
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing branch | all forms | exact matches only
anastomotic branch with lacrimal artery泪腺动脉吻合支
anastomotic branch with middle meningeal artery脑膜中动脉吻合支
anterior auricular branches耳前支
anterior septal branches鼻中隔前支
anterior temporal branches颞叶前支
auricular branch耳支
auriculo-temporal branch耳颞支
branch of internal acoustic meatus内耳道支
branch of internal acoustic meatus迷路动脉
branch of pterygoid canal翼管支
branch of sinuatrial node窦房结支
branches of red nucleus红核支
branches of tympanic membrane鼓膜支
branches to isthmus of fauces咽峡支
buccal branches颊支
capsular branches囊支
central branch中枢支
cerebellar tonsillar branch小脑扁桃体支
cervical branch颈支
choroidal branch of fourth ventricle第四脑室脉络丛支
choroidal branches of lateral ventricle侧脑室脉络丛支
clavicular branch锁骨支
clival branch斜坡支
cochlear communicating branch蜗神经交通支
communicating branch with auricular branch of vagus nerve迷走神经耳支交通支
communicating branch with auriculotemporal nerve耳颞神经交通支
communicating branch with chorda tympani鼓索交通支
communicating branch with ciliary ganglion睫状神经节交通支
communicating branch with glossopharyngeal nerve舌咽神经交通支
communicating branch with inferior laryngeal nerve喉下神经交通支
communicating branch with internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve喉上神经内支交通支
communicating branch with medial pterygoid nerve翼内肌神经交通支
communicating branch with meningeal branch脑膜支交通支
communicating branch with tympanic plexus鼓室丛交通支
communicating branch with vagus nerve迷走神经交通支
communicating branch with zygomatic nerve颧神经交通支
communicating branches with facial nerve面神经交通支
communicating branches with hypoglossal nerve舌下神经交通支
cricothyroid branch环甲肌支
cutaneous branches皮支
descending branch降支
digastric branch二腹肌支
diploic branch板障支
dorsal lingual branches舌背支
esophageal branches食管支
external nasal branches鼻外支
frontal branch额支
ganglionic branches翼腭神经
ganglionic branches神经节支
glandular branches腺支
grey communicating branch灰交通支
inferior cervical cardiac branches颈下心支
inferior gingival branches下牙龈支
inferior laryngeal branch喉下支
inferior palpebral branches下睑支
infrahyoid branch舌骨下支
interganglionic branches节间支
intermediate branch中间支
intermediate temporal branches颞叶内侧支
intermediate temporal branches颞叶中间支
internal nasal branches鼻内支
labial branches唇支
laryngopharyngeal branches喉咽支
lateral basal branch外侧底支
lateral branches外侧支
lateral calcanean branches跟外侧支
lateral cutaneous branch外侧皮支
lateral glandular branch外侧腺支
lateral malleolar branches外踝支
lateral nasal branch鼻外侧支
lateral oblongatal branches延髓外侧支
lateral orbitofrontal branch眶额外侧支
lateral orbitofrontal branch额叶底外侧动脉
lateral posterior superior nasal branches鼻后上外侧支
left branch左支
lingual branch舌支
lingula branch舌支
nasal septal branch鼻中隔支
nasal septum branches鼻中膈支
occipitotemporal branch枕颞支
parasympathetic branch副交感支
parietal branch顶叶支
parietooccipital branch顶枕支
parotid branch腮腺支
peripheral branch周围支
pharyngeal branch咽支
phrenicoabdominal branches膈腹支
posterior ascending branch后升支
posterior branch of left ventricle左室后支
posterior inferior nasal branches鼻后下支
posterior septal branches鼻中隔后支
posterior superior alveolar branches上牙槽后支
posterior temporal branches颞叶后支
posteromedial frontal branch额叶后内侧支
recurrent meningeal branch脑膜返支
right posterolateral branch右后外侧支
saphenous branch隐支
segmental bronchial branches肺段支气管支
sphenopalatine branch蝶腭支
stapedial branch镫骨肌支
stylohyoid branch茎突舌骨肌支
stylopharyngeal branch茎突咽肌支
suerior labial branches上唇支
superficial branch颈浅动脉
superficial branch浅支
superior laryngeal branch喉上支
superior lingular branch上舌支
superior lobar branches上叶支
suprahyoid branch舌骨上支
temporal branches颞支
tentorial basal branch小脑幕底支
thoracic pulmonary branches胸肺
thymic branches胸腺支
thyrohyoid branch甲状舌骨肌支
tonsillar branch扁桃体支
tracheal branches气管支
trigeminal branches三叉神经支
trochlear branches滑车神经支
tympanic branch鼓室支
vestibular branches前庭支