
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing by | all forms | exact matches only
agreement by piece计件制
agreement by piece计件契约
air entrapped by stream注流卷人的空气
air pollution by lead大气铅污染铅害
air pollution by smoke烟气污染
air pollution by smoke大气烟害
analysis by apparatus仪器分析
analysis by elutriation淘析法分析
analysis by meter仪器分析
attack by corrosion腐蚀作用
ball growth by assimilation生球团同化长大
ball growth by assimilation球团坯同化长大
ball growth by assimilation生球同心长大
ball growth by coalescence生球聚结长大
ball growth by layering生球成层长大
batching by volume体积配料法
batching by weight重量配料法
bath stirred by bubbling argon through a porous plug多孔塞吹氩搅拌的熔池 【钢水池】
blow by气体漏出
blow by漏气
bonding by diffusion【团】扩散连接
bonding by diffusion扩散连接
bonding by melting and solidifying熔凝连接
bonding by pressing加压连接
bonding by slag【团】 渣相连接
bonding by slag渣相连接
breakouts by caster按单台连铸机统计的漏钢次数
breakouts by type按类型统计的漏钢次数
breakouts by year按年统计的漏钢次数
broadening of reflection by horizontal divergence水平发散引起的反射增宽
broadening of reflection by vertical divergence竖向发散引起的反射增宽
by-product ammonia副产氨
by-product coke副产焦
by-product coke oven有副产品的焦炉
by-product fume副产烟气
by-product fume副产烟雾
by-product gas副产煤气
by-product mineral副产矿物
by-product coke oven副产炼焦炉
by-product plant副产品回收装置
by-product process副产法
by-product process副产品回收工艺
by-product process【焦】 副产烁焦法
by-product recovery副产物回收
by-product recovery equipment副产品回收设备
by-product recovery process副产品回收工艺
by-product recovery unit副产品回收设备
by-product silver副产银
cadmium plating by barrel method滚镀法镀镉
call by value代入值
call by value赋值
carbon control by thermal arrese凝点定碳
carbon control by thermal arrese结晶定碳
carbon control by thermal arrese液线定碳
carbon control by thermal arrest凝点定碳
carbon control by thermal arrest结晶定碳
carbon control by thermal arrest液线定碳
carbon pick-up induced by powder保护渣导致的增碳 (【技】连铸时,结晶器内的含碳保护渣与钢水接触导致的增碳。)
carburizing by molten salt熔盐渗碳
carburizing by molten salt盐浴渗碳
carburizing by molten salts盐浴渗碳
carburizing by molten salts熔盐渗碳
carburizing by solid matter固体渗碳剂渗碳增碳
carburizing by solid matters固体渗碳剂渗碳
casting by squeezing模压铸造
cementation by gases气体渗碳 (法)
cementation by gases气体渗碳
cementation by gases气体沉淀置换 (法)
cementation by gases气体沉淀置换
charging by batches分批装料
charging of layers one by one【团】逐层装料
charging of layers one by one逐层装料
checking by blueing氧化色检验
checking by bluing氧化色检验
chlorination by sulphur chlorideS2Cl2氯化
chlorination by sulphur chloride氯化硫氯化
chlorination by valency change变价氯化法
chute by-pass旁通溜槽
chute by-pass分支溜槽
circulation by gas lift degassing喷气循环真空脱气法
circulation by gas lift degassing双管循环真空脱气法
circulation by gas lift degassing双管循环真空除气法
circulation by gas lift degassing循环真空脱气法
circulation by induction degassing磁感应循环真空脱气法
circulation by induction degassing磁感循环真空脱气法
cladding by rolling轧制复合 (【技】利用轧制压力使两块或多块同种或异种钢板结合在一起形成复合板带材的生产方法。)
cladding by rolling轧制包覆法
classification by screening筛分分级
coal charging by ramming【焦】捣固装煤
coinage by powder metallurgy粉末冶金法制造的硬币
coinage by powder metallurgy粉末冶金法制硬币
coke by-products炼焦副产品
coke made by modern coke oven机焦
colouring by tempering回火着色
compacting by centrifuging离心压塑
compacting by extrusion挤压成型
compacting by extrusion挤压压塑
compacting by rolling轧辊压制
compacting by rolling轧制成型
