
Terms containing brand | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a blanket brand同一商标
econ.a brand name商标
econ.A brand name has become a vital part of a product's identity商标名称已经成了产品身份极重要的组成部分
cosmet.A drop of brand-name perfume will keep you attractively aromatic all day long洒上一滴名牌香水,令您一天芳香迷人
econ.a family brand系列商标
econ.a famous brand名牌
busin.a good brand好商标
econ.a good brand好的商标
econ.a good brand高级【名牌】货
econ.a good brand上等品质
econ.a good brand优良品质
busin.a good brand名牌货
econ.a reseller brand转卖的商标
econ.a reseller brand转售者厂牌
econ.a unified brand统一商标
econ.a unified brand统一牌号
shipb.alligator-brand punching machine鳄鱼牌冲床
shipb.alligator-brand shearing machine鳄鱼牌剪床
busin.ambiguity of brand meaning品牌意义模糊
commer.American Brands Inc.美国商标公司 (1890)
commer.American Brands Inc美国商标公司
busin.any good brand好商标
econ.any good brand任何好牌号的
busin.any good brand名牌货
busin.any good brand任何名牌货
sol.pow.attaching label and brand粘贴标识
auto.auto brand车牌子
auto.auto brand汽车商标
pharm.Axe Brand Red Flower Oil斧标正红花油 (由松节油、冬青油、丁香油、薄荷油、乳香、没药、樟脑、丹皮酚及血竭等所制外用溶液商品名;镇痛药)
pharm.Axe Brand Universal Oil斧标驱风油 (由薄荷脑、桉叶油、冬青油、樟脑等所制外用溶液剂商品名;祛风止痛药)
interntl.trade.blanket brand一系列商品采用的同一商标
busin.blanket brand同一商标
busin.brand acceptance商标承认意谓消费者购买此商标商品
adv.brand agency品牌代理
adv.brand alliance品牌联盟
adv.brand association品牌联想
adv.brand attitude品牌态度
adv.brand awareness品牌知晓
adv.brand awareness品牌知名度
tech.brand awareness牌子意识
tech.brand barometer report品牌晴雨报告
adv.brand building品牌塑造
adv.brand categorization品牌归类
interntl.trade.brand choice商标选择
interntl.trade.brand choice牌号选择
busin.brand choice behavior商标选择行为
interntl.trade.brand clause商标条款
adv.brand communications strategy品牌传播策略
adv.brand community品牌社群
adv.brand consciousness品牌意识
China, lawbrand designated指定品牌
adv.brand development品牌发展
adv.brand development品牌开发
adv.brand development index品牌开发指数
adv.brand development index品牌成长指数
adv.brand differentiation品牌差异化
adv.brand differentiation品牌差异性
adv.brand dilution品牌淡化
adv.brand drive factor品牌驱动要素
securit.brand equity品牌价值
adv.brand equity品牌资产
securit.brand equity品牌股本
adv.brand experience品牌体验
shipb.brand extension strategy扩展厂牌策略
econ.brand familiarity品牌知晓
adv.brand filling品牌的市场空缺填补
adv.brand franchise品牌专属
adv.brand franchise品牌特许权
busin.brand franchise品牌影响范围
tech.brand franchise牌子影响范围
agric.brand fungi黑粉菌
busin.brand identification品牌识别
anim.husb.brand identification品牌识别
tech.brand identification商标识另
adv.brand identifying mark品牌识别标记
manag.brand image商标形象
busin.brand image品牌印象
busin.brand image消费者形成某种商标商品的商标印象
adv.brand insistence品牌坚持
adv.brand integration品牌融入
adv.brand interest品牌兴趣
tech.brand iron烙铁
busin.brand labeling商标标签
adv.brand layer theory品牌层次理论
busin.brand leader领头商标
tech.brand leader头号牌子
adv.brand leadership名牌领导
busin.brand loyal商标忠实者
busin.brand loyalty消费者对商标的信任
busin.brand loyalty商标信誉
busin.brand loyalty商标忠实性
interntl.trade.brand loyalty商标使用费
interntl.trade.brand loyalty消费者对商标厂牌的信任
securit.brand loyalty品牌忠诚度顾客认定购买某一个品牌及其股票的倾向
tech.brand loyalty analysis商品信赖度分析
econ.Brand loyalty is the feeling of a customer who always buys the same brand of product所谓商标忠实性指的是一个顾客固定购买同一商标产品的现象
