
Terms for subject Securities containing bond | all forms | exact matches only
accepted bond已兑付债券
accumulation bond累积债券
achievement ratio of bond floatation债券募集完成率
active bond交易活跃的债券
active bond crowd活跃的债券交易商群体
adjusted bond调整后的债券
adjustment bond调节证券
airport revenue bond机场收人债券
allowance for reducing marketable bond to market有价债券跌至市场价格的补贴
amortization bond等量分期偿还债券
amortization of expense related to bond retirement收回债券的费用摊销
amortization of government bond政府债券摊还
amortization of premium of bond purchased购人债券溢价摊还
amortizing bond摊还债券
amount issued of enterprise bond企业债发行金额
amount of bond债券金额
amount of bond担保契据的金额
amount of bond担保金额保证金
annuity bond年金债券没有到期日、永久支付利息的债券
appeal bond申诉保证书
arbitrage bond套利保值债券
assessment bond估值债券
assets backed bond资产抵押债券
assets-related bond资产关联债券
assumed bond继承公司债券
Aussie bond澳元债券
authority bond机构债券
authority bond政府证券
authorized bond system授权债券系统
automated bond system债券自动结算系统
automated bond system ABS债券自动结算系统纽约证券交易所的计算机网络系统
back bond保管证书
back bond后续债券
bailout bond解困债券匆忙出售的证券
banker's blanket bond银行全套保险契约
banker's surety bond银行保证书
bank-guaranteed bond funds银行担保的债券基金
bank-guaranteed bond funds无条件担保的债券组合
bear bond熊市债券
bellwether bond指标债券基准政府债券,华尔街以30年长期国债为债券市场的领头债券
bellwether bond领头债券
bid bond投标保证
biennial payment bond两年期付息债券
blank bond空白债券
blanket bond全套保单
blanket bond一揽子保单
blanket fidelity bond一揽子忠诚保险契约保护投资人免受欺诈、伪证、证券遗失风险的经纪保险业务
bonus bond额外酬金
bonus bond奖励债券
borrowing upon bond以债券方式借款
bottomry bond押船债券以船作抵押发行债券
broad investment-grade bond index广泛的投资级债券指数
bull and bear bond牛熊债券
bull bond牛市债券
bull-bear bond牛熊关联债券
bulldog bond猛犬债券 (在英国发行的以英镑为计价单位的外国债券)
bulldog bond牛犬债券
bullet bond一次性回购债券
busted bond破产债券
calling a bond通知赎回债券
certificate bond凭证式国债
completion bond如期完工保证书
compound interest bond复利债券
convertible bond可转债
convertible bond可转债券
convertible subordinated unsecured bond次级无担保可转债
CSI Corporate Bond Index中证公司债指数
current coupon bond本期息票债券
current income bond即期收益债券
Danish Bond Market丹麦债券市场
debt warrant bond附赎回条款债券
dedicated bond portfolio专项债券组合
dedicated bond portfolio偏好债券的投资组合
defeased bond-equity swap废止的债券股权互换
deferred coupon bond延迟付息
deferred interest bond缓息债券
deferred interest bond延付利息债券日后付息的债券
deferred serial bond延期分期偿付债券
deflate coupon bond利息延期息票债券
dematerialized bond无纸化国债
detachable convertible bond分离债券
detachable convertible bond Index分离债指数
direct bond直接债券政府发行的债券
divisional bond铁路分段债券
divisional bond部门债券
DJ 20 Bond Index道・琼斯20种债券指数
dollar price of a bond债券交易价
dollar price of a bond债券美元价格
domestic bond issue国内债券发行
double barrelled bond双重担保债券
Dow Jones bond average道・琼斯债券平均指数
drawn bond彩票债券
droplock bond下限锁定的债券
droplock bond保底锁定的债券
dually secured bond双重担保债券
Emerging Asian Bond Market Conference新兴亚洲债券市场会议
emerging market bond新兴市场债券
enfaced bond盖印债券
enterprise short-term bond企业短期债券
enterprise short-term bond企业短期融资券
equity-related convertible bond股权关联可转债
equivalent bond yield等值债券收益率
essential function bond基本建设债券
essential purpose or function bond基础设施债券
essential purpose or function bond基本建设债券
Euro straight bond定息欧元债券
Euro straight bond普通欧元债券
Euro-convertible guaranteed bond欧元可转担保债券
Eurodollar original issue discount bond贴现发行欧洲美元债券
ex bond买方关仓交货
exchequer bond国库券
exit bond退出债券
explore the development route of bond market探讨债券市场的发展道路
extendable bond可展期债券
extended bond递延偿还债券
extended bond延期偿还债券
extension bond扩充企业债券
extension bond扩大经营债券
external bond国外发行的债券
Federal agency bond联邦机构债券
Federal bond联邦债券
flat income bond低息收益债券
