
Terms for subject Business containing cable | all forms | exact matches only
aluminum cable steel reinforced钢芯铝线
brief cable摘要电报
brief cable摘要电报信用证摘要电报
cable address电挂
cable an offer血报报价报盘
cable cantilever bridge缆索悬臂桥
cable channel电缆通道
cable code电报密码包括外贸中使用的成语电码,专业电码,自编电码
cable communication电报通讯
cable company电报公司
cable conveyer缆索运输吊运机
cable credit电报传递信用证
cable credit L/C电传信用证即用电报开发的信用证
cable expenses电报费用
cable for communication通信电缆
cable head电缆分线箱
cable in code简电码
cable laying ship电缆敷设船
cable length缆长链
cable letter of credit电报信用证
cable merchant电报商指利用电报在进出口商之间作买卖的中间商
cable negotiation电报议付
cable negotiation电报议付指岀口商提供的发运单据与信用证条件不符时,由押汇行向开证行电询,弄清后再办押汇
cable number电报号码
cable rate电汇汇价
cable rate电汇费率
cable remittance电汇
cable reply电复
cable service电报查询业务
cable shopping电报购物
cable specification电报格式
cable system电报系统
Cable Television闭路电视
cable television customers闭路电视顾客
cable terminating network电缆终端网络
cable terminating unit电缆终端装置
cable TV闭路电视
cable unit电报股
cable & wireless limit电报限度
coaxial-cable carrier communication system同轴电缆载波通信系统
confirmation of cable电报证实书
deferred cable迟延电
double core rubber insulated lead sheathed and armoured cable双芯橡胶绝缘铅包铠装电缆
external cable室外天线
high capacitance cable大电容电缆
high capacity cable大电容电缆
I also made sure that each cable was labeled so that I could check it had been plugged back into the correct adapter我还确保每条线缆都加上了标签,这样便于确保把线缆插回正确的适配器
in reply to your cable关于贵方电报
international cable address国际电报挂号
large sized cable大容量电缆
L/C by brief cable简电开信用证
L/C by cable电开信用证
letter of credit by brief cable简电开信用证
long-distance cable长途通信电缆
make a cable offer电报报盘
non-metallic sheathed cable非铠装电缆
ordinary cable平电
our cable我电
our cable敝电
postal telegraph cable邮政电报、海底电报
preliminary cable简要电报
prestress cable预应力钢索
quad cable四心电缆
re your cable参照贵电
re your cable关于你方电报
refer to our cable参照我方电报
refer to your cable参照贵电
reference to our cable参照我方电报
reference to your cable参照贵电
referring to our cable参照我方电报
referring to your cable参照贵电
We can supply cable insulators of all types and sizes. Our products are much admired in the world market我方能供应各种电缆绝缘件。我们的产品在国际市场很受欢迎
wire cable钢索
your cable贵方来电
your cable你方电报