compaction by double action双效压制
compaction by double action双向压制
compaction by double action二向压制
compaction by double action双效压塑
compaction by layers分层填土夯实
compaction by single action单效压制
compaction by single action单向压制
compaction by single action单效压塑
composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling密封吹氩成分调整
composition adjustment by sealed argon bubblingCAS 法 (【技】一种通过钢包密封吹氩、合金成分微调对钢水进行炉外精炼的方法。该法的主要优点是通过钢包吹氩,使钢水成分、温度均匀;进行成分微调,提高合金收得率;消除钢中夹杂,提高钢水纯净度。)
composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling密封吹氩成分调整
Composition Adjustment by Sealed Argon Bubbling Cassel process卡斯儿表面化学热处理法 (用于提高钢制零件的耐磨性)
composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling with oxygen blowing processCAS-OB 法
composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling with oxygen blowing process吹氧提温 CAS 法
composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling-oxygen blowing processCAS-OB 法
composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling-oxygen blowing process吹氧提温 CAS 法
concentration by liquid-solid adsorption液固吸附富集
concentration by precipitation沉淀富集
concentration by volume体积浓度
concentration by weight重量浓度
condensation by contact接触冷凝
consolidation by vibration震动固结
consolidation cast metal by deformation金属铸件变形致密化
consolidation of cast metal by deformation金属铸件变形致密化
consolidation of molybdenum by arc-melting钼的弧熔凝固
consolidation of molybdenum by powder metallurgy practice钼的粉冶熔凝
contamination by atmospheric gases大气污染
contamination by atmospheric gases空气污染
contamination by BF smoke高炉烟尘污染
contamination by coal ash沾染煤烟
contamination by coal ash煤灰污染
contamination by effluent污水污染
contamination by effluent废液污染
contamination by smoke from steel plant钢厂烟尘污染
contamination by steelworks dust钢厂尘埃污染
contamination by waste gas废气污染
contamination by waste oil废油污染
continuously cast steel production by world countries or regions世界各国或地区连铸钢产量
converter lining protection by slag splashing转炉溅渣护炉
converter lining protection technology by slag splashing【钢】转炉溅渣护炉技术
converter relining by robot转炉机器人换衬
cooling by embedding in sand砂冷
cooling by embedding in sand砂中冷却
cooling by embedding in sand埋砂冷却
cooling by radiation辐射冷却
cooling technique by laminar flow层流冷却技术
cooling technique by water curtain水幕冷却技术
corrosion by ammonia氨水腐蚀
corrosion by ammonia氨腐蚀
corrosion by molten metal熔融金属侵蚀
corrosion by molten metals熔态金属腐蚀
corrosion by molten slag熔渣腐蚀
corrosion by oxygen氧气腐蚀
corrosion by oxygen腐蚀
corrosion by seawater海水腐蚀
corrosion by steam蒸汽腐蚀
corrosion by vanadium pentoxide五氧化二钒侵蚀
corrosion by vanadium pentoxide氧化钒腐蚀
corrosion of basic refractory by acid slag酸性渣对碱性耐材的侵蚀
crude steel production by world countries and regions世界各国或地区粗钢产量。
curing by ponding池养护
current efficiency determination by copper dilution加铜稀释法测定电流效率
damage by air pollution大气污染造成的损害
damage by air pollution大气污染损害
damage by converter smoke转炉烟尘造成的损害
damage by living organisms微生物污染损害
damage by noise pollution噪声污染损害
damage by noise pollution噪声伤害
damage by vibration振动损害
damage by vibration振动伤害
damping by friction摩擦减震
decarbonization by oxygen-blowing【钢】 吹氧脱碳
defect generation by moving dislocations运动位错产生的缺陷
degasification by evacuation抽真空脱气
