
Terms for subject Technology containing brightness | all forms | exact matches only
angular brightness按角亮度分布
angular brightness distribution角亮度分布
apparent sky brightness视天空亮度
aurora brightness极光亮度
automatic brightness contrast control自动对比度控制
automatic brightness contrast control自动亮度反差调整
automatic brightness control亮度自动控制
average brightness平均亮度
background brightness control背景亮度控制
beam brightness束亮度
beam brightness光束亮度
brightness acuity亮度敏锐性
brightness adaption亮度适应 (性)
brightness attribute明度属性
brightness attribute亮度属性
brightness beat亮度差拍
brightness beat亮度跳动
brightness blink亮度闪烁
brightness characteristic of aerial object航摄景物亮度特性
brightness color image色像亮度
brightness colour image色像亮度
brightness constancy亮度恒定性
brightness contour等亮度线
brightness contrast亮度反差
brightness contrast border亮〔辉〕度界限
brightness contrast border亮度对比界限
brightness control亮度调节
brightness curve亮度曲线
brightness decay亮度衰减
brightness degree亮度等级
brightness discriminator亮度鉴别 (能力)
brightness distribution亮度分布
brightness distribution curve亮度分布曲线
brightness enhancing亮度增强
brightness factor亮度因数
brightness factor亮度因子
brightness flop明度视角变异
brightness fluctuation亮度波动
brightness fluctuation亮度扰动
brightness gain亮度增益
brightness impression亮度感
brightness in oil吸油后白度
brightness matching亮度匹配
brightness meter光度计
brightness meter亮度计
brightness noise亮度噪声
brightness of a color颜色明度
brightness of a colour颜色明度
brightness of daylight日光亮度
brightness of daylight日间亮度
brightness of flame火焰亮度
brightness of image成像清晰度
brightness of image成像亮度
brightness of image影像亮度
brightness of screen picture图像亮度
brightness of sky天空亮度
brightness of the spot光点亮度
brightness of window surface釆光口亮度
brightness of window surface窗面亮度
brightness of window surface采光口亮度
brightness of window surface窗口亮度
brightness pulse亮度脉冲
brightness range明度范围
brightness range of object地物亮度范围
brightness regulator亮度调节器
brightness retention亮度保持性
brightness scale明度标
brightness scale明度梯级
brightness scale亮度分划
brightness sensation亮度感觉
brightness separation亮度间隔
brightness signal亮度信号
brightness signal detector亮度信号检测器
brightness standard亮度标准
brightness-temperature pyrometer亮度温度高温计
brightness test明度试验
brightness test chart亮度测试图
brightness testing亮度检验
brightness transfer characteristic亮度传输特性
brightness transition亮度跃迁
brightness value亮度值
brightness-voltage characteristic亮度电压特性
brightness zone亮度区
coefficient of brightness亮度系数
color brightness色明度
color brightness彩色明亮度
color brightness颜色亮度
color brightness亮度
color brightness颜色明度
color-brightness tester色亮度测试仪
colour brightness颜色亮度
colour brightness彩色明亮度
colour brightness亮度
colour brightness色明度
colour brightness颜色明度
colour-brightness tester色亮度测试仪
contrast of brightness亮度对比
cyan brightness青色明度
decline in brightness亮度消减
decrease in brightness亮度消减
degree of brightness光亮程度
difference of brightness亮度差
dry brightness干亮度
dry brightness干态明度
equal brightness photometer等亮度光度计
equality of brightness photometer等亮度光度计
equi-brightness curve等亮度曲线
equilibrium brightness平衡亮度
extended low-surface brightness source低面亮度展源
field brightness场亮度
flicker-brightness performance闪烁与亮度性能
full noon brightness满月亮度
furnace for brightness光亮炉
hemi-sphere of sky of uniform brightness均匀亮度的天空半球
high brightness高亮度
high brightness最大亮度
high brightness高明度
high brightness beam高亮度光束
high brightness coating高光泽涂层
high brightness concentration factor高亮度聚光因子
high brightness indicator高亮度显示器
high brightness lamp高亮度灯
high brightness slide projector高亮度幻灯机
high brightness stationary cine projector高亮度固定式放映机
highlight brightness最大亮度
high-light brightness最大亮度
highlight brightness强光亮度
image brightness图像亮度
image brightness control影像亮度控制
integrated brightness累积亮度
intrinsic brightness本征亮度
intrinsic brightness本身亮度
intrinsic brightness内禀亮度
intrinsical brightness内禀亮度
intrinsical brightness本征亮度
intrinsical brightness本身亮度
intrinsical brightness固有亮度
jump in brightness亮度跃变
jump in brightness亮度落差
jump in brightness亮度跃迁
lamp brightness selector灯光亮度调节器
light brightness control光亮度控制
light brightness control光亮色控制
low brightness低明度
maximum brightness最高亮度
mean picture brightness图像平均亮度
medium brightness中等明度
microwave brightness temperature微波亮度温度
minimum brightness最小亮度
minimum detectable brightness最小可检测亮度
minimum perceptible brightness difference最小可辨亮度差
minimum perceptible brightness difference最小视觉亮度差
night brightness夜天亮度
normal brightness法向亮度
normal brightness正射法向亮度
object brightness coefficient景物亮度系数
optic brightness光学亮度
optical brightness光学亮度
overall brightness-transfer characteristic总亮度传输特性
perception of brightness亮度感
photo-electric brightness光电亮度
photoelectric brightness光电亮度
photoelectrical brightness光电亮度
photographic brightness照相亮度
photographical brightness照相亮度
photometer head with equality of brightness prism等亮度棱镜的光度头
photometric brightness光度学亮度
photometric brightness光照度
photometric brightness scale光度亮度范围
photometric brightness scale光度亮度划分
photometrical brightness光度学亮度
photometrical brightness光照度
photometrical brightness scale光度亮度范围
photometrical brightness scale光度亮度划分
picture brightness图像亮度
radio brightness temperature射电亮温度
radio non-thermal brightness temperature非热射电亮温度
raio brightness distribution射电亮度分布
range of brightness亮度范围
real brightness真亮度
reconstruction brightness再现亮度
relative brightness明澄度
room brightness室内亮度
scene brightness景物清晰度
sky brightness temperature天空亮度温度
subjective brightness主观亮度
sun-illuminated cloud brightness日照云层亮度
tonal brightness色调亮度
total brightness总亮度
total sky brightness累积天空亮度
true brightness真实亮度
twilight brightness曙暮光亮度
uneven brightness光泽不匀
uniform brightness等亮度
uniform brightness均匀亮度
uniform brightness perfectly diffusing surface等亮度完全扩散面
variation in brightness亮度变化
variation of brightness亮度变化
veiling brightness遮掩性亮度
veiling brightness干扰性亮度
white brightness白场亮度
window brightness窗亮度