
Terms containing busy time | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
telecom.busy time忙时
ITbusy time占用时间
tech.busy time繁忙时间
tech.busy time of line道路繁忙时间
tech.busy time of line线路繁忙时
telecom.CPU busy time中央处理机操作时间
gen.People are busy in the morning. Someone even doesn't have time to enjoy breakfast早上都很忙,有些人根本没时间吃早点
telecom.time consistent busy hour平均忙时
gen.Time passes quickly for the person who is busy with other callers or issues, but for the person on hold, time creeps by对忙于接听其他呼叫者电话或解决其他问题的人来说,时间过得很快,但对于等待的人来说时间就过得很慢了
ITtime-consistent busy hour平均忙时
el.time-consistent busy hour平均忙时时间
el.time-consistent busy hour一致忙时时间
proj.manag.Yes, everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail anymore对、现如今每个人都很忙、没人有时间再去写 "蜗牛邮件" 了