
Terms for subject Commerce containing budget | all forms | exact matches only
a limited budget有限的预算
achieve a balanced budget实现预算平衡
advisory committee on budget预算咨询委员会
allocation of budget预算分配
approve the budget批准预算
balanced budget收支平衡预算
budget bill预算方案
budget for next year下一年度预算
Bureau of Budget美国预算局
business budget营业开支预算
capital expenditure budget资本预算
Congress unanimously approved the budget国会一致批准该项预算
cut down the budget削减预算
detail budget详细预算
double budget双重预算
drafted general budget草拟总预算
estimate of budget概算
estimated budget估计出的预算
execution of budget预算执行情况
finance a budget deficit弥补预算赤字
1990 fiscal year budget1990 年度财政预算
general budget making总预算编制
implementation of state budget国家预算执行情况
integrated budget综合预算
ledger budget总预算书
low budget低预算
materials cost budget原材料成本预算
next year budget下年预算
overhead budget间接费用预算
preparatory budget初步预算
prepared budget编制的预算
production expense budget生产费用预算
progressive cash budget累进现金预算
provisional budget暂时预算
receipts out of budget预算处收入
require a budget of US $100,000要求100,000美元预算
revised budget修正的预算
revised budget修改后的预算案
rolling budget滚动式预算
sliding scale budget弹性预算
state budget expenditure国家预算支出 (与国家预算收入(state budget revenue) 相对)
static budget固定预算 (指固定预算 (fixed budget), 与弹性预算 (flexible budget) 、可变预算 (variable budget) 相对;比较 state budget 国家预算)
static budget 静态预算,与可变预算 variable budget 相对固定预算
stay within the budget不透支
submit a budget提交预算
supplement a budget追加预算
surplus in budget财政预算结余
tentative budget暂编预算
unit budget drafting单位预算编制
variable budget变动预算 (指弹性预算 (flexible budget), 与固定预算 (fixed budget)、静态预算 (static budget) 相对;比较: variable budgeting 变动预算编制)
variable budget 可变预算弹性预算
vote the budget表决预算
work out a budget编制预算
working budget实施的预算