
Terms for subject Environment containing building | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural building The buildings and adjacent service areas of a farm农业建筑 (农场的建筑及相邻服务区。)
building area Land and other places on, under, in or through which the temporary and permanent works are to be executed and any other lands or places needed for the purposes of construction建筑区 (正在实施的临时和永久的建筑工作的土地或者其他地方,以及其他用于建筑目的的任何土地或地方。)
building component A building element which uses industrial products that are manufactured as independent until capable of being joined with other elements建筑组件 (使用工业产品的建筑元素。这些建筑元素在和其他元素混合之前都是独立的。)
building destruction The tearing down of buildings by mechanical means建筑破坏 (通过机械手段对建筑物的拆除。)
building industry The art and technique of building houses建筑业 (建筑房屋的艺术和技术。)
building land Area of land suitable for building on建筑土地 (适合建筑大楼的土地。)
building material Any material used in construction, such as steel, concrete, brick, masonry, glass, wood, etc.建筑材料 (任何用于建设的材料,例如钢铁、混凝土、砖、砌石、玻璃、木材等。)
building materials industry建筑材料工业
building permit Authorization required by local governmental bodies for the erection of an enclosed structure or for the major alteration or expansion of an existing edifice建筑许可证 (为了架设封闭的结构或对其进行重要的修改或扩大现有的建筑所需要的当地政府机构颁发的授权,。)
building planning The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for future construction or reconstruction of edifices and facilities建筑计划 (对建筑物和设施的将来建设和重建的设计、组织和准备活动。)
building regulation建筑物条例
building restoration The accurate reestablishment of the form and details of a building, its artifacts, and the site on which it is located, usually as it appeared at a particular time建筑修复 (对建设的形式和细节的精确重建,涉及到构件,建筑工地,通常出现在一个特定的时间。)
building service The aggregation of services, including construction, development, maintenance and leasing, performed for human-occupied properties, such as office buildings and apartment houses建筑服务 (包括建造、发展、维护和租赁,为人类占有属性的服务的聚合,如办公大楼和公寓房子。)
building site A piece of land on which a house or other building is being built建筑工地 (房子或其他大楼正在上面建造的一块土地上。)
building site preparation No definition needed建筑地盘的准备 (无需定义。)
building technology No definition needed建筑技术 (无需定义。)
building waste Masonry and rubble wastes arising from the demolition or reconstruction of buildings or other civil engineering structures建筑废物 (拆除或者重建的建筑物或其他土木工程构筑物,产生的碎石或废弃物。)
farm building The dwelling on a farm as distinguished from utility buildings as a barn, corncrib, milk house农村建筑 (农场里的住宅,区别于功用型建筑,如谷仓,玉米仓,牛奶房。)
government building Building for the offices of the main departments of government政府大楼 (政府主要部门的办公室所在建筑。)
green building The self-contained dwelling where man simulates the ways of ecosystems, i.e. his wastes are converted to fuel by anaerobic digestion for methane production and the residues from the digestion are used for growing food. The food residues are composted and/or used for methane production. Solar energy is trapped by the greenhouse effect and used for house, crop and water heating. A windmill would be used for electricity. Thus, given sufficient space, sunshine, rainfall and wind, the ecohouse is in theory a self-contained system recycling its own wastes and using the sun as its energy input绿色建筑 (人们模仿生态系统所建造的可以自给自足的居住环境,也就是其产生的废弃物可以经由厌氧消化转换为甲烷而作为燃料,而剩余残物则可作为种植肥料。剩余食物可用作堆肥或生产甲烷;太阳能经由温室效应收集后可供给家庭、作物热能或水的加热用;风车则可产生电力。因此,在足够的空间、阳光、雨、和风的条件下,理论上,生态房屋可自成一个独立系统,循环其产生的废弃物并使用太阳为其能源。)
high-rise building Any tall, multistoried structure or edifice that is equipped with elevators高层建筑 (配有电梯的高耸、多层的建筑物或大厦。)
industrial building A building directly used in manufacturing or technically productive enterprises. Industrial buildings are not generally or typically accessible to other than workers. Industrial buildings include buildings used directly in the production of power, the manufacture of products, the mining of raw materials, and the storage of textiles, petroleum products, wood and paper products, chemicals, plastics, and metals工业建筑物 (作为生产制造和技术生产事业所使用的建筑。工业建筑通常仅允许工人进入。工业建筑包含电力生产、产品制造、原料开采、以及纺织品、石油产品、木材和纸制品、化学物、塑胶和金属等物品的储存。)
local building material当地建筑材料
ministry building Any structure or edifice occupied by a body of top government administrators or other high ranking public officials selected or appointed by a head of state to manage certain aspects of a state's affairs政府部门大楼 (政府部门的建筑物,所在部门的人员组成是由国家元首选择或任命的负责管理国家事务某些方面的政府高层管理人员或其他高级官员。)
non-residential building Area which provides commercial, industrial, and public facilities非住宅建筑物 (提供商业、工业和公共设施的区域。)
prefabricated building Building whose sections are manufactured in specialized factories and later transported and assembled on a building site预制建筑 (建筑的制造工厂,其产品要运输和装配到一个建筑工地。)
public building A building to which there is free access by the public and which is available for the use of a community公共建筑 (公众可自由进出和使用的建筑。)
residential building A building allocated for residence居住建筑 (为居住建造的建筑。)
safety standard for building A collection of rules and regulations adopted by authorities concerning structural and mechanical standards for safety建筑安全标准 (权威部门采用的关于安全的结构和机制标准的规则的集合。)
sick building syndrome A set of symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, eye irritation, and dizziness, typically affecting workers in modern airtight office buildings and thought to be caused by indoor pollutants, such as formaldehyde fumes, particulate matter, microorganisms, etc.病态楼宇综合症 (包括头痛,疲劳,眼睛不适,头晕等的一整套症状,特别发生在现代密闭办公大楼的工作者身上,被认为是由室内污染物,如甲醛气体,造成颗粒物,微生物引起的。)
standard for building industry A norm or measure applicable in legal cases for any enterprise involved in the construction, remodeling or finishing of enclosed structures for habitation营造业标准 (用于在法律案件方面,为任何参与建设,改造或用于居住的封闭式结构整理的一个适用规范或措施。)
supervision of building works The oversight or direction in the construction and maintenance of houses, facilities, offices and other structures监督建筑工程 (在建筑和房屋维修、设施、办公室及其他建筑结构中的监督或指示。)