
Terms for subject Economy containing budget | all forms | exact matches only
a budget message预算咨文
a budget revise修订预算
a planning budget编制预算
a planning budget计划预算
a proposed budget概算
a sliding budget弹性预算
a sliding budget滑动预算
a step budget method梯级预算法
activity relationship diagram actual budget作业相关线图预算
adjustment of values in a budget调整预算值
administration expense budget一般管理费用预算
advertising expenses budget广告预算费
all embracing budget总括预算
allocation of budget预算的调配
alternative budget暂行预算
alternative budget暂行预算法
an approval budget核定预算
an assessed budget摊派的预算
an expansionary budget扩张性预算
an extraordinary budget特别费
an extraordinary budget临时预算
an extraordinary budget特别预算
an imposed budget强制预算
an imposed budget派定预算
an off-budget year非编制预算年度
an overhaul expenses budget大修理费用计划
an unbalanced budget赤字预算
an unbalanced budget不平衡的预算
annual expenditures budget岁出预算
appropriation budget经费预算
appropriation budget支出预算
appropriation budget拨款预算
approve the budget核定预算
approved budget法定的预算
approved budget核定的预算
approved budget allotment核定的预算分配
baby budget幼稚预算
balance budget rule平衡预算规则
balance budget theorem平衡预算定理
balance budget with surplus节余预算
balance the budget multiplier平衡预算乘数
brutto budget总预算
Budget Advisory Committee美国预算咨询委员会
budget allowance预备金
budget allowance预算限额
budget amendment预算修正案追加预算
budget and accounting act预算及会计法案
Budget and Accounting Act国家预算法
budget and fund accounting预算及资金会计
budget assistance预算援助
budget audit预算审査 (审计)
budget auditing预算审核
budget authority预算授权
budget centre预算中心
budget classification预算科目
budget committee预算委员会
budget dirigisme干预经济的预算政策
budget estimations预算性估算 (estimates)
budget execution预算的执行
budget expense预算支出
budget for expenditure岁出支出预算
budget hearings预算听证
budget implementation预算的执行
budget ledger预算总账
Budget Management Information Service预算管理服务中心
budget outlays预算支出
budget plan分期付款计划
budget planning document预算计划文件
budget program预算编制计划
budget programme预算编制计划
budget receipt预算收久
budget receipts预算收入
budget surplus预算剩余额
budget time计划时司
Bureau of the Budget美国预算局
business budget营业预算
business budget商业预算
business type budget业务性预算
capital budget资本支出预算设备预算
capital construction financial budget基本建设财务预算
capital in budget预算内资金
capital out of budget预算外资金
cash budget现金收支预算
Cash budgets are important to the management of cashflows现金收支预算在现金流动的管理中很重要
cash flow budget现金流通预算
cash flow budget现金流量预算
cash flow budget预算, 现金流动
chargeable against the budget从预算项下收费
Congressional Budget Office美国国会预算署
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985美国 1985 年综合预算调整法案
constraint on regular budget经常预算紧张
control phase of budget预算的控制阶段
current budget经常预算
current budget obligation经营预算承付款项
current policy budget现行政策下预算支出估计
defence budget国防预算
defense budget国防拨款
defense budget军事预算
deferral of budget authority预算授权递延
departmental budget分部门预算
departmental expense budget部门费用预算表
detailed budget详细预算
direct investments under the state budget国家预算内直接安排的投资
direct material budget直接原料费用预算
direct material purchase budget直接原材料采购预算
discretionary change of budget人为因素造成的预算变动
drastically reduce budget expenditure紧缩预算支出
EEC budget共同市场预算
eliminate the budget deficit消灭赤字
emergency budget紧急预算
energy budget能源预算方案
enterprise budget企业预算
estimate budget预算草案
estimate budget概算
expenditure budget岁出预算
expenditure out budget超出预算的支出
expenditure out budget预算外支出
expenditure out of budget超出预算的支出
expense budget经费预算
extraordinary budget紧急预算
factory expense budget variation account制造费用预算差异账户
family budget家庭收支预算
family budget inquiry家计调査
family budget inquiry家庭预算调査
family budget statistics家计统计
family budget statistics家庭预算统计
family budget survey家计调査
family budget survey家庭收支调查
family budget survey家庭收支调査
family budget survey家计调查
family budgets家庭收支预算
family budgets家庭预算
farm budget method农场预算法
farm budget plan农业预算计划
federal budget: National-income accounts basis federal sector account以国民收入帐为基础计算联邦部门帐
federal budget: National-income accounts basis联邦预算 (federal sector account)
financial budget of capital construction基建财务计划
financing budget deficit弥补预算赤字
fixing of budgets编制预算
flexible budget弹性预算
flexible budget method弹性预算法
flexible budget method变动预算法
flexible budget method弹性预算性
forbid the use of appropriations within the budget for projects it has not covered严禁将预算内拨款转到预算以外
formula type of variable budget公式法变动预算
