
Terms for subject Finances containing by | all forms | exact matches only
accommodate by accepting time通融接受远期信用证
accounting by EDP会计工作电子计算机化 (electronic data processing)
accounting period covered by the financial statements财务报表涵盖的会计期间
action by accounting principles board会计原则部的态度
address the immediate challenges faced by the global economy解决全球经济面临的迫切挑战
admission by investment投资人伙
as agreed by the leading underwriter经首席保险人同意
auction by asking price卖方叫价拍卖
auction by government由政府拍卖
auction by offering price买方叫价拍卖
audit by comparison比较核数法
audit by stages分期审计
auditing by "test and scruting"用抽查法查帐
auditing by "test and scruting"抽查
authentication by the trustee查托人鉴定
bank deposits subject to withdrawal by cheque凭支票取款的银行存款
be adversely impacted by...日益受到…所带来的不利影响
be caught by the whirlwind被卷人旋涡
bill dishonored by non-acceptance拒绝承兑汇票
bill dishonored by non-payment拒绝付款汇票
bill drawn by the central bank中央银行开出的票据
bill payable by installment分期付款票据
bill unaccompanied by document无跟单汇票
bond financing by multinational corporations跨国公司的债券融资
bond secured by leased property租人财产担保的公司债
book keeping by card system卡片或簿记制
book keeping by double entry复式簿记
book keeping by single entry单式簿记
book-keeping by double entry复式簿记
book-keeping by single entry单式簿记
borrowing by governments政府借债
by air空〔铁路,海,卡车〕运
by air用无线电
by air飞机火车,轮船,卡车
by air用〔坐〕飞机
by factor cost按要素成本计算
by-product proceeds副产品实收额
by-product recoveries副产品抵偿数.以副产品抵偿正品成本之部份
by-product sales副产品销售
by sea飞机火车,轮船,卡车
by sea空〔铁路,海,卡车〕运
certification by trustee受托人证明
check by sampling抽查
checked by复核
classification of expenditure by activities支出按业务分类
classification of expenditure by character支出按性质分类
classification of expenditure by function支出按功能分类
classification of expenditure by fund支出按专款分类
classification of expenditure by object支出按对象分类
classification of expenditure by organization unit支出按机关单位分类
classification of income by character收入性质分类法
classification of income by function收入事务分类法
classification of income by fund收入经费分类法
classification of income by organization unit收入机关单位分类法
classification of income by sources收入税源分类法
clearing by writing order划拨结算
clearing form by letter of credit信用证结算方式
combined schedule of bonds payable by funds各基金应付债票合并明细表
combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by funds各种资金应收税款滞纳数合并明细表
combined schedule of investments by funds各种基金投资明细表
commodity operating profit and loss statement by customer classes商品分类别营业损益明细表一按客户性质
consolidation by purchase受盘购买合并
contingencies formed by reinsurance contracts再保险合同形成的或有事项
contingent liability incurred by notes或有票据负债
contract for the payment of goods by installment分期付款买卖合同
cost accounting by departments部门别成本会计
cost accounting by elements要素别成本会计
cost accounting by products产品别成本会计
cost of by-product sales副产品销售成本
count by清点
countries seriously affected by the crisis遭受危机严重影响国家
crime by taking advantage of credit cards信用卡犯罪
crossing the river by feeling the stones"摸着石头过河"
deposit by customer審户存入款
deposit held by government agency政府机关存款
depreciation by annuity method年金法折旧
depreciation by compound interest复利法折旧
depreciation by declining balance method余额递减法折旧
depreciation by kind分类拆旧
depreciation by sinking fund method偿债基金法折旧
direct investment by other countries or regions in China外国来华直接投资
draft by remittance顺汇
drawn by check凭支票提取
drawn by passbook凭存折提取
duty assessment by accounts记账纳税制
ensure complete and accurate disclosure by firms of their financial conditions确保公司财务状况完全和准确无误的公开
exit by Greece from the single currency希腊退出单一货币
expense measured by gage表测费用
expense quota by month按月分摊费用
forecasting profit by breakeven analysis用盈亏分析预测利润
freight paid and discount taken by customer顾客代付运费与取折扣
fund provided by operations由经营所提供的资金
fund raised by localities subsidiary revenue地方附加收入
fund raised by localities themselves revenue地方自筹收入
funds provided by operations由经营所提供的资金
funds raised by localities subsidiary revenue地方附加收入
funds raised by localities themselves revenue地方自筹收入
increase one-year rates by 25 basis points把一年期基准利率上调25个基点
interest rate on loan secured by export trade bill出口汇票作担保的贷款利率