adv.brand loyalty ladder品牌忠诚阶梯
adv.brand management consulting firm品牌管理咨询公司
adv.brand manager品牌经理
busin.brand manager商标经理
tech.brand manager牌子产品经理
econ.brand managers品牌管理者
archit.brand mark工厂印记
anim.husb.brand mark烙号
commer.brand mark商标标记
tech.brand mark商标 (符号)
tech.brand mark品标
adv.brand mark品牌符号
chem.brand mark烙印
econ.brand mark商标名称
busin.brand mark商标
gen.brand mark商标符号
anim.husb.brand-mark on horn角上烙印
commer.brand name品名
interntl.trade.brand name商标名称
tech.brand name商标 (名称)
adv.brand name品牌
auto.brand name商品名
anim.husb.brand name制造厂牌子
anim.husb.brand name等级名称
tech.brand name牌号 (名称)
adv.brand name advertising品牌广告
adv.brand-name advertising品牌广告
met.brand-name and quality product名优产品
auto.brand-name grease品牌润滑脂
commer.brand 比较: name of goods 货物名称品名
met.brand-name product名牌产品
busin.brand name products名牌产品
adv.Brand Names Foundation, Inc.商标名称基金会
telecom.brand new崭新的
telecom.brand new新出品
dril.brand new全新的
gen.brand-new新买 〔得到〕的
tech.brand-new idea创见
auto.brand number轮胎标识代码
auto.brand of automotive model车辆厂牌
met.brand of ore矿石种类
dril.brand off分支
dril.brand off分叉
adv.brand partnership品牌合作关系
adv.brand partnership品牌伙伴
cosmet.Brand perfumes are genuine and completely natural and safe fragrances, free from harmful chemical ingredients and toxic synthetics品牌香水是真正的、完全自然的安全香水,不含有害化学成分和有毒合成物
adv.brand personality品牌个性
adv.brand planning品牌策划
interntl.trade.brand policy厂牌政策
adv.brand policy品牌策略
tech.brand policy牌名政策
adv.brand potential index品牌潜力指数
adv.brand preference品牌爱好
comp.brand preference品牌偏好
fin.brand products名牌产品
adv.brand proliferation strategy品牌扩散策略
anim.husb.brand promotion商标促销
anim.husb.brand promotion品牌促销
adv.brand promotion品牌推广
adv.brand protection品牌保护
tech.brand punch烙印器
adv.brand ranking品牌排名
adv.brand rating品牌评级
adv.Brand Rating Index品牌评级指数
libr.brand recognition品牌
adv.brand recognition品牌认知度
interntl.trade.brand registered注册商标 (trade mark)
adv.brand resource management品牌资源管理
adv.brand retirement品牌退役
busin.brand royalty商标牌号使用费
busin.brand royalty商标使用费
auto.brand select品牌选择
tech.brand share商标市场占有率
tech.brand share牌子产品份额
agric.brand spore黑粉菌冬孢子
adv.brand steward品牌管家
adv.brand story名牌故事
adv.brand stretching品牌扩张
busin.brand switch品牌转换
adv.brand switching品牌转换
tech.brand switching商标转换
busin.brand switching model牌子改用模式
tech.brand-switching model牌子改用模型
anim.husb.brand tag挂的商标牌
auto.brand valuation品牌价值评价
racingBrands HatchF1英国布兰兹海奇赛道
tech.burning-brand test灼烙试验 (屋面材料)
textilecharacter brand特征商标
textilecharacter brand特征品牌
textilecharacter brand特性品牌
chem.coal brand小麦黑粉病
adv.commodity brand日用品品牌
busin.continue to use the old brand沿用旧牌
adv.controlled brand独家经销的品牌
adv.cost per brand experience品牌经验成本
shipb.create famous brand products创造名牌产品
shipb.create famous-brand products创造名牌产品
busin.create fine-quality brand-name products创名牌优质产品
auto.customized body panel of smart brand car时尚车定制的车身板
econ.dealer's brand商人品牌
busin.dealer's brand自有商标
busin.dealer's brand自有商品牌名
busin.discriminate the brand鉴别牌号
adv.distributor brand供货者商标