floatation of bond发行债券
floating-rate bond浮动利率债券
flower bond鲜花债券
flower bond花圈债券
flower bond遗产税债券
flower bond花卉债券
forced bond强迫债款
foreign bond对外债券
foreign bond dealer外国债券交易商
foreign bond fund外国债券基金
foreign bond issued发行的外国债
foreign currency bond外国货币债券
foreign-paid bond外汇支付债券
funded long bond position利用贷款进行长期债券投资
gain or loss of intercompany bond purchases公司内部债券收购损益
general bond fund普通债券基金
general credit obligation bond一般信用债务债券
general obligation bond普通信用担保债券
general obligation bond一般用途债券
general obligation bond一般信用担保债券
general obligation bond一般责任债券
German bond德国基金
German bond德国债券
gilt-edged bond优质债券
gilt-edged bond最上等债券
global bond环球债券
global bond国际债券
global bond fund全球债券基金
global bond indice全球债券指数
gold bond金债券开采金矿的公司发行的债券
gold-linked bond黄金关联债券
good ordinary bond浮动股息的优质证券
government agency bond & similar issues政府机构债券及同类债券
government bond公债 (长期)
government bond fund公债基金
government bond fund政府债券基金
government bond house政府债券部门
government bond index政府债券指数
government bond tenders公债投标
guaranteed bond信用债券
guaranteed income bond保证收益债券
guaranty bond担保债券
H bondH债券内地企业在香港发行的债券
harmless warrant bond保证无损债券
haven and hell bond天堂与地狱债券上世纪 80 年代中期,源于日本的一种双币债券
hedging bond套期债券
high bond可靠的债券
high bond高质量债券
high bond高级债券
high coupon bond高息债券
high grade bond高质量债券
high grade bond高级债券
hold investment in bond以债券形式投资
Hong Kong dollar bond港元债券
Hong Kong dollar offshore bond海外港元债券
honor bond承兑债券
honor bond荣誉债券
house construction bond住宅建设债券
housing authority bond房屋管理局债券
housing authority bond房屋所有权债券
housing bond住房抵押收益债券
housing bond住房债券
immunization of bond portfolios债券组合风险防范
immunization of bond portfolios资产组合的风险防范
improvement bond改进债券
inactive bond crowd不活跃的债券交易商
inactive bond crowd不活跃债券族群
individual revenue bond个人收人债券
indorsed bond核准认可债券
inscribed treasury bond记账式国库券
instalment bond分期偿还债券
insular bond地方性债券
insular bond区域性债券
insured bond被保险的债券
insured municipal bond保险市政债券
interchangeable bond互相转换的债券
intercompany bond holding公司间持有对方债券
interdealer market for government bond交易商同业的政府债券市场
interest bearing bond有息债券
interest bond利息债券为支付债券利息而发行的新债券
interest on bond债券利息
interest on external bond公司外债利息
interest on government bond/security公债利息
interim bond过渡债券
interim bond临时证券
intermediate bond中期债券
IRA bond个人退休账户债券
irredeemable bond不偿还本金债券
irredeemable bond只付息不兑换债券
irredeemable bond永续债券
irredeemable bond无期债券
irredeemable bond无偿还期债券
issuer of bond债券发行人
J. P. Morgan Goverment Bond Index摩根政府债券指数
James bond詹姆斯债券2007年到期的美国国库债券
Japan Bond Research Institution日本债券研究所
Japanese government bond日本政府债券
Japanese government bond futures日本政府公债期货
jeopardy assessment bond危害评估债券
joint and several bond联合债券
joint and several bond共同担保债券
joint control bond共同控制债券
joint control bond联合控制契约
judgement bond判决保证
judgement bond判决发行债券根据法院判决而发行以抵债务的债券
junior bond后补债券
junior bond初级债券
junior lien bond次级顺序质押债券
junior lien bond初级扣押权债券
junk bond高风险债券
junk bond financing垃圾债券融资
junk bond king垃圾债券王主要投资于高风险债券和股票的投资人
junk bond status垃圾债券状况
junk mini-bond fund迷你垃圾基金 (共同基金的一种)
Kangaroo bond袋鼠债券在美国发行的澳大利亚债券
key construction bond重点建设债券
lease rental bond租赁费债券
level coupon bond均衡息票债券
license and permit bond执照与许可保证
limited tax bond有限税款担保债券
limited tax bond税额限定债券
limited tax general obligation bond普通有限税收担保债券
loan secured by stock and bond有价证券担保借款
local authority bond地方政府债券
local authority bond地方当局债券
local authority yearly bond地方政府一年期债券
local bank bond地方银行债券
local enterprise bond地方企业债券
local investment company bond地方投资公司债券
lockout bond同步债券