investment income recognized by the investing enterprise投资企业确认的投资收益
item by item comparison逐项比较
Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Investment by Compatriots from Taiwan《中华人民共和国台湾同胞投资保护法》
liability represented by outstanding coupons a/c应付息票负债帐户
limited company by shares股份有限公司
limited corporation by shares股份有限公司
liquidation by compromise和解清理
liquidation by longs长期清理
liquidation of debt by asset以资产清偿债务
loan secured by account receivable应收帐款担保借款
loan secured by accounts receivable应收账款担保贷款
loan secured by real estate不动产担保贷款
loan secured by real estate房地产担保贷款
loan secured by real estate不动产抵押借款
loan secured by stocks and bonds股票债券担保贷款
loan secured by stocks and bonds有价证券担保借款
loaning by savings department储蓄部门放款
loss caused by delay耽搁损失
lower of cost or market by item按项目的成本或市价孰低
lower of total cost or total market by group按类别的总成本或总市价孰低
market by order委托单表现市场
marketing cost control by division控制部门销售成本
marketing cost control by product控制产品销售成本
marketing cost control by territory控制地区销售成本
merger by absorption吸收合并
Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers《上市公司董事进行证券交易的标准守则》
monthly income statement by major commodity groups主要产品别月份收益表
negotiation by draft押汇
new era driven by expanding economies由经济扩张驱动的新时代
obligation barred by prescription消灭时效已完成的债务
offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回前有效报价
overdraft by foreign correspondents外国同业透支
overdraft by foreign or corespondents外埠同业透支
overdraft by out-port banks外埠银行透支
overdraft by out-port banks外埠同业透支
overdraft by outport banks外埠银行透支
overdrafts by foreign or corespondents外埠同业透支
overdrafts by out-port banks外埠银行透支
overdrafts by out-port banks外埠同业透支
pay by T/T at time of shipment装船时电汇付款
payment by acceptance票据的承兑付款
payment by bill凭票据支付
payment by bill凭汇票付款 (draft)
payment by check用支票支付
payment by check支票付款
payment by confirmed and irrevocable L/C用保兑的不能撤销的信用证支付
payment by draft凭汇票支付
payment by installments分类摊付
payment by intervention通知调停付款
payment by intervention第三者参加付款
payment by L/C凭信用证付款
payment by letter of credit凭信用证付款
payment by remittance汇拨支付
payment by results超产奖按时计件超额有奖
payment by results scheme按成果支薪计划
payment by transfer拨付
Pilot Program for Direct Foreign Portfolio Investments by Domestic Individuals《开展境内个人直接投资境外证券市场试点方案》
point by point逐项
point by point详细
point by point逐一
portion of the profits kept by the enterprises for their own use企业的利润留成收入
price index of commodities by groups分类商品价格指数
purchase of an interest by payment to one or more old partners付款于旧合伙人一人或多人的买入伙
raise the required deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points将存款准备金率上调0.5个百分点
rebalance growth by promoting private consumption通过提振民间消费来实现增长再平衡
redemption by purchase买进偿还
remittance by cable电汇
repeal by implication相互抵销
reporting stockholders equity by sources按来源列报股东权益
rise by 55 per cent增长 55%
Sales by wholly-owned or partially-owned subsidiary全部所有之或部分所有之子公司销货
savings by investing in securities投资有价证券的储蓄
secure a debt by mortgage以扺押品担保贷款
secure by bank guarantees银行担保
securities backed by US subprime mortgages美国次级抵押贷款担保证券
self-raised fund by local government地方财政自筹资金
settlement by acceptance承兑结算
settlement by arbitration仲裁解决
settlement by book entry按账面结算
side-by-side trading一体化交易
side-by-side trading并肩交易
speculate by deal in futures做期货交易投机
stand-by agreement支持协定
subsidiary acquired by exchange of shares股票之交换而取得之子公司
swamped by heavy debts债台高筑
system of currency by tads计算银两制度
system of currency by weight称量货币制度
test audit by experience凭经验抽查
theory of inflation induced by monopoly垄断引起通货膨胀论
to sell by auction拍卖
transfer by cheque用支票转帐 (check)
transfer by endorsement背书转让
unrealized increment by appraisal of fixed assets增值
unrealized increment by appraisal of fixed assets未实现固定资产估计
unrealized increment by appraisal of fixed assets资产涨价准备
upper credit tranche stand-by arrangement高档信贷备用安排
value shown by the book of the fund基金帐面价值
verification by "tests and scruting"抽查验证
verification of outstandings by correspondence欠款的通信询证
voting by correspondence通信投票
withdrawal by notice通知撤销
writing off expenditures by instalment摊提