
Terms for subject Aviation containing breathing | all forms | exact matches only
air breathing electric laser吸气式电子激光
air breathing engine空气助燃发动机
air-breathing engine system空气喷气发动机系统
air breathing engine system吸气式发动机系统
air-breathing engine system吸空气发动机系统
air-breathing jet吸气式发动机
air breathing launch vehicle吸气式运载火箭
air breathing propulsion system吸气推进系统
anti-G pressure breathing抗荷加压呼吸
aviator's breathing oxygen飞行员用氧气
breathe on recirculation ignition system循环进气点火系统
breathing apparatus呼吸机
breathing apparatus呼吸装置
breathing apparatus氧气设备
breathing full face mask呼吸全脸型面罩
breathing oxygen system呼吸用氧气系统
breathing pressure fluctuation呼吸压力波动
breathing simulator模拟呼吸器
breathing vibration放气振动
closed circuit oxygen breathing apparatus闭式回路氧气呼吸器
continuous-pressure breathing恒压增压供氧
continuous-pressure breathing equipment恒压增压式氧气设备
crew protective breathing equipment乘务员保护用氧气设备
emergency breathing apparatus应急呼吸器
emergency escape breathing device应急逃生氧气设备
general breathing oxygen system一般供氧系统
ground pressure breathing training地面低压呼吸训练
high-altitude breathing apparatus高空氧气设备
high-altitude breathing apparatus高空呼吸设备
integrated system test of an air-breathing rocket吸气式火箭的综合系统测试
International Society of Air-breathing Engineers国际空气喷气式发动机工程师协会
maximum breathing capacity最大换气量
pilot breathing facility驾驶员供氧呼吸设施
pilot breathing oxygen驾驶员呼吸用氧
positive pressure breathing正压呼吸
protective breathing equipment防护性呼吸设备
protective breathing equipment防护呼吸设备
protective breathing equipment呼吸保护设备
rescue breathing apparatus救急氧气设备
self contained breathing apparatus自给式呼吸装置
self contained underwater breathing apparatus自给式水下呼吸装置
syncope in pressure breathing加压呼吸性晕厥