lockout PAC bond同步战略债券
long term fixed rate bond长期固定利率债券
long term government bond长期公债
long-term corporate bond长期企业债券
lottery bond对奖债券
mandatory convertible bond强制转换的债券
mandatory render bond强制卖回债券
Matilda bond背包债券外国企业在澳洲发行的澳元债券,Matilda是徒步旅行者的背包
medium-term bond中期债券2 ~ 10年之间到期的债务票据
meeting bond interest and principal到期偿还债券本息
mismatch bond不规则债券浮动利率不合规则的债券
Moody's bond ratings and stock quality groups穆迪债券和股票等级评定
Moody's bond yield穆迪债券收益率
mortgage backed bond抵押担保债券
mortgage revenue bond抵押收人债券
mortgage subsidy bond抵押补贴债券
mortgage-backed revenue bond抵押担保收益债券
mortgage-related bond抵押关联债券
multi-maturity bond多种到期债券
multiple currency bond多种货币债券
multiple currency clause bond多种货币条款的债券
multiple tranche bond多种分期/分步发行债券
multiple tranche bond多批多地区发行的债券
naked bond信用债券
name bond指名保证
national bond国债
national defence bond国防债券
national development bond建国债券
national development bond全国发展公债
negotiable bond流通的债券
net bond debt债券负债净额
new bond issues新债发行
new foreign bond issue新外国债券发行
new straight Eurodollar bond offerings直接以欧洲美元计价的新债券发行
nine-bond rule九种债券规则纽约股票交易所规则:少于九种债券的交易须等待 1 小时才能完成
nongovernment purpose bond非政府目的债券
nonrefundable bond不可以旧换新的债券
nonrefundable bond不可置换的债券
offering of bond债券发行
offering of bond售出债券
on-the-run bond热门债券off-the-run bond 冷门债券
open mortgage bond开放式抵押债券
open mortgage bond非定额抵押债券
open-end bond未列限额的抵押债券
open-end bond开放式债券
open-end issue bond不定额发行债券
open-end mortgage bond开放式抵押债券
optional bond可提前偿还的债务
optional payment bond有预付选择权的债券
optional payment bond可选择偿还方式的债券
original issue discount bond原始发行折扣债券
original issue discount bond初始贴现债券
outstanding bond流通的债券
outstanding bond已发行债券
overhanging bond对购买形成压力的债券
overhanging bond过剩债券
overlying bond附属债券
overlying bond无优先权债券
PAC bond计划分期摊还级债券
PAC IO interest-only bondPAC 利息债券一种计划摊还级别债券,仅需支付利息
PAC IO interest-only bond计划分期摊销级利息债券
PAC n bond计划分期摊还 II 级债券
PAC PO principal-only bondPAC 本金债券 (仅需支付本金)
PAC PO principal-only bond计划摊还级别本金债券
Panda bond熊猫债券外国机构在中国境内以人民币发行的外国债券
parity bond同等权益债券
payment bond支付保证书
performance bond经营性债券
performance bond收益债券
performance bond call债券追加发行
performance bond credit履约保证信用证
performance bond margin履约保证金
permit bond许可保证
perpetual bond年金公债
pickup bond坚挺债券
pickup bond升值债券
pickup bond溢价债券
policy financial bond政策性金融债券
pooling funds in bond form债券集资
preference bond优先证券
premium over bond value债券价格溢价
premium savings bond有奖储蓄公债
prerefunded bond保付债券
prerefunded bond提前偿还债券
price index bond保值公债
prior lien bond优先求偿债券
prior lien bond优先质权债券
prior-lien bond优先置留权债券
prior-lien bond质权优先债券
private activity bond私人用途债券
private purpose bond私人目的债券
private purpose municipal bond非公共目的市政债券
privileged bond优先权债券
privileged bond优惠债券
privileged bond优先债券
proceeds of corporate bond公司债券募集的资金
profit on redemption of discount bond贴现发行债券的偿还利润
profit sharing bond利润分享债券
progressive-rate finance bond累进利率债券
property bond资产债券
public bond special issue公债特别发行
public housing authority bond公共建房特许债券
public housing authority bond公共建房特许债券美国为中低收人者住房项目融资所发行的长期市政债券
public purpose bond公共目的债券
pure discount bond净折扣债券
puttable bond可回售债券
puttable bond可提前兑付债券
ransom bond赎回证明书
redemption bond还款债券
redemption bond可赎回债券
redemption of bond债券的赎回
redemption of bond公司债的偿还
reducible rate bond可降低利率债券发行人可以降低利率以获得溢价的债券
refundment bond偿还保证书
registered bond注册债券
registered bond as to principle only只登记本金的债券
registered coupon bond注册息票债券
Rembrandt bond伦勃朗债券外国在荷兰以荷兰盾发行的债券,伦勃朗是荷兰历史上最著名的画家
reorganization bond重组债券
reserve for bond redemption偿债准备金
