
Terms containing burst noise | all forms | in specified order only
tech.burst noise猝发噪声
el.burst noise突发〔脉冲〕噪声
ITburst noise突发噪音
oilburst noise突发噪声
oilburst noise冲击噪声
tech.burst noise脉冲噪声
spaceburst-noise channel突发噪声信道
tech.duration of each burst of noise每次噪声轰鸣时间
oilnoise burst猝发噪声脉冲
telecom.noise burst突发噪声
tech.noise burst噪声脉冲串
ITnoise burst signal噪声突[猝]发信号
tech.radio noise burst无线电辐射激扰
mil., air.def.random burst noise随机猝发噪声
mil., air.def.regular burst noise规则脉冲串噪声
geophys.signal-to-burst noise信号—突发噪声比
mil., air.def.solar noise burst太阳辐射噪扰爆发
radiosudden burst of solar radio noise太阳射电干扰突变脉冲