钠咖 (caffeine and sodium benzoate) 的别名;中枢兴奋药)
Caffeine & Sodium Benzoate S.T.安钠咖 (安钠咖 (caffeine and sodium benzoate) 注射液商品名;中枢兴奋药)
chlorphenamine, paracetamol, caffeine and taurine对乙酰氨基酚复方 (解热镇痛药)
chlorphenamine, paracetamol, caffeine and taurine氯苯那敏-扑热息痛-咖啡因-人工牛黄
citrated caffeine枸橼酸咖啡因 (中枢兴奋药)
Ergolar Caffeine益可达咖啡因 (酒石酸麦角胺 (ergotamine tartrate) 片剂商品名;抗偏头痛药)
ergotamine and caffeine tablets麦咖片 (抗偏头痛药)
ergotamine and caffeine tablets麦角胺咖啡因片
ergotamine tartrate and caffeine酒石酸麦角胺-咖啡因
methyl caffeine四甲基黄嘌呤 (中枢兴奋药)
methyl caffeine甲基咖啡因
paracetamol and caffeine对乙酰氨基酚-咖啡因
paracetamol and caffeine tablets对乙酰氨基酚-咖啡因 (解热镇痛药)
paracetamol and caffeine tablets酚咖片
phenacetin, aspirin and caffeine非那西丁-阿司匹林-咖啡因 (解热镇痛药)
phenazone and caffeine citrate安替比林-枸橼酸咖啡因
phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride and caffeine盐酸苯丙醇胺-咖啡因
pyramidon, phenacetin and caffeine去痛片 (解热镇痛药)
pyramidon, phenacetin and caffeine氨非咖片
pyramidon, phenacetin and caffeine氨非咖 (解热镇痛药)
salicylamide, paracetamol, caffeine, phenylephrine and brompheniramine柳酚咖敏