adv.distributor brand经销商品牌
interntl.trade.distributor’s brand供货者商标
interntl.trade.distributor’s brand经销商牌子
busin.distributor's brand经销商商标
busin.distributor's brand供货商号的商标
gen.Dunhill, a famous British brand, produces menswear, leather goods, lighters, pipes, watches, and men's jewelry and so on登喜路是英国著名品牌,产品包括男装、皮具、打火机、烟斗、手表、男用饰品等
auto.edge brand制动衬带编码用以辨别制造厂家、专用的衬带材料、衬带的摩擦系数等
met.Eel brand antifriction metal伊尔牌铅基耐磨合金 (15Sb, 6Sn, 1Ni, 1.5Cd,余量Pb)
tech.Eel Brand antifriction metal伊尔布兰德减摩合金
commer.established brand名牌
econ.export order for manufactures after buyer's own design and brand依照买家的设计和商标去制造的出口订单
shipb.face shield famous-brand面罩
adv.factory-owned brand厂商品牌
busin.family brand群体牌子指一企业所产各种产品均用同一牌子,如雀巢咖啡、雀巢奶粉等
busin.family brand族名牌子
econ.family brand家族品牌
tech.family brand统一品牌
interntl.trade.family brands家族名厂牌
busin.family brands群体牌子
shipb.famous brand著名商标
textilefamous brand名牌
tech.famous brand名牌货
textilefamous brand驰名品牌
textilefamous brand and high class fashion名牌高档时装
textilefamous brand fashion名牌服装
textilefamous brand high-quality new product名优新产品
tech.famous brand high-quality products名优产品
shipb.famous-brand policy名牌政策
busin.famous brand product名牌产品
commer.famous-brand products名牌产品
tech.famous brand products名牌产品
shipb.famous-brand strategy名牌策略
gen.famous brands知名品牌
gen.famous brands of shoes鞋的知名品牌
agric.fertilizer brand肥料牌号
agric.fertilizer brand肥料商标
busin.fighting brand拼搏品牌
adv.fighting brand竞争商标
agric.fire brand火源
gen.For brands that do not fall into the luxury category, like Adidas, expansion elsewhere in China can sometimes be difficult像阿迪达斯这样的非奢侈品品牌,在中国其他地方扩张可能会比较困难
auto.fuel brand燃料牌号
textilegarment brand服装品牌
auto.gasoline brand汽油牌
adv.generic brand非品牌产品
adv.generic brand非名牌
gen.Good heat preservation is a feature of the electric cooker of this brand保暖性强是本品牌电炉的特点
commer.good merchantable brand上好可销牌号
textilegood merchantable brand畅销商品
textilegood merchantable brand佳品
busin.good merchantable brand上好可销商品
econ.good merchantable brand优良品
econ.good merchantable brand行销名牌
econ.good merchantable brand上好有销路的牌子
econ.good merchantable brand畅销货
busin.good merchantable brand畅销名牌
gen.good merchantable brand良好牌号的商品指生铁、金属铜等
textilegood ordinary brand中等可销牌子
econ.good ordinary brand普通上等商品
econ.good ordinary brand中等可销商品
econ.good ordinary brand中等可销品牌
textilegood ordinary brand普通上等品
textilegood ordinary brand普通上好商品
gen.good ordinary brand 四等纯锌纯度98〜99%
tech.goods of a well-known brand名牌货
textilegroup brand联合商标
met.high quality and brand name product优质名牌产品
cosmet.high-end brand高端品牌
tech.horn brand角上烙印
auto.house brand工厂商标标记
busin.house brand私家品牌
commer.house brand工厂品牌
chem.house brand工厂标号
busin.house brand工厂商标〔标号〕
busin.house brand公司牌名
adv.house brand自销品牌
construct.house-brand gasoline普通〔正规〕品种汽油
tech.house-brand gasoline汽油正规品种
chem.house-brand gasoline厂标汽油
tech.house-brand gasoline普通品种汽油
cosmet.I am sure our prices are the most favorable. Elsewhere prices for brand new perfumes have gone up tremendously in recent years我确定我们的价格已经是最优惠的了。在其他地方,这个品牌的新款香水价格近几年来涨了不少
