
Terms for subject International trade containing bond | all forms | exact matches only
accrued bond interest应付未付债券利息
active bond有固定利息的公债券
amortization of government bond政府公债分期偿还摊还
application for taking out samples of goods in bond支取保管样品申请书
assumed bond担保债权券
average bond共同海损协议书
average bond海损契约书
average bond共同海损担保书
banker's blank bond银行不记名债券
bearer bond无记名债券
bid bond投标保证金 (tender bond)
bid bond报价保证函 (tender bond)
bid bond押标金
bond certificate债券
bond collateral loans债券抵押贷款
bond coupons债券息票
bond department证券部
bond department公债部
bond discount债券折价
bond discount accumulation债券折价累积
bond discount unamortized未摊销债券折价
bond dividends公司债股利
bond dividends债券股利
bond entry关栈进口
bond expenses债券费用
bond floatation market债券发行市场
bond funds债券基金
bond holder债券持有人
bond house债券商行
bond house债券所
bond indentures债券契约
bond indentures债券信托契约
bond interest债券利息
bond investment债券投资
bond investment trust债券投资信托
bond issuance expenses发行债券费用
bond Issue cost债券发行成本
bond Issue cost债券发行费用
bond issued已发债券
bond-issuing expense债券发行费用
bond life公债期限
bond limit公债限额
bond notes债券式票据
bond notes海关保税仓库单
bond notes关栈证明书
bond premium债券溢价
bond refunding债券换新续借
bond register债券登记簿
bond sinking fund偿债基金
bond subscriptions债券认购书
bond subscriptions认缴债券
bond tables债券表
bond valuation债券估价
bond value债券价值
bond washing买空卖空
bond washing空头交易
bond yields公债利息
bottomry bond押船契约 (or contract)
bottomry bond以船作抵押的借据 (or contract)
bottomry bond押船借款契约
call a bond收兑债券
call a bond招人领取公债券金额
call a bond通知公债券还本
callable bond可赎回债券
called bond已经通知还本的公债
closed mortgage bond抵押满额偾券借款已达饱和度,不能再用以作为发行债券的抵押
closed mortgage bond限额抵押债券
collateral trust bond担保信托债券
collateral trust bond抵押信托债券
conditional bond附有条件的债券
convertible bond可兑现的公司债券
convertible bond可换成股票的公司债券
convertible bond可兑现的债券
coupon bond固定收入证券
coupon bond附息票债券
customs bond海关保税
deep discount bond n.深贴现债券
discount bond还本时付息债务
drawn bond中签债券
Euro-bond market欧洲债券市场
Euro-krone bond market欧洲克朗债务市场
ex bond纳税后买方关栈交货价
ex bond海关仓库交货价
ex bond法语纳税后关栈交货
ex bond关栈交货价
ex bond warehouse保税仓库交货价
exchequer bond英国国库债券.
exchequer bond国库债券
fidelity bond员工信用保证
fidelity bond忠实保证
fiduciary bond受托人保证保险
first mortgage bond第一抵押债券
foreign and international bond markets外国和国际债券市场
foreign bond market外国公债市场
forgery bond伪造债券
forgery bond伪造保证保险
general average bond共同海损合约
goods in bond在关栈货物
goods in bond保税货物
government compensation bond政府补偿债券
government-guaranteed bond政府担保债券
housing corporation bond住宅建筑公司债券
import license bond rate进口保证率
importers statement and guarantee bond进口厂商声明保证书
importers statement and guarantee bond进口厂商声明及保证书
in bond关栈内未付税货物
in bond关栈交货价
in bond保税目的港海关仓库交货价
in bond已入保税仓库
in bond price关栈价格
in bond terms保税仓库交货条件
inactive bond不景气的债券
income bond营业收入债券
indemnity bond赔偿契约
index bond指数证券
indexed bond按指数偿付的债券
indorsed bond有背签担保偿还的债券
industrial bond工业债券
industrial-revenue bond工业收益债券
life bond年金证
linked bond连锁公债
Lloyd's Average Bond劳氏海损契约
Lloyd's Form "Average Bond"劳氏海损契约格式
manufacture-in-bond facilities保税制度
mortgage bond抵押债券公债券,不动产保证债券
municipal bond市政公债
new foreign bond issues新的外国债券
new straight Eurodollar bond offering新的直接以欧洲美元发行的债券额
new straight Eurodollar bond offerings新的直接以欧洲美元发行的债券额
non-assented bond未核准债券
non-assented bond非同意债券
non-bearer bond记名债券
option bond随时可偿还的债券
out to in external bond为在国内使用资金而在国外发行的债券
out to out external bond为在国外使用资金而在国外发行的债券
performance bond履约保证金
performance bond履约保证书
perpetual bond永久绩券
plain bond无担保债券
preference bond优先公债
price in bond货存关栈价格
price in bond货存关栈纳税可提
public official bond公务员保证保险
purchase money bond购买财产资金债券
refunding bond调换债券
refunding of bond公债偿还
registered bond登记公债
removal bond货物搬运合同
renewal bond交换公债
reserve for bond redemption偿债准备
respondentia bond船货抵押借款保证
respondentia bond船货抵押债券
revenue bond收益债券
revenue bond收入债券
secured bond有担保的债券
secured bond具担保品债务
short-term treasury bond短期公债
stamp for average bond共同海损担保书印花税
straw bond假证券
surety bond履约保证书
surety bond担保书
take out of bond由保税仓库中提出
tap bond随时可买的债券 (stock)
tap bond为吸收游资而发行的美国国库债券
tax exempt bond免税债券
tender bond投标担保保证
tender bond投标担保
transhipment bond note海关过境保结
transhipment bond note转运保证书
transit bond过境保结
treasury bond美国长期国库券
treasury bond英国财政部债券
trustee bond受托者债务
under bond保兑
unit of account bond记账单位债券
United Nations bond issue联合国公债
war bond战时公债
war bond战争公债
warehouse bond入库保税品
warranty bond担保书
warranty bond保单
year and type of bond年份与债券类别