
Terms for subject Technology containing bulkhead | all forms | exact matches only
accommodation bulkhead船舱舱壁
accommodation bulkhead住舱舱壁
acoustic bulkhead隔声舱壁
acoustical bulkhead隔声舱壁
across bulkhead横向隔墙
aft end bulkhead后端壁
after bulkhead后舱壁
after peak bulkhead尾尖舱舱壁
air-tight bulkhead气密舱壁
air-tight bulkhead气密隔板
anchor bulkhead锚碇岸壁 (码头)
anchor bulkhead锚碇挡土墙
anchored bulkhead锚碇崖壁
anchored bulkhead锚碇挡墙
anchored bulkhead锚碇挡土墙
anchored bulkhead有拉杆的岸壁
anchored bulkhead锚固式驳岸
anchored bulkhead abutment锚碇板式桥台
anchored bulkhead retaining wall锚杆挡土墙
anchored bulkhead retaining wall锚碇板挡土墙
armored bulkhead装甲舱壁
armoured bulkhead装甲舱壁
backfilled bulkhead回填式岸壁
batten-and-space bulkhead格子舱壁
between-decks bulkhead甲板间舱壁
bottom plating of bulkhead舱壁下列板
boundary bulkhead隔舱壁
bridge after bulkhead桥楼后舱壁
bridge after bulkhead驾驶室后端舱壁
bridge front bulkhead桥楼前舱壁
bulkhead adapter舱壁管道接头
bulkhead boundary bar舱壁底边角材
bulkhead clock舱壁船钟
bulkhead coaming舱壁围板
bulkhead connector穿板式连接器
bulkhead deck舱壁甲板【船】
bulkhead deck at side船侧舱壁甲板
bulkhead dock驳岸
bulkhead door舱壁门
bulkhead draught舱壁通风
bulkhead flange舱壁凸缘
bulkhead floor舱壁肋板 (plate)
bulkhead foundation岸壁基础
bulkhead framing舱壁构架
bulkhead gate堵水平板闸门
bulkhead gate平板闸门
bulkhead gate挡水闸门
bulkhead lamp舱壁灯
bulkhead line码头前沿线
bulkhead line岸壁线
bulkhead line驳岸线
bulkhead line舱壁衬条
bulkhead line挡水岸线
bulkhead line堤岸线
bulkhead line实体岸壁建筑界线
bulkhead line实体码头前沿线
bulkhead line港口护岸坡脚线
bulkhead lock隔壁间
bulkhead lock隔壁闸 (有两金属隔壁洞道的闸)
bulkhead method分层浇注混凝土法
bulkhead method分层浇灌混凝土法
bulkhead method分层浇筑混凝土法
bulkhead packing gland舱壁压盖
bulkhead panel舱壁板条
bulkhead panel舱壁镶板
bulkhead piece舱壁连接管
bulkhead plan舱壁结构图
bulkhead plank of timber pile bent abutment木桩排架桥台挡土板
bulkhead quay岸壁码头 (wall)
bulkhead quay堤岸码头 (wall)
bulkhead recess舱壁凹入处
bulkhead recess舱壁龛
bulkhead slot堵水闸门槽
bulkhead sluice舱壁闸阀 (door)
bulkhead sluice舱壁闸门 (door)
bulkhead stiffener舱壁防挠材
bulkhead tee长臂丁字尺
bulkhead valve舱壁阀门
bulkhead wall挡水墙
bulkhead wall岸壁 (码头)
bulkhead wall码头驳岸
bulkhead wall驳岸
bulkhead web舱壁垂直桁
bulkhead wharf岸壁型码头
bulkhead wharf散装货码头
bulkhead wharf岸壁码头
bulkhead wharf堤岸式码头
cabin bulkhead房舱舱壁
cargo hold bulkhead货舱舱壁
cellular bulkhead格体岸壁
cellular bulkhead格形岸壁
cellular sheet pile bulkhead板桩格体岸壁
cellular steel sheet pile bulkhead钢板桩格体岸壁
cellular steel sheet pile bulkhead钢板桩格型岸壁
center line bulkhead中纵舱壁
central longitudinal bulkhead中纵舱壁
composite bulkhead组合舱壁