degasification by evacuation抽空脱气
degasification by vibration振动脱气
degassing by argon injection into ladle钢包吹氩脱气
degassing by melting【钢】 熔化脱气
degassing by reladling倒包脱气 (法)
degassing pit by vacuum真空脱气坑
degradation by heating加热碎裂
degradation by humidification潮湿粉化
degradation by rapid cooling急冷碎裂
degradation by reduction【团】还原碎裂
degradation by reduction还原粉化
degradation by reduction还原碎裂
degradation by vibration振动碎裂
delivery by rail铁路交货
deoxidation by diffusion间接脱氧法
deoxidation by diffusion【钢】 扩散脱氧
deoxidation by diffusion扩散脱氧
descaling by induction heating感应加热除鳞
descaling by induction heating感应加热热爆除鳞
desulfurization by BF slag高炉渣脱硫
desulfurization by liquid slag熔渣脱硫
desulphurization by bell-jar process钟罩脱硫法 (【技】将脱硫剂放人专门钟罩内插人铁水中进行脱硫的铁水预脱硫方法。)
desulphurization by Kanbara reactor机械搅拌法脱硫 (【技】铁水进人炼钢炉前在铁水罐中加人脱硫剂的同时,插人高铝质耐火浇注料搅拌器进行机械搅拌的铁水预脱硫法,亦称 KR 法。其优点是可以将铁水中的硫降到极低程度,是铁水脱硫的重要方法之一。该脱硫法由日本新日铁广田制铁所于1965年研制成功并应用于工业生产。)
desulphurization by reladling倒包脱硫
desulphurization by shaking ladle摇包法脱硫 (【技】将装有铁水的铁水包放在摇动托架上,向包中加人脱硫剂,采用电动机摇动铁水包进行脱硫的方法。)
desulphurization of hot metal by powder injection铁水喷粉脱硫 (【技】以惰性气体或压缩空气为载气向铁水中喷射脱硫粉剂,以降低铁水含硫量的铁水预脱硫方法。)
determination by titration滴定测定 (法)
determination by titration滴定测定
dezincing by alkali-chloride fusion碱-氯化物法除锌
dezincing by oxidation氧化法除锌
dezincing by oxidation氧化脱锌
dezincing by oxidation氧化精炼锌法
dezincing by vacuum distillation真空蒸馏除锌法
dezincing by vacuum distillation真空蒸馏法除锌
directionality by extrusion挤压产生的方向性
disease caused by pollution环境污染导致的疾病
disease caused by pollution公害引起的疾病
distillation by indirect firing间接加热蒸馏
drainage by well points井点排水
drying by heating加热干燥
drying by microwave微波干燥
drying by vacuum真空干燥
dust cleaning by knocking振打清灰
dust cleaning by striking振打清灰
dynamic control water-distribution method by target strand surface temperature铸坯目标表面温度动态控制配水法
embrittlement by aging时效脆性
embrittlement by cold work冷加工脆性
emergence by-pass备用旁通管
emergency stand-by system事故备用系统
energy by chemical reaction化学反应能
energy by oxidation氧化能
enriching by equal falling等降富集
enriching by heavy suspension重悬浮液富集
enriching by screening筛选富集
enrichment by chemical process化学法富集
enrichment by physical process物理法富集
entrapped slag by vortexes旋涡卷人的渣
expansion caused by heat热膨胀
extracting vanadium from hot metal by converter转炉提钒 (【技】含钒铁水炼钢之前先用转炉将其中的钒氧化成钒渣分离岀来的铁水提钒工艺。)
extraction by leaching浸出萃取
extraction by organophosphorus acid有机磷酸萃取
film darkening by X-rays胶片被 X 射线感光
flow by gravity重力流动
flow by gravity自流
fractionation by adsorption吸附分离
fractionation by distillation蒸馏分离
fractionation by distillation分馏
fracture by fatigue疲劳断裂
fracture mode by cleavage解理断口样式
fracture mode by void formation空穴形成的断口样式
fracture mode by void formation空穴形成断口样式
friction by winding around drum【压】 缠绕卷筒时的摩擦
galvanizing by dipping热镀锌
galvanizing by dipping镀锌
gilding by dipping热浸镀金
grade demanded by customer用户需要的钢种
granulating slag by compressed air风淬钢渣粒化
green pellet growth by coalescence生球聚结长大
green pellet growth by layering生球成层长大
gripping by cone rope end锥形绳头夹持 (钢丝绳做破断拉力试验时试样的)
guard balanced by counterweight配重平衡导板
guard balanced by counter-weight配重【重锤】平衡的卫板
guard balanced by spring弹簧平衡导板
guard balanced by spring弹簧平衡的卫板