cosmet.I recommend a brand to you. This brand has a face cream which is effective on fading freckles我给你推荐个牌子吧,这个品牌有一款面霜对淡化雀斑很有效
cosmet.I will have Lancome, Opera, L'Oreal and Maybelline as the target brands for my survey and find the mascara that best meets your requirement, on the basis of the five norms mentioned above我将以兰蔻、娥佩兰、欧莱雅和美宝莲作为调查对象,根据以上五个准则去选择一款最适合您使用的睫毛膏
gen.I'd like to see different new models of several brands shown in your 4S store我想看看您4S店里不同汽车品牌最新的车型
econ.Illegally making use of others' brands constitutes infringement非法使用他人商标构成商标侵权
cosmet.I’m buying for chain stores in China. They are also interested in these brands of French perfumes我是在为中国的连锁店采购香水。它们对这几个品牌的法国香水很感兴趣
interntl.trade.imitation brand冒牌
tech.imitation brand影射商标
busin.imitation brand goods冒牌货
shipb.In respect to quality, I don't think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours.在质量方面其他牌号的商品很难与我们的相比
busin.individual brand个别品牌
busin.individual brand个别牌名
adv.individual brand个体品牌
busin.individual brand个别厂牌
adv.individual brand独立品牌
interntl.trade.individual brands个别厂牌
econ.individual brands个别名牌
tech.industry brand煤的工业牌号
China, polit.initiate a brand-new starting point开辟一个崭新的起点 (for)
adv.internet brand网络品牌
econ.It took the company a lot of money to launch a new brand of soap该公司花费了大量金钱做广告把一个新牌子肥皂推上市
sport., cloth.It's a good opportunity for us, as we want to become an international, specialist sports brand我们想成为国际的、专业的运动品牌,这是一个好机会
econ.less known and error brand杂牌
textilelicense brand专利品牌
gen.Lining is a brand for sportswear, created by Li Ning, one of the most famous gymnast in the world李宁是一个运动装品牌,由世界最著名的体操运动员之一李宁创立
interntl.trade.listed brand上场商品
securit.listed brand注册登记牌号
tech.listed brand指在交易所的上场商品
econ.listed brand上市商品
interntl.trade.listed brand交易所登记列名牌号
busin.listed brand登记列名牌号
securit.listed brand上市品牌
adv.local brand地方性品牌
busin.local brand地方品牌
tech.local brand区域性品牌
tech.log brand原木号印
textilemajor brand名牌
textilemajor brand主要牌号
textilemaker brand制造者的商标
textilemanufacturer brand制造商品牌
adv.manufacturers brand制造商品牌产品销售
tech.manufacturer's brand厂商牌号
busin.manufacturer's brand制造厂商标
busin.manufacturer's brand厂商品牌
tech.manufacturer's brand制造商厂牌
interntl.trade.manufacturer’s brands制造商厂牌商标
tech.manufacture's brand厂牌
busin.manufacturing brand goods定牌制造
gen.Many famous brand stores gather in the right bank of Seine river area巴黎塞纳河的右岸区云集着许多著名品牌的专卖店
gen.Many well-known clothing brands were born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, such as Metersbonwe and Semir美特斯邦威和森马等许多知名服装品牌都诞生于浙江省温州市
textilemetallic brand提花钢带
textilemiddleman's brand中间商品牌
adv.mixed brand method组合品牌法
adv.monolithic brand strategy单一品牌战略
cosmet.Most consumers who buy fragrances are responding to the reputation of the brand, the quality of the product or the price大多数消费者都根据品牌知名度、质量和产品价格选择香水
shipb.multiple brand strategy多品牌策略
textilemultiple brands多种商标
textilename brand铭牌
textilename brand名牌产品
adv.name brand名牌
interntl.trade.name brand名牌货
interntl.trade.name brand名牌
tech.name brand名牌商品
busin.national brand全国性名牌
econ.national brand国家名牌 (货)
