
Terms for subject Electronics containing business | all forms | exact matches only
advanced business banking system高级商业银行系统
adviser business-oriented language面向商业的咨询语言
aerospace business environment simulator航空航天业务环境模拟器
algorithmic and business oriented language算法和商用语言
Asian Business Exposition亚洲贸易展览会
basic business language基本商业语言
basic business-oriented language基本商用语言
beginning of business工作开始
beginning of business业务开始
business/accounts reporting operating network商业/账款报表操作网络
business activities商务
business and operations support system业务与运营支持系统
business application language商业应用语言
business application program interface商业应用程序接口
business audio商用音频
business communication terminal商业通信终端
Business Communications Co.商业通信公司
business communications network商业通信网
business communications server商业通信服务器
business communications system商务通信系统
business communications system商业通信系统
business computer system商业计算机系统
business computing center商业计算中心
business cooperation contract业务[商业]合作合同
business cordless telephone商业无绳电话
business customer premises network商业客户驻地网
business customer premises network商业客户宅室网络
business customer services商业用户业务
business data interchange商务数据交换
business data processing operation商业数据处理作业
business definition language商业定义语言
business definition system商业定义系统
business description language商业描述语言
business EDP systems technique商业电子数据处理系统技术
business electronic computer商用电子计算机
Business Equipment Association商业设备协会
Business Equipment Manufacturers Association商业设备制造商协会
Business Equipment Research and Test Laboratories商务设备研究与测试实验室美国
business equipment software technique商业设备软件技术
business executive system for time-sharing商业分时执行系统
business graphic display业务图形显示
business graphic display商业图形显示
business graphic interface业务图形接口
business graphic printer业务图形打印
business graphic system业务图形系统
business information analysis and integration technique商业信息分析与综合技术
business information management system商业信息管理系统
business information system analysis and design商业信息系统分析与设计
business information system communications商业信息系统通信
business intelligence商业智能
business intelligence业务智能
business intelligence system商业智能系统
business machine商用机
business management control system企业管理控制系统
business management control system商业管理控制系统
business management information system企业管理信息系统
business management information system商业管理信息系统
business management layer商务管理层
business management series企业管理系列软件
business object服务对象
business object商务目标
business object业务对象
business object aggregation商务目标集成
business object server solution业[商]务对象服务器解决方案
business operation view业务操作视图
business-oriented optical access network面向企业的光接人网
business planning经营计划
business planning企业规划
business planning and control system企业[业务]计划与控制系统
business process change业务流程变更
business process outsourcing商业流程外包
business process redesign业务流程整理
business professional system商业专用系统
Business Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc.商业出版物发行审计公司
business radio service商业无线电业务
business rule management system业务规则管理系统
business services switch商业业务交换局
business services switching network商业业务交换网络
Business Software Alliance商业软件联盟美国
business support solution业务支持解决方案
business support system业务支持系统
business systems planning商业系统计划
business television商业电视
business terminal equipment商用终端设备
business terminal equipment商业终端设备
business to business EC企业对企业电子商务
business to consumer EC企业对消费者电子商务
business translation language商业翻译语言
business warehouse商务信息仓库
collaborative business solution center协同商务解决方案中心
commercial business management system商务管理系统
commission business代购代销
commission business商业买卖
communications business exchange通信业务交换机
Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association计算机与商用设备制造商协会美国
computer usage business oriented language商用计算机语言
computer-aided business language计算机辅助商务语言
cooperative business协同工作
customer to business EC消费者对企业电子商务
digital business system数字商务系统
digital integrated business system数字综合商业系统
digital interactive business oriented language数字交互商务专用语言
electronic business电子业务
electronic business communications电子商务通信
electronic business communications system电子商业通信系统
Electronic Business Infrastructure Initiative电子商务基础设施开发计划
electronic business leading indicator电子商务导向指数 (SI 杂志根据工业统计所建立的用以提前一年预示世界半导体销售额增长率的一种综合性导向指数)
encyclopedia of business information sources商业信息源百科全书
enhanced business network增强业务网络
General Business Group一般商业组 (IBM)
global business communications system全球商业通信系统
Global Electronics Business Summit全球电子商贸首脑会议
high level portable business language高级可移植商用语言
Honeywell business computer霍尼韦尔商用计算机
information technology in business management企业管理中的信息技术
integrated business exchange综合商用交换机
integrated business-oriented language support综合商业专用语言支援
integrated personal business computer集成个人商务计算机
INTELSAT business system国际电信卫星商业系统
interactive business-oriented language交互式商业专用语言
international business exchange国际商业交换
International Business Machines advanced function printingIEM 高级功能打印
International Business Machines advanced function printing国际商业机器高级功能打印机
International Business Machines CorporationIBM 公司美国
International Business Machines information networkIBM 信息网
International Business Machines information network国际商业机器信息网
International Business Machines intelligent printer data streamIBM 智能打印机数据流
International Business Machines intelligent printer data stream国际商业机器智能打印机数据流
International Business Machines personal computerIBM 个人计算机
International Business Machines personal computer国际商业机器个人计算机
International Business Machines personal computer-compatible computerIBM 个人计算机-兼容计算机
International Business Machines personal printer data streamIBM 个人打印机数据流
international business service国际商业业务
international business system国际商业系统
Internet business center因特网商务中心
Internet business exchange因特网商务交换机
Internet business group因特网业务组
Japan Business Automation Company日本商业自动化公司
keystation on-line business-oriented language主站联机商用语言
language for manufacturing business and distribution activities制造业和分配业务语言
line of business业务流程
mediation of business商务中介业务
minicomputer business package小型计算机商用软件包
National Association of Business and Educational Radio国家商业与教育无线电协会
National Business Aircraft Association国家商用飞机协会
national business communications国内商业通信
natural electronic business users language电子商业用户自然语言
nuclear service business核售后服务【核】
on-line business system联机业务系统
order of business商业订货单
personal computer business unit个人计算机业务部
Philips Business Systems, Inc.菲利浦商用系统公司
quantitative business system商务定量分析系统
remote business services switch远端商业业务交换局
remote on-lime business information network远程联机商业信息网
satellite business system商用卫星系统
semiautomated business research environment半自动化商业研究环境
silicon fiber-optic for business communications商用通信硅光纤
small and medium business中小企业
small business administration小型企业管理
small business computer小型商用计算机
small business exchange小型商用交换机
small business innovation research contracts小型企业创新研究合同
small business operating system小型企业操作系统
small business/small office小公司/小办公室
small business system小型商用系统指无交换机的小型电话网络
small office/small business小型办公室/小商店
small to medium business中小企业
statistical business control统计业务控制
structured common business oriented language结构化COBOL 语言
structured common business oriented language结构化通用商业语言
system for business automation业务自动化系统
system for business automation商业自动化系统
telecommunications business support system电信业务支持系统
Television Center for Business and Industry商业与工业电视中心美国
terminal business-oriented language终端业务专用语言
terminal business system商业终端系统
time-sharing business package分时业务程序包
Toshiba scientific and business automatic computer东芝科学及商用自动计算机
total business management全面业务管理
unisource business network同源商业网
very large business communications system超大型商业通信系统
very small business computer超小型商用计算机
very small business system超小型商务系统
virtual business card虚拟商务卡