continuous bulkhead连续舱壁
corrugated bulkhead波形隔板
cross bulkhead横舱壁
deep bulkhead深舱壁
detachable bulkhead活动舱壁
division bulkhead舱壁
double bulkhead双层舱壁
double plate bulkhead双板舱壁
draft tube bulkhead gate尾水管闸门
draft tube bulkhead gate平板闸门
draft tube bulkhead gate检修闸门
dredged bulkhead后挖式岸壁
emergency bulkhead安全堵头
emergency bulkhead安全闸 (门)
enclosure bulkhead舱壁
enclosure bulkhead围密舱壁
end bulkhead舱壁
end bulkhead端隔墙
end bulkhead for air duct风渠挡头板
engine bulkhead发动机隔壁
engine room bulkhead机舱舱壁
fire bulkhead防火隔墙
fire bulkhead挡洪墙
fire bulkhead挡火隔断
fire bulkhead防火隔板
fire bulkhead隔火墙
fire-proof bulkhead耐火隔壁
fire-proof bulkhead防火
fire-proof bulkhead防火舱壁
fireproof bulkhead挡火墙
fire-proof bulkhead耐火舱壁
fire-proof bulkhead防火隔堵
fire-resisting bulkhead耐火舱壁
fire-retarding bulkhead阻燃舱壁
flexible bulkhead柔性岸壁
flexible tie-back bulkhead柔性岸壁
floating bulkhead浮箱式闸门
floating bulkhead浮闸木
fluted bulkhead凹槽舱壁
fluted bulkhead波形舱壁
fore-and-aft bulkhead纵舱壁【船】
forecastle break bulkhead船首楼后端舱壁
forepeak bulkhead尖舱舱壁
forepeak bulkhead艏尖舱壁
forepeak bulkhead防撞舱壁
free bulkhead活动舱壁
free bulkhead活动岸壁
free bulkhead活动挡土墙
front bulkhead前舱壁
front bulkhead前端舱壁
grain bulkhead散装隔舱板
grain bulkhead谷物舱壁
grain-tight divisional bulkhead谷物分隔舱壁
gravity bulkhead重力式岸壁
hinged bulkhead door绞链舱壁门
holding bulkhead耐压舱壁
holding bulkhead结构舱壁
horizontal bulkhead水平隔墙
intact bulkhead整体舱壁
intermediate bulkhead中间舱壁
joiner bulkhead木或金属板舱壁
king bulkhead主舱壁
king bulkhead主隔
longitudinal bulkhead纵隔堵
longitudinal bulkhead纵舱壁【船】
longitudinal bulkhead纵向舱壁
machinery bulkhead机舱舱壁
machinery space bulkhead机炉舱壁
machinery space bulkhead机器处所舱壁
main bulkhead主舱壁
main bulkhead主要间壁
main transverse bulkhead主横舱壁
masonry bulkhead砖砌密闭墙
masonry bulkhead砖石隔墙
midship bulkhead舯部舱壁
non-watertight bulkhead非水密舱壁
non-watertight bulkhead非水密隔舱
oil-tight bulkhead不渗油舱壁
oil-tight bulkhead油密舱壁
oil-tight transverse bulkhead油密横舱壁
partial bulkhead局部舱壁
partial bulkhead半堵壁
partial bulkhead半舱壁
partial bulkhead局部隔堵
partition bulkhead间壁
peak bulkhead尖舱隔堵
pile bulkhead桩构堵壁
pile bulkhead桩式驳岸
pillar bulkhead支承舱壁
poop bulkhead船尾楼舱壁
poop bulkhead尾楼舱壁
poop front bulkhead船尾楼前端舱壁
poop front bulkhead艉楼前舱壁
portable grain bulkhead散装谷物活动隔舱壁
protected bulkhead防护舱壁
protective bulkhead防护舱壁
reinforced bulkhead沉箱或沉井的钢筋混凝土隔墙
retaining wall with anchored bulkhead锚碇板式挡土墙
ring bulkhead环形舱壁
ring bulkhead环状隔壁
round timber bulkhead圆木隔墙