busin.national brand国家名牌
adv.national brand民族品牌
textilenational brand制造业者商标
busin.national brand全国性商标
busin.national brand全国性厂牌
adv.national brand全国性品牌
interntl.trade.national brands全国性厂牌
textilenational private brand全国性个人商标
adv.no-brand brand name杂牌名称
gen.of all breeds and brands各种各样的
gen.of all breeds and brands形形色色的
busin.off brand老牌子
auto.oil brand润滑油牌号商标
tech.oil brand油品的牌号
textileoriginal brand专有商标
textileoriginal brand独创商标
auto.original brand manufacturer原始商标制造商只负责生产加工别人的产品,然后贴上别人的商标
adv.original brand manufacturer原始品牌制造商
cosmet.Our company specializes in imported Japanese cosmetics, not domestic production of Japanese brands我公司专营日本原装进口化妆品,绝非国内生产的日本牌子
busin.own brand用自己店名商标指用售货商店的店名,而非用制造厂商的厂名作为商标
textileown brand自家商标
adv.own brand商品出售时贴商店商标
agric.pepper brand腥黑粉病
textilepersonal brand个性化品牌
met.pig iron brand生铁商标
met.pig iron brand生铁等级
met.pig iron brand生铁标号
commer.popular brand著名商标
busin.popular brand名牌
auto.premium brand驰名高贵品牌
auto.premium brand名牌
tech.pretend to be famous brand假充名牌
econ.pretend to famous brand假充名牌
busin.private brand私人品牌
busin.private brand自有品牌指大型零售店内,商品印有自己店名或自创商标,代替原生产厂商商标的一种营销方式
commer.private brand私人商标
textileprivate brand私营厂牌
textileprivate brand私有商标 (PB)
textileprivate brand私人自有品牌
textileprivate brand店属商标 (PB)
textileprivate brand个人商标 (PB)
busin.private brand专用商标
adv.private brand自有品牌
econ.private brands私营厂牌
tech.private brands私人厂牌
textileproduct brand品名
textileproduct brand品牌
commer.product brand产品牌名
adv.product brand strategy产品品牌战略
textileproprietary brand特殊品种
sport.proprietary brand自主品牌
textilequality brand名牌
textilequality brand品牌
busin.quality brand品质标记
met.rail brand钢轨标志
met.rail brand钢轨商标
tech.rail brand钢轨印记
sport., cloth.Recently, Adidas, the world's second largest sportswear brand, launched a flagship store on the Internet最近,阿迪达斯,世界第二大运动品牌,推出了网络旗舰店
commer.recognized established brand公认名牌
cloth.Redchild is a well-known brand for children's wear红孩儿是一个知名的童装品牌
adv.regional brand区域品牌
commer.registered brand注册牌名
auto.registration brand注册商标
busin.reliable brand of goods名牌货
textilereseller brand转卖者商标
busin.reseller brand转售者厂牌
interntl.trade.reseller brands再售者厂牌
tech.ruyi brand如意牌
busin.sale by brand凭厂牌售货
econ.sale by brand转买的商标
busin.sale by brand凭厂牌销售指某些名牌商品常凭厂牌交易
busin.sale by brand and description认牌子交易
interntl.trade.sale by brand and/or description凭厂牌和说明售货
interntl.trade.sale by brand &/or description凭厂牌和说明售货
commer.sale by brand or trade mark凭厂牌或商标买卖
busin.sale by brand or trade mark认牌子交易
interntl.trade.sale by mark or brand凭商标牌名买卖
busin.sale by mark or brand凭标牌售货
busin.sale by the brand and/or the description凭厂牌和说明书出售
busin.sale by trade mark of brand凭商标或牌记出售
interntl.trade.sale by trade mark or brand凭商标或牌记出售
interntl.trade.sale by trade mark or brand凭商标牌记买卖
interntl.trade.sales by brand or trade mark凭牌号或商标的买卖
railw.sales by trade mark or brand凭商标或牌名买卖
cosmet.She bought the make-up of this brand just because it contains more coupons than others她买了这一牌子的化妆品只是因为其所赠送的优惠券比其他牌子的要多
