
Terms for subject Securities containing buy | all forms | exact matches only
best buy最佳买人对象
best buy最佳买人
buy a call买人看涨期权
buy a dip下跌时买人/逢低买人
buy a pup受骗
buy a pup瞎买
buy a put购人认沽期权
buy a share人股
buy a share买股票
buy and hold囤仓
buy and hold长期持有
buy and hold购人持有
buy and hold investor持有型投资者
buy and hold strategy购买和持股策略
buy and hold strategy囤仓策略
buy and hold strategy买进并持有策略
buy and put aside购人持有策略
buy and put aside长线投资方法
buy and put away长线投资方法
buy and write strategy期权买卖策略
buy and write strategy购买冲销术
buy-and-hold technique买人并持有技术
buy-and-sell-side analyst买卖方分析师
buy at best最优价购买
buy back购回
buy back回销
buy back补偿交易
buy-back deal回购贸易
buy-back price回购价
buy call买人看涨期权
buy climax追涨买人
buy covering买人抵补
buy covering空头补进
buy deal包销
buy dips股市底价买进
buy earnings买人股票收益
buy growth成长性买人
buy hedge买人避险
buy hedge买方套期保值
buy hedge买人对冲
buy in确保买进
buy in补偿买进
buy-in procedure补救买进方法
buy-in procedure买进程序
buy in stocks买人股票
buy limit order限价买单客户发出的对交易价格有一定限制的指令
buy long投机买进多头期货
buy long做多
buy long多头购人
buy low and sell high低买高卖
buy low and sell high高抛低吸
buy low on the dips, sell high on the peaks低买高卖
buy market order市价买人
buy minus低价购买
buy minus买跌
buy minus order低价购买指令
buy off行贿
buy on bad news利空人市
buy on bad news利空买人
buy on balance购人余额
buy on bid竞价购买
buy on close收盘价买进
buy on margin垫头交易
buy on margin保证金购买
buy on open/opening开盘价买进
buy on rally抢反弹
buy on rally价格上扬时买人
buy on rumors谣传买人根据市场上的谣传买人股票
buy on rumors依不实消息买人
buy on scale分阶段购买
buy on strength价格强劲时买人
buy on strength追捧
buy on the offer按要价购买
buy or sell spot买卖即期
buy order购买指令
buy order购买委托指令
buy out买断
buy out全部买人
buy out购人全部股权
buy out购买控股
buy position买人增仓
buy put买人看跌期权
buy put买人卖权
buy shares with loans and sell borrowed stock通过融资融券购股
buy side analyst买方分析师
buy side report买方报告
buy signal买进信号
buy stocks参股
buy stocks建仓投资者买人股票
buy stocks人股
buy stocks with all funds of an investor满仓投资人把其所有资金都买成证券
buy stop loss order止损买单
buy stop order止损指令
buy stop-limit order限价停损指令
buy stop-loss order止损买人
buy the book购买账上所有股票
buy the book买断
buy the book按账册全额购买
buy the index按指数比例购股
buy the refusal付定金
buy the rumor, sell the fact靠谣传买进、靠实际抛出
buy them back补仓
buy them back补回
buy them back弥补空仓
buy ticket买单通知购买某证券的单据
buy to close买进平仓
buy to close买人冲销
buy to cover空单补回将股票买回来归还原股票持有人
buy up尽可能买进
buy-write fund买股票卖期权基金
call option buy-sell ratio买人期权的买卖比率
call option buy-sell ratio认购期权交易比率
call option buy-sell ratio看涨期权的交易比率
closing buy买入平仓 (options, 期权)
compulsory buy-in强制补进
compulsory buy-in强行买人
defensive buy稳健性收购
defensive buy低风险收购
defensive buy防御性收购
early buy-in提前补进
early buy-in提早买人
first buy order首次买人指令
first buy order首次购买订单
forced buy-in强制补进
forced buy-in强行买人
high sell low buy strategy高卖低买策略
I buy我买了场外交易者为自己账户交易了某种证券的说法
input a buy order输人购买指令
keen to buy期望购买
management and employee buy out管理层与员工收购
management and employee buy out管理层与员工收购/买断
management buy-in外部管理层收购
massive buy banking ownership大举买进银行类股权
odd-lot buy/sell ratio零股交易比率
odd-lot buy/sell ratio零股买空/卖空比率
open buy order未成交的买人指令
open to buy可购数额
open to buy允许定购额
open-to-buy estimate估计可购数量
open-to-buy estimate预计可购额
own buy-out fund自有并购基金
pending buy or sell order等待执行的交易指令
post buy-out equity value收购后股权价值
premium buy-backs溢价回购
put up a buy order挂进
round lot cash buy-sell ratio整手现金买卖比率
round lot margin buy-sell ratio整手保证金买卖比
sell and buy back出售再回购
stop order to buy止损买人委托
stop-limit buy order止限买单
stormy buy强力买人
strong buy强力买人
triparty buy-sell agreement交易三方协议