
Terms for subject Commerce containing c. & f | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
C & F C3% London3%佣金
C & F C3% London成本加运费伦敦价
C & F liner terms成本加运费班轮条件价
C & F... named port of destination指定目的港的成本加运费价
If the goods are sold "C & F Landed", unloading costs, including lighterage and wharfage charges, are borne by the seller如果货物按"成本加运费并卸到岸上"出售,卸货费其中包括驳运费和码头捐,应由卖方负担
The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼
The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London伦敦交货的订单
The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London卖方接到伦敦一位买主按 CIF 条件
USD 20 per dozen C & f London每打20美元成本加运费伦敦价