hardenable by heat treatment通过热处理可淬硬的
hardenable by heat treatment热处理可淬硬的
hardening by cooling冷却硬化
hardening by diffusion扩散硬化
hardening by isothermal heat-treatment等温热处理硬化
hardening by oil油淬 (火)
hardening by spinning旋转淬火
hardening by sprinkling喷雾淬火
hardening by sudden cooling急冷硬化淬火
hardening by water水淬 (火)
hardness by mutual indentation互压痕硬度
hardness by mutual indentation互压压痕硬度
health hazards by food contamination食品污染造成的公害
heat by collision碰撞热
heat by combustion燃烧热
heat by deformation变形热
heat by friction摩擦热
heat by reaction反应热
heat transfer by conduction传导传热
heat transfer by convection对流传热
heat transfer by radiation辐射传热
heat treatment by heat after rolling轧后余热处理
heavy element partitioning by extraction重元素萃取分离法
high-speed steel produced by ESR电渣重熔高速钢
high-temperature damage by radiation辐射高温危害
hot breakdown by extrusion热挤压开坯
hot breakdown by extrusion原始组织热挤压破坏
hot breakdown by extrusion热挤压破坏
hot breakdown by forging原始组织热锻破坏
hot breakdown by forging热锻造开坯
hot breakdown by forging热锻破坏
identification by diffraction analysis衍射分析相鉴定法
illuminated by polarized light偏振光照明的
illumination by white light白光照明
increase efficiency by downsizing staff减员增效
inorganic extraction by amine liquid胺溶液无机萃取
inspection by X-rayX 射线检验
intensity measurement by photographic method照相法强度测定
investment by a sole investor独资
iron oxide reduction by hydrogen氢还原铁氧化物 (【技】一般高炉煤气中的氢含量为2% -3%,主要来自鼓风湿分、焦炭有机氢和挥发分。高炉喷吹燃料,尤其是喷吹重油、天然气和高挥发烟煤后,煤气含氢量才明显增加。氢对氧的亲和力大于铁对氧的亲和力,因而可以从铁氧化物中夺取氧将铁还原。)
ladle refining by injection of powdered materials钢包喷粉精炼
ladle refining process by synthetic slag合成渣钢包精炼法 (【技】一种在钢包中加人非氧化性合成渣精炼钢水的工艺。它与钢包氩气搅拌相结合可以生产出成本低、纯度高的钢。)
layer-by-layer charging分层布料
layer-by-layer charging分层装料
layer-by-layer distribution分层布料
layer-by-layer melting逐层熔化
layer-by-layer melting of powder保护渣逐层熔化
leaching by agitation搅拌浸出
lining protection by rocking vessel摇炉护衬
loss by adhesion粘附损耗
loss by burning燃烧损失
loss by cropping切头尾损失
loss by evaporation蒸发损失
loss by radiation辐射损失
loss by roasting焙烧减量
loss by roasting焙烧损失
loss by slagging造渣损失
loss by splashing喷溅损失
magnetic structure analysis by neutron diffraction中子衍射法磁结构分析
management by objectives目标管理制度
Mannesmann inclusion detection by analysing surfboard曼内斯曼冲浪板形试样夹杂物超声波检测 (【技】铸坯夹杂物检测法之一。首先沿铸坯横截面方向截取一段铸坯试样,然后轧扁展宽,形如冲浪板,使其中的夹杂物被压扁伸长,以利后续的超声波检测。)
manufacture by powder metallurgy粉末冶金法生产
manufacture of iron and steel by fusion钢铁熔炼
metal loss by blowing operation of converter吹损 (【技】在转炉冶炼过程中,由于吹炼作业而造成的金属料损失。它包括化学吹损和机械吹损两部分。随转炉吨位、炉子类型、原料条件、所炼钢种、操作水平等情况的不同,转炉吹损有较大的差异。在通常情况下,复吹转炉的吹损低于顶吹转炉的吹损。)
metallic coating by hot dipping process热浸镀金属镀层
metallic coating by hot-dipping process热浸镀层
metallic coating by hot-dipping process镀金属法
modifying taper little by little锥度微调 (法: We have studied the optimum narrow face taper of mold with a target to minimize the cracks of cast product by modifying the taper little by little for various casting conditions and steel grades. 我们已经对结晶器窄面最佳锥度进行了研究,其目标是在不同的连铸条件和浇铸不同钢种的情况下,通过锥度微调法将铸坯裂纹降至最低。)
mold slag contamination by zirconia结晶器保护渣受氧化锆污染 (Loss of mold lubrication is due to improper mold slag properties for the casting conditions, erratic steel level control, inadequate mold powder application, mold slag contamination by zirconia or alumina, rapid casting speed increases, or excessively high superheat. 结晶器润滑丧失是由于:结晶器保护渣性能与连铸条件不适应,钢水面控制失稳,结晶器保护渣用量不足,结晶器保护渣受氧化锆或 Al₂O₃ 污染,拉坯速度提高过快或过高的过热度。)