safety bulkhead安全舱壁
safety bulkhead安全堵墙
safety bulkhead安全隔墙
screen bulkhead非水密隔舱
screen bulkhead屏壁
screen bulkhead非水密舱壁
screen bulkhead遮蔽舱壁
screen bulkhead轻型舱壁
scuttle bulkhead前舱壁
sheet-pile bulkhead板桩堤岸
sheet-pile bulkhead板桩岸墙
sheet-pile bulkhead板桩码头
sheet-pile bulkhead quaywall板桩岸壁
sheet-pile bulkhead with anchor-wall support有锚碇墙支撑的板桩堤岸
sheet-pile bulkhead with anchor-wall support锚碇墙支撑板桩堤岸
sheet-pile bulkhead with batter-pile support有斜桩支撑的板桩堤岸
sheet-pile bulkhead with batter-pile support斜桩支撑板桩堤岸
shiftable bulkhead可拆换的舱壁
side bulkhead边舱纵向隔舱壁
single-walled anchored sheet pile bulkhead锚固的单层板桩挡土墙
sliding bulkhead door滑动水密门
sloped bulkhead plating斜顶板铺板
sloped bulkhead plating斜形舱壁板
sloped bulkhead stiffener斜顶板纵骨
sloping bulkhead倾斜舱壁
sloping bulkhead斜舱壁
solid bulkhead整体舱壁
sound-insulated bulkhead隔声舱壁
sound-proof bulkhead隔声舱壁
steel bulkhead钢板桩驳岸壁
steel bulkhead钢板驳岸
steel bulkhead管的钢盖头
steel bulkhead钢板隔壁
steel bulkhead隔仓
steel bulkhead钢板舱壁
steel bulkhead钢隔板
steel bulkhead钢隔框
steel bulkhead钢闷头
steel cellular bulkhead钢板桩格体岸壁
steel cellular bulkhead钢板格型岸壁
steel cellular bulkhead钢板桩格体围堰
steel cellular bulkhead钢板桩格型岸壁
steel cellular bulkhead钢板桩格型围堰
steel sheet pile bulkhead钢板桩驳岸
stepped bulkhead槽形舱壁
stepped bulkhead凹形舱壁
stepped bulkhead阶形舱壁
stern bulkhead艉舱壁
stokehold bulkhead锅炉舱壁
strength bulkhead耐压舱壁
strength bulkhead加劲隔壁
strengthened bulkhead加强舱壁
structural bulkhead主构舱壁
structure bulkhead结构舱壁
stuffing box bulkhead尾尖舱舱壁
supporting bulkhead支承舱壁
swash bulkhead防止舱内液体晃动的防晃纵隔舱
tank bulkhead液舱壁
tanker centre line bulkhead油槽船中线隔框
tanker longitudinal bulkhead油船纵向舱壁
tanker transverse bulkhead油槽船横隔框
telescoped bulkhead伸缩式舱壁
temporary bulkhead临时舱壁
temporary bulkhead应急舱壁
tied bulkhead用拉杆固定的闷头
tied bulkhead用拉杆加固的板桩岸壁
tied bulkhead用拉杆固定的堵头
tied bulkhead锚固的板桩墙
tied-back bulkhead锚碇板桩岸壁
timber bulkhead木板桩岸壁
timber sheet-pile bulkhead木板桩护岸
transverse bulkhead横隔壁
transverse bulkhead横隔舱
transverse bulkhead横隔墙
transverse bulkhead stiffener横舱壁加强筋
troughed bulkhead槽形舱壁
trunk bulkhead围舱壁
twin-bulkhead tanker双纵向舱壁油轮
unbroken bulkhead无开口舱壁
unloading bulkhead卸货推板
vertically corrugated bulkhead垂直波形舱壁
wash bulkhead挡水舱壁
waterproof bulkhead防洪护岸
water-tight bulkhead防水舱壁
water-tight bulkhead水密隔堵
water-tight bulkhead水密隔舱
water-tight bulkhead防水围堰
wing bulkhead翼舱壁
wire-mesh bulkhead铁丝网隔堵
wire-mesh bulkhead钢丝网舱壁
wooden bulkhead木舱壁
zigzag bulkhead曲折舱壁