functional frame for budget预算的职能结构
fund in budget预算内基金
fund in budget预算内资金
future budget year下一预算年度
general administrative service budget一般行政事务预算
general budget一般预算
general co-ordinating budget总协调预算
general co-ordinating budget一般协调预算
gross margin budget毛利预算
He is responsible for the allocation of overseas sales budgets他负责海外销售预算费的分配
hidden budget隐蔽预算 (如赌博税收入)
household budget家庭预算
household budget家庭收支预算
implementation of the state budget国家预算执行情况
input-output budget投入-产出预算
investigation of family budget家计调査
investigation of family budget家庭收支调査
investigation of family budget家庭收支调查
items scissored from the budget从预算中削减的项目
labour budget人工预算
labour budgets and controls人工预算和控制
line item budget明细支出预算
long-term cash flow budget长期现金流动预算
lump-sum budget整数运算
manpower input-output budget人力输出输入预算
materials budget材料预算
medium-term cash flow budget中期现金流通预算
military budget战时预算
military budget军事预算
monetary budget货币预算
monthly flexible budget data每月机动预算资料
monthly revenue and expenditure budget月度财务收支计划
national budget国家预算
national defence budget国防预算
national economic budget国民经济预算
national income and product accounts budget国民收入和生产值预算
national priority-federal budget relationship国家预支项目与联邦预算的关系
nation’s economic budget国家经济预算
neutral budget中性预算
no capital budget无资产预算
Office of Management and Budget美国管理和预算办公室
open the budget提出预算案向议会
operating budget经营预算
operating budget营业经费预算
operating budget流动经费预算
operating expense budgets经营管理费预算
ordinary budget普通预算
overall company budget企业综合预算
overhead budget一般费用预算
parametric budget参数预算
partial budget局部的预算
performance budget执行预算
performance of budget执行预算
plant and equipment budget设备现算
plant utilization budget工厂设备利用情况预算
plant utilization budget工厂设备利用预算表
prepare budget编制预算
probabilistic budget概率性预算
probabilistic profit budgets概率利润预算
problem of budget reform预算改革问题
production budget生产计划
profit budget利润预算
profit budget盈利预算
program budget decision计划预算决定
programme support service budget计划支助事务预算
project budget项目预计
proposed program budget建议的计划
R&D budget研究与发展预算
receipts not covered in the state budget国家预算外收入
reduction of military budget裁减军事预算
regular budget正规预算
regular reserve funds in budgets地方预算用准备金
regular reserve funds in local budgets地方预算准备金
repairing budgets修理预算
restrictive budget management紧缩财政管理
revenue budget岁人预算
revised budget修订后的预算
sales budget销售计划
short-term cash flow budget短期现金流转预算
slash the budget削减预算
state budget expenditure国家预算支出
state budget revenue国家预算收入
supplemental budget for annual receipts追加年度收入预算
supplemental budget for annual receipts追加岁入预算
supplemental programme budget proposals概算补充方案
surplus in the budget预算结余
system of budget control预算管理体制
the annexed budget附属预算
the austere budget紧缩财政
the austere budget紧缩预算
the balanced budget已平衡的收支预算
the balanced budget with surplus结余预算
the biennial budget cycle两年预算周期
the biennial programme and budget两年期方案和预算
the budget study预算研究
The computer company is taking the risk of exhausting its budget in developing this new product这家计算机公司冒着用尽预算资金的风险开发此新产品
the financial budget management财务预算管理
the flexibility of budget system预算制度的适应性
The government is going to introduce some deflationary measures in the annual budget政府打算在年度预算案中提岀一些紧缩通货的措施
the master budget总预算
the off-budget entity预算外单位
the other income and expense budget营业外其他损益预算
the preliminary budget初步预算
the probabilistic budget或然性预算
the probabilistic budget概率预算
the responsibility budget责任预算
the rider to budget law预算法追回条款
the rolling budget滚计预算
the strategic budget战略性预算
the super balanced budget超均衡预算
the tentative budget暂定预算
the unappropriated budget surplus未分配岁计盈余
the unified budget美国综合预算
the unified budget统一预算
They should prepare, as promptly as feasible adj., a total budget for the project他们应尽可能快地准备好一份这一项目的总预算
This budget will be investigated promptly by the owner业主将迅速调査这项预算
traditional budget传统预算
unbalanced budget赤字财政
unit activity budget单位活动预算
unitary budget单式预算
utilization of budget执行预算
variable budgets弹性预算
variable budgets可变预算
variable budgets变动预算
variation from budget预算差异
We have provided for $200.000 of expenses in the budget在预算中我们预定了 20万美元的费用
We have to lay half of our cash budget on buying new equipment我们必须支付现金预算的一半来购买新设备
whole-farm budget整个-养殖场预算
world development budget世界开发预算
zero-base budget零基运算