motor speed regulation by frequency modulation变频调速
nickel coating by chemical catalytic reduction化学催化还原法镀镍
nickel plating by chemical reduction化学还原法镀镍
nickel-coating by chemical catalytic reduction化学催化还原法镀镰
No. of breakouts by type【连】 按类型统计的漏钢次数
nozzle clogging induced by inclusion deposition夹杂物沉积导致的水口堵塞
nozzle opening by oxygen lancing烧氧开浇
nozzle opening by oxygen lancing烧氧打开水口
number of breakouts by type【连】 按类型统计的漏钢次数
oil by-pass valve油旁路阀
opening by concentrated acid浓液分解法
opening by concentrated acid浓酸分解法
operation by hand人工操作
operation by hand手工操作
ore dressing by washing矿石洗选
oxidation by air用空气氧化
oxygen-blowing by side tuyere侧喷嘴吹氧
Pension payments by employer雇主支付的退休养老年金
percent by volume体积分数
percent by volume体积百分比
percent by weight重量分数
percent by weight重量百分比
piercing by electric arc电弧穿孔
piercing by thermal cutting热割穿孔
piercing by thermal cutting气割穿孔
plastic deformation by slip滑移引起的范性变形
plastic deformation by slip滑移引起的范性形变
pollution by particulates微粒污染
powder by condensation冷凝粉末
precipitation by electrolysis电解沉淀
preparation by magnetic separation磁选
preparation by screening筛选
preparation by washing洗选
produce and market all by oneself自产自销
product obtained by continuous casting铸坯
product obtained by continuous casting连铸生产的产品
product obtained by continuous casting连铸坯
promotion selling by advertisement广告促销
proportion by weight重量比
proportioning by volume体积配料 (法)
proportioning by volume容积配料 (法)
proportioning by weight重量配料 (法)
protection by metallic coating金属涂层保护
protection by metallic coating金属镀层保护
protection by oxide film氧化膜保护
protection by oxide films氧化膜保护
protection by paint and lacquer油漆和清漆涂层保护
protection by zinc coating镀锌层保护
purification by crystallization结晶净化
purification by diffusion扩散净化
purification by heat treatment热处理净化
purification by liquid extraction液体萃取提纯
purification by solvent extraction溶剂萃取净化
rate of weight gain by oxidation at elevated temperature高温氧化增重率
ratio by mass质量比
ratio by volume容积比
ratio by volume体积比
ratio by weight重量比
reaction by-product反应副产物
recovery by anion exchange阴离子交换回收
recovery by cation exchange阳离子交换回收
recovery by liquid-liquid extraction液-液萃取回收
reduction by atomic hydrogen用原子氢还原
reduction by carbon碳还原
reduction by carbon monoxide间接还原指高炉炼铁时氧化铁被一氧化碳还原成金属铁
reduction by carbon monoxide一氧化碳还原
reduction by CO间接还原
reduction by CO【铁】 间接还原
reduction by CO一氧化碳还原
reduction by-product还原副产物
reduction by thermal decomposition热离解还原
refinery by-product精炼厂副产物
refining by chlorination氯化精炼
refining by liquation熔析精炼
refining by redistillation重蒸馏精炼
refining pig iron by impulse atomization process脉动雾化法精炼生铁
refining technology by argon injection into ladle钢包吹氩精炼技术 (【技】将惰性气体 — 氩气吹人钢包中用以搅拌钢水,在钢水中形成大量气泡,将钢水中的有害气体带走,降低钢中气体的含量,促使钢水中夹杂物上浮去除,同时还可均匀钢水成分和温度分布,以利于钢水浇注。)
removal by burning烧除〔掉〕
removal by burning烧掉
removal by burning烧除
removal by filtration滤掉
removal by filtration滤除
removal by suction吸掉
removal by suction抽除
removal of alkalis by slag炉渣排碱 (【技】在高炉造渣过程中将炉料带人高炉的碱金属转人炉渣,并排出炉外的技术。炉渣排碱的目的是减少碱金属对高炉的危害,确保高炉顺行和长寿,从而获得良好的技术经济指标。)