cosmet.She's crazy about Anna Sui. You know she has normal skin; the products of that brand suit her very well她非常喜欢安娜苏。她是中性皮肤,那个牌子的产品很适合她
textileshirt of famous brand名牌衬衫
textilestandard brand标准标记
textilestandard brand标准牌号
interntl.trade.standard brand正牌子
textilestandard brand正牌
busin.standard brand标准商标牌子
securit.start a brand new undertaking开创全新事业
securit.start a brand new undertaking二次创业
textilestart a new brand创品牌
textilestart a new brand创牌子
sport., cloth.Still, some Chinese brands offered more optimistic outlooks尽管如此,一些中国运动品牌仍然对前景持有乐观的预期
interntl.trade.store brand商标
textilestore brand店属商标
adv.store brand为某一商店特制的商品上印制的商店标志
tech.super-brand超级名牌商品 (被世界公认和使用的商品)
gen.That explains why Chanel, Lacoste and Dior rank in the top five brands with the highest level of recognition这就是为什么香奈尔、鳄鱼和迪奥排进了前五名,它们具有最高的品牌认知度
tech.the battle of the brands厂牌战
cosmet.The brand of perfume you wanted is out of stock in our company now你要的那种牌子的香水在我们公司脱销了
econ.the brand royalty商标牌号使用费
econ.the brand royalty商标
econ.The launch date of the new brand product has been decided新牌产品开始上市的日期已定
econ.The load-carrying capacity of trucks of this brand is 6 tons这种牌子的卡车的载货量是6吨
econ.the manufacturer's brands制造商厂牌
cosmet.The perfumes of the brand are our best-selling lines. The prices of our products will fluctuate according to the international market demand. And we are always open to negotiate, especially on larger orders这个品牌的香水是我们的畅销货。我们产品的价格会根据国际市场需求的变化而变化。价格可以商议,尤其是针对大订单
econ.The product bears a neutral brand这种商品贴中性商标
econ.the united brand联合商标
cosmet.Therefore, the safety coefficient of famous brand products is larger所以,知名品牌产品保险系数较大
econ.This brand of chocolate is a favourite with the children's market这种牌子的巧克力最受孩子们喜爱
econ.This brand of motor is extensively known这种牌号的发动机是众所周知的
econ.This brand of soap is enjoying brisk sales这种牌子的肥皂销路很兴旺
econ.This factory enjoys a high brand loyalty这家工厂拥有极高的商标忠实性
textiletrade brand商号
polygr.trade label; trade mark; brand mark; label商标
commer.uniform brand统一牌号
interntl.trade.unit brand联合商标
interntl.trade.united brand联合商标
econ.We are launching a new brand of ties我公司正在创立一种新牌领带
sport., cloth.We are seeing fashion brands getting more and more involved in sports like the Olympics, Wimbledon or the U. S. Open现在已经有很多时装品牌打入了诸如奥运会、温布尔登网球公开赛和美国公开赛等体育赛事
comp.We have plenty of choices for you. So, do you have any brand preference?我们有很多可供选择。您有什么品牌偏好么?
commer.We love the brand Cappellini because of its classy style, timelessly modern look, and extravagance我们喜爱坎佩乐尼这一品牌是因为它的高格调和永恒的现代奢华感
textilewell-known brand名牌
textilewell-known brand知名品牌
cosmet.When your brand dominates a market, it will be in an exceptionally strong position当你的品牌占据了市场优势时,它就会拥有异常强大的地位
commer.wildcat brand冒牌
busin.wildcat brands of冒牌的
gen.wildcat brands ofM 冒牌的M
textileworld brand世界名牌
gen.Yes, sir. It's free of charge. Our luxury brands continue to maintain the high level of service and products that our luxury guests expect from St. Regis and the Luxury Collection properties是的,免费接机。我们的豪华酒店将继续保持高水准的产品和服务,来满足客人们对瑞吉酒店和至尊精选酒店的期望
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