
Terms containing breath | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a pause to take breath暂停下来歇一歇
gen.above one's breath出〔高〕声
securit.absolute breath index绝对幅度指标
tech.anasarca with shortness of breath正水
gen.at a breath
life.sc.babies breath满天星
anim.husb.baby's breath线型瞿麦
desert.baby's breath圆锥石头花
anim.husb.baby's breath宿根霞草
biol.baby's breath线型瞿麦宿根霞草,Gypsophila paniculata L.,石竹科
life.sc.bad breath口臭
otorhinol.bad breath呼吸臭
gen.bad breath口气
dentist.Bad breath can be caused by gum diseases牙龈疾病可以引起口腔异味
gen.bate one's breath连大气也不敢出
gen.bate one's breath因恐惧或激动屏息
subm.bated breath diving屏气潜水
gen.below one's breath低声地
gen.below one's breath压着嗓子
gen.black-breath figure黑呵痕
sport., med.breaking point of breath holding屏息的临界点
tech.breath apparatus吸气装置
subm.breath bag呼吸袋
sport., med.breath capacity肺活量
psychol.breath control控制呼吸
swim.breath control呼吸控制
sport., psychol.breath control呼吸调整法
gen.breath figure呵痕
tech.breath-hold diving屏气潜水
tech.breath-hold diving operation屏气潜水作业
avia.breath hold time屏气时间
med.breath holding屏息
med.breath holding屏气
nurs.breath holding spell屏气发作
sport., med.breath holding test屏气试验
sport., med.breath holding time屏气时间
swim.breath in吸气
sport., med.breath mechanics呼吸力学
exhib.breath mint薄荷糖
tech.breath of discharge opening排料口宽度
nautic., tech.breath of hatchboard舱盖板宽度
nautic., tech.breath of hatchcover舱盖宽度
gen.breath of heaven南非香叶木
gen.breath of heaven非洲南部小灌木
nautic., tech.breath of ladder梯宽
gen.breath of life必需品
gen.breath of life要件
nautic., tech.breath of lifeboat救生艇宽
securit.breath of market index市场规模指数
securit.breath of market index市场宽度指数
proj.manag.breath of product assortment产品线的宽度
tech.breath of skin皮肤损伤
gen.breath of tooth齿宽
proj.manag.breath or diversity of product lines产品线的宽度或多样性
swim.breath out呼气
otorhinol.breath picture呼吸像
sport., med.breath rate呼吸率 •
spacebreath rate per minute每分钟呼吸速率
psychol.breath-regulating skill调息功
sport., med.breath reserve呼吸储备
sport., med.breath reserve ratio呼吸储备比值
otorhinol.breath sound呼吸音
nurs.breath sounds呼吸声
otorhinol.breath support呼吸支持
auto.breath test发动机进排气试验
auto.breath test呼气测醉试验
nurs.breath test呼气试验
auto.breath test calibration unit通风试验校准装置
gen.catch one's breath屏息
gen.catch one's breath吓一跳
gen.catch one's breath喘气
gen.catch one's breath松一口气
gen.catch one's breath气喘吁吁
swim.change breath换气
anim.husb.chick's first breath蛋的气室
wushu.deep breath深呼吸
swim.diving with bated breath屏气潜泳
subm.diving with bated breath屏气潜水
gen.draw breath活在世上
gen.draw breath喘口气
gen.draw breath呼吸
gen.draw one's first breath出世
gen.draw one's first breath出生
gen.draw one's last breath咽气
gen.draw one's last breath断气
auto.evidential breath test通风验证试验
otorhinol.fetid breath呼吸臭
otorhinol.fetid breath口臭
otorhinol.foul breath呼吸臭
life.sc.foul breath口臭
tech.foundation breath基础阔度
gen.gather a breath缓一口气
gen.get one's breath恢复常态 (again)
gen.give up the breath
gen.give up the breath断气
gen.have foul breath口臭
gen.He is short of breath. Even when he has not been exercising, he is breathless他喘气,即使不运动,也是上气不接下气
wushu.hold breath屏气
sport., med.hold breath屏息
swim.hold breath闭气
gen.hold one's breath屏息
securit.hold breath to watch stock market屏气凝神注视着股市
swim.hold one's breath闭气
sport.hold one's breath屏住呼吸
swim.holding-breath diving屏气潜泳
subm.holding-breath diving屏气潜水
gen.in a breath
gen.in a breath齐声地
gen.in one breath
gen.in one breath齐声地
gen.in the same breath相提并论
gen.in the same breath同时
spaceintermittent pressure breath间歇加压呼吸
gen.keep one's breath屏息
gen.keep one's breath to cool one's porridge不要白费口舌
securit.lack breath股市不振
sport.last breath attack最后奋力进攻
tech.level breath水面宽 (度)
gen.lose one's breath喘不过气来
gen.lose one's breath喘气
sport.lose one's breath喘不过气来
textilemark a breath打开销路
textilenipple breath
gen.not a breath of一点儿没有
otorhinol.offensive breath呼吸臭
otorhinol.offensive breath口臭
sport., physiol.out of breath上气不接下气的
sport.out of breath喘气
sport.out of breath气喘吁吁上气不接下气
sport., med.out of breath喘不过气来
sport., physiol.out of breath气喘吁吁的
sport., physiol.out of breath呼吸困难的
sport., physiol.out of breath喘息
gen.pant for breath
wushu.physical and breath i ng exercise导弓 |
gen.put sb. out of breath使某人上气不接下气
gen.put sb. out of breath使某人喘不过气来
sport.recover regain one's breath缓口气
nautic., tech.rudder breath舵宽
sport.Runner No. 9 is out of breath with running9 号运动员跑得气喘吁吁
idiom.save one's breath to cool one's porridge不要白费口舌
gen.scant of breath呼吸困难
sport.second breath第二次呼吸
gen.short breath气促
med.short of breath呼吸短促
med.short of breath喘不过气来
nurs.short of breath呼吸短促的
med.short of breath呼吸困难
mount.shortness of breath气短
sport., med.shortness of breath气促
med.shortness of breath呼吸困难
gen.slip one's breath/死
gen.slip one's breath断气
gen.spare one's breath to cool one's porridge不要白费口舌
gen.spend one's breath白说
gen.spend one's breath徒费唇舌
gen.stop sb.'s breath闷死某人
desert.sweet breath of spring郁香忍冬
sport., med.take a deep breath深呼吸
gen.take breath歇一歇
gen.take breath歇息
gen.take one's breath away使某人透不过气来
gen.the breath of one's nostril必不可少的东西
gen.The doctor ordered that you should stay in bed for several days, and if you feel any shortness of breath, please let me know, and I will tell the doctor医生说,您应该卧床休息些日子。如果您感到气急,请告诉我,我会转告医生的
sport.The runner lost his breath in running这位运动员跑得喘不过气来
sport.The runner stopped to recover regain his breath这位赛跑运动员停下来缓口气
gen.to the last breath至死
nurs.training for abdominal breath腹式呼吸训练
gen.under one's breath低声地
gen.under one's breath压着嗓子
gen.waste one's breath白说
gen.waste one's breath徒费唇舌
gen.with one's bad breath心怀恶意
gen.with bated breath屏息地
gen.with bated breath小声地
gen.with bated breath焦急地
gen.with bated breath屏息
gen.with the last breath最后
gen.with the last breath临终时
gen.yield up the breath
gen.yield up the breath断气