removing alkalis by slag炉渣排碱
replacement ratio of coke by coal【铁】煤焦置换比
replacement ratio of coke by fuel【铁】燃料置换比 (【技】高炉冶炼中每喷人单位质量的燃料所能替代的焦炭量。)
replacement ratio of coke by oil油焦置换比
roasting by oxygen-enriched blast富氧鼓风焙烧
roll by guide借导卫板轧制
roll by guide借导卫板进行轧制
roll by hand人工喂送轧制
roll change by side-movable buggy小车横移换辊
roll changing by sleeve套筒式换辊
rust prevention by vapour phase inhibitors气相缓【防】蚀剂
rust prevention by vapour phase inhibitors气相抑制剂防锈
separation by crystallization结晶析出
separation by crystallization结晶分离
separation by displacement置换析出
separation by displacement置换分离
separation by distillation蒸馏分离
separation by electrolysis电解分离
separation by ion-exchange离子交换分离
separation by liquid-liquid extraction液-液萃取分离
separation by precipitation沉淀分离
sheathing by extrusion挤压包套
shroud sealing by argon长水口氩气密封
side-by-side横列式布置 (轧机机座的)
single crystal by zone melting区熔单晶
sintering by heating加热烧结
sintering by sinter strand带式烧结机烧结
sintering by volume diffusion体积扩散烧结
slab crack by rapid cooling during continuous casting速冷连铸板坯裂纹
slag coating by rocking vessel摇炉挂渣
slag entrapment by turbulence紊流卷渣
slag entrapment by vortexes旋涡卷渣
smelting by acid lined converter酸性转炉熔炼
smelting by acid slag酸性炉渣冶炼
smelting by top oxygen-blowing炉顶吹氧熔炼
stand-by coke storage备用焦炭料场
stand-by computer备用计算机
stand-by ladle备用钢包
stand-by sinter备用烧结矿
stand-by supply备用供给系统
steam heating by gravity重力式蒸汽供暖
steel grade demanded by customer用户需要的钢种
steel pipe made by spinning旋压钢管
steel plant by-product agglomeration钢铁厂废料造块 (法)
steel plant by-product agglomeration钢铁厂废料造块
steel plant by-product pellet钢铁厂废料球团
steel stream shrouding by argon sealing氩气密封钢流保护
steel tapping by slag skimming挡渣出钢 (【技】转炉结束吹炼或电弧炉氧化熔炼完成后,向钢包内放出钢水而把渣留在炉内的操作。随着炉外精炼的普及,挡渣出钢对于钢水的后续精炼更具有重要意义。目前常用的挡渣出钢方法有:挡渣球、挡渣塞、高压气挡渣、挡渣阀门等。)
steel treated by de ladle furnace直流钢包炉处理过的钢
steel tube made by spinning旋压钢管
steel vacuum treatment by reladling钢水倒包真空处理
steel-section by bending method弯制型钢
step-by-step method跨步焊法
step by step motor步进式电动机
step-by-step motor步进式电动机
step-by-step regulator步进调节器
step-by-step regulator阶式调节器
step-by-stepwelding method跨步焊法
strand edge heating by electromagnetic induction铸坯边棱电磁感应加热
strand edge heating by gas burner铸坯边棱煤气烧嘴加热
stream shrouding by shroud长水口钢流保护
strip by loop rolling活套轧制生产的带材
tapping by hot ladle红包出钢
tapping by multiple spouts多槽出钢
tapping by single spout单槽出钢
technology for protecting converter lining by slag splashing【钢】溅渣护炉技术
test by bending and unbending弯曲-反弯曲试验
test by bending and unbending弯曲—反弯曲试验
test by bending in opposite direction反向弯曲试验
test-by bending in-opposite direction反向弯曲试验
tundish lined by insulation board衬绝热板的中间包
turbine blades inspection by ultrasonics涡轮叶片超声波检验
warehouse stand-by pump仓库备用泵
weight by volume容重
weight by volume单位体积重量
welding by both sides双面焊
welding by forging锻接
welding by forging锻焊
welding by one side单面焊
X-ray analysis by powder photographs粉末照相法X射线分析
zone melting by electrical discharge放电加热区域熔炼
zone refining by solar太阳能区域精炼
zone refining by solar energy太阳能区域精炼
zone-melting by electrical discharge放电加热的区域熔炼
zone-refining by solar radiation太阳能辐射区域精炼
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