
Terms for subject Desert science containing by | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural by product农业副产品
analysis by dry way干法分析
analysis by sedimentation沉积分析
analysis by titration滴定分析
analysis by wet way湿法分析
by-oasis sand绿洲缘沙地
by-oasis sand近绿洲沙地
by-pass cannal路旁沟
by-pass seepage绕渗
by-stream deposit近河沉积[物]
change by years逐年变化
deposition by flood洪水淤积
dune anchored by plants植丛沙丘
dune anchored by plants植物锚沙丘
E by N东偏北
E by S东偏南
erosion by concentrated overland flow集中地表漫流的侵蚀
erosion by inter-rill overland flow细沟间地面漫流的侵蚀
erosion by splash溅击侵蚀
fishery by-products水产副产品
flooding by tsunami海啸造成的洪水
gullies classification by size沟道大小分类
inundation by river water河水泛滥
irrigation and drainage by well井灌井排
irrigation by flooding大水漫灌
leaf by leaf injection层层侵入
mechanism of sediment transport by wind风沙传输机制
mechanism of sediment transport by wind飞沙机制
N by E北偏东
N by W北偏西
NE by E东北偏东
NE by N东北偏北
north-east by east东北偏东
north-east by north东北偏北
NW by N西北偏北
NW by W西北偏西
observed sediment quantity taken by interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水挟沙量
planting by cuttings插条造林
planting by layerings埋条造林
planting by rootcuttings分根造林
planting by tillers分檗造林
planting by vegetative propagation分殖造林
planting stock by vegetative propagation营养繁殖苗
preference by grasshopper蝗虫择食性
questionnaire by mail通信调查
S by E南偏东
S by W南偏西
sand consolidation by planting植物固沙
sand movement by wind风沙移动
SE by E东南偏东
SE by S东南偏南
size analysis by sieving筛分粒度分析
slope slide by snow melt融雪滑坡
south-east by east东南偏东
south-east by south东南偏南
south-west by south西南偏南
south-west by west西南偏西
surface water runoff catched by level terraced field水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量
suspended load by waves悬浮漂砾
SW by S西南偏南
SW by W西南偏西
temperature affected by surrounding环境温度
thrust by converging water水冲作用
W by N西偏北
W by S西偏南
water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface蓄水水面蒸发损水量
west by south南偏西