reserve for retirement of inking fund bond偿债基金债券偿还准备金
reserve for revenue bond contingency收人担保债券意外准备金
reserve for revenue-bond-debt-service收人担保债券还本付息准备金
residual bond CMO余额担保抵押债券
residual interest bond残余利息债券
retractable bond可撤销的债券
retractable bond可收回债权
retractable bond可展期债券
reverse dual currency bond可换双货币债券
Roosa bond卢萨债券20世纪60 年代美国财政部长设计的债券
Samurai bond武士债券
saving bond储蓄债券
school bond教育公债
second mortgage bond第二抵押公司债券
secondary bond market二级债券市场
secondary bond market债券流通市场
secondary mortgage bond二级抵押债券
security bond保付单
security by bond担保契据式的担保
self-liquidating bond自动清偿债券
semi-annual bond basis半年支付一次利息的债券付息方式
senior lien bond高级质押债券
senior lien bond优先质押债券
senior mortgage bond优先抵押债券
sensitivity analysis of bond债券敏感性分析
sequential pay bond按顺序偿还的债券
series E bondE 系列证券美政府发行的储蓄债券,向持有者偿付最长达40年的利息
Series EE bond系列 EE 债券
Series EE bond分期发行 EE 债券
series H bondH 系列债券
series HH bondHH系列债券
series HH bond分期发行 HH 债券
series I bondI系列债券
series I saving bondI 序列储蓄债券
short-term government bond短期政府债券
simple bond无担保债券
single bond单一债券
single municipal bond fund单一市政债券基金
single payment bond单一支付债券
sinker fund redeemable bond偿债基金的可赎回债券
special assessment bond特别税负债券
special assessment bond特殊估价债券
special assessment bond特估债券
special bond特种债券
special fund for treasury bond国债专项资金
special lien bond特别留置权债券
special purchase bond特别选购的债券
special purchase bond定向债券
split coupon bond分息债券
stabilization bond安定债券
stabilized bond稳定的债券价格
story bond故事债券
story bond传闻债券
stripped bond本息分离债券
stripped bond剥离债券
stripped bond除息后的债券
subscribe government bond认购政府债券
super long-term bond高级长期债券
super principal-only PO bond超级支付本金债券
super sinker bond超级偿债债券
Sushi bond寿司债券日本公司发行的外币债权
sweetener for bond债券担保品
synthetic fixed rate bond综合固定利率债券
synthetic fixed rate bond综合性定息债券
T-bond discount loan国债贴息贷款
T-bond index长期国债指数
T bond spread长期公债差价
taker for bond债券买家
taker for bond债券接受者
tap bond随时供应的国库券
tap bond为吸纳闲置资金而发行的国库债券
targeted amortization class bond目标分期偿付等级债券 (TAC 债券)
tax anticipation bond预期税收债券
tax anticipation bond先期纳税债券
tax bond抵税债券
tax free bond免税债券
taxable municipal bond应税市政债券
tax-exempt industrial development bond免税行业开发债券
tax-free covenant bond免税契约债券
temporary bond临时性债券
temporary bond暂时性债券
term bond payable定期应付债券
terminable bond限期债券
terminable bond有期债券
terminal bond终端债券
toll revenue bond收费收益债券
tracking bond market跟踪债券市场
tradable bond可流通国债
tradable bond可上市国债
tranche external bond国外债券份额
Treasury bond长期国债
Treasury bond investment国债投资
treasury bond-linked enhanced yield deposit国库券关联收益增强式存款
treasury bond-linked enhanced yield deposit银券两得存款
Treasury bond option国库券期权
twenty-bond index 20只债券指数
ultra short term bond fund超短期债券基金
ultra-short bond超短期债券
unadjusted bond discount未调整的债券折扣
unamortized bond discount债券未摊销折扣额
unamortized bond premium债券未摊销溢价
unissued bond未发行的债券
universal bond通用债券
unlimited tax bond无限制税务债券
unredeemed bond未赎回的债券
unsecured guaranteed bond无抵押的保证债券
usable bond可用债券 (拥有可分离授权的债务)
usable bond实用债券
USTB index bond美国国债指数债券
vanilla bond常规债券
vanilla bond普通型债券
vanilla bond香草型债券
variable rate bond浮动利率债券
variable rate demand bond浮动利率即期债券
variable rate demand bond可变利率债券
voyager bond航海者债券外国借款人在葡萄牙以本地货币计价的债券
war bond国防公债
warrant bond公司债券
warrant bond认股权债券
working capital replenishment bond经营资金补充保证
yearling bond一年债券
yellow bond黄金债券
yen bond日本政府或公司发行的债券
yield to maturity of a bond债券到期收益
zerial bond零息债券系列
zero bond零息债券
zero coupon bond零息债券折让价出售,票面价发行
zero coupon bond无息债券
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