
Terms for subject Finances containing bond | all forms | exact matches only
ABF Hong Kong Bond Index FundABF 香港创富债券指数基金
access to the mainland bond markets内地债券市场准人
accrued bond interest应计债券利息
accrued bond interest receivable应收未收债券利息
Act of God Bond天灾债券 (保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾害造成的公司损失联系起来)
active bond良性债券
active bond crowd良性债券投资者 (在纽约股票交易所内买卖活跃的定息证券)
adjustment bond调整债券
advance for payment of bond公司债券提前偿还
advance payment bond提前付款保证金
advance payment of bond公司债券提前偿还
allow offshore banks and central banks to invest in China's interbank bond market允许离岸银行和各国央行投资于中国的银行间债券市场
already issued bond已发行债券
American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation美国市政债券担保公司 (成立于1971年,是美国第一家为市政债券提供担保的专业债券担保公司)
amortization of bond discount公司债券折价摊销
amortization of bond discount债券折价之摊销
amortization of bond issue expense公司债券发行费摊销
amortization of bond premium公司债券溢价摊销
amortization of bond premium债券溢额摊销
amortization of government bond公债摊销
amount of bond保证金
amount of bond担保额
arbitrage of bond债券套购
arrange a bond issue安排债券发行
Association of International Bond Dealers国际债券交易商协会 (成立于1969年2月7日,总部设在瑞士,1992年改名为"国际证券市场协会 (International Securities Market Association)")
assumed bond继承债券
authorized bond法定债券
automated bond system自动债券交易系统
baby bond小额债券
back bond退回债券
backed bond担保债券
backed bond已背书债券
bank bond银行债券
bank eligible bond银行合格债卷
bank restricted bond银行限制债券
benchmark bond基准债券
blank bond总括保证保险
blanket bond总括债券
blanket fidelity bond总括忠诚保证保险
bond amortization债券摊销
bond and mortgage record债券及押款清册
bond asset management group债券资产管理集团
bond average债券平均价
bond buy-back债券回购
bond-buying program债券购买计划
bond certificate债券证书
bond conversion债券调换
bond conversion债券转换
bond conversion债券兑换
bond coupons债券息秦
bond dealer债券交易商
bond debt债券式债务
bond debts债务
bond debts债券
bond discount amortization债票折扣之摊销
bond discount and expenses债券折价及发行费用
bond dividend债券红利
bond dividend债券股利
bond drawn for redemption抽签偿还债券
bond equivalent yield债券等值收益
bond expenses公司债发行费
bond financing发行公司债筹措资金
bond financing by multinational corporations跨国公司的债券融资
bond fund products债券基金产品
bond funds公债基金
bond futures债券期货
bond in foreign currency外币债券
bond index fund债券指数基金
bond installment分期偿还债券
bond insurance债券保险
bond interest expense债券利息费用
bond interest expense公司债利息费用
bond interest income债券利息收益
bond interest of pay date债券付息日
bond interest receivable应收债券利息
bond investment account债券投资帐户
bond issuance expenses债券发行费用
bond issue at premium溢价债券发行
bond issue authorization债券发行额核准
bond issue conditions债券发行条件
bond issue cost公司债券发行成本
bond issue expenses债券发行费用
bond market equilibrium债券市场均衡
bond market stabilization fund国债平准基金
bond markets units债券市场单位
bond of guarantees保证金
bond office债券经募处
bond open investment trust债券公开投资信托
bond option债券期权
bond option trading债券期权交易
bond outstanding流通在外的公司债、未偿还债券
bond outstanding method债券余额法 (of amortizing bond discount)
bond paper证券
bond payable应付债券
bond payable应付公司债
bond payable to order记名应付债券
bond plus warrants附购股权债券
bond power债券全权代理证书
bond premium amortization债票溢价之摊销
bond pricing债券定价
bond pricing债票计价
bond quality债券品质
bond ratio债券股本比率
bond redemption债券偿还
bond redemption债券兑回
bond rediscount债券再贴现
bond refunding债券转换
bond refunding债券调换发行新债以偿还旧债,债券换新
bond registered as to principal本金登记债券
bond restrictions on dividends债券限制发放股利的方法
bond retirement fund债券偿还基金
bond retirement fund减债基衾
bond right债券权
bond secured by leased property租人财产担保的公司债
bond sinking fund公司债偿债基金
bond stabilization fund国债平准基金
bond subscription债券认购书
bond subscription认缴债券
bond swap债券互换
bond swap债券掉期
bond trustee债券受托人
bond underwriter债券承销人
bond underwriter债券担保者
bond underwriting债券承销
bond valuation债券评价
bond valuation between interest dates付息日之间的债券估值
bond valuation between interest dates两付息期日中间债券之估价
bond value债券值
bond value table债券价值表
bond with attached warrant附认股权证公司债券
bond with lottery interest有奖债券
bond with stock purchase warrants附购股权债券
bond with uncertain or contingent income不确定或有额外收人的公司债
build a government bond market建立政府债券市场
bulldog bond猛犬债券 (指非英国借款人在英国市场上发行的英镑债券,因斗牛犬 (bull dog)是英国的一个标志而得名)
bullet bond一次性偿还债券
bunny bond兔子债券 (即"利息再投资担保债券 (guaranteed coupon reinvestment bond)",投资者可以债券的利息收人增持同一债券,从而可免除投资者的再投资风险 (reinvestment risk))
call bond通知偿还债券
call premium on bond债券赎回溢价
call premium on bond债票赎回溢价
call provision on bond债券赎回条款
called bond已赎回债券
called bond通知偿还债券
call-loan bond通知贷款契约
capital appreciation bond资本增值债券
capital growth bond资本增值债券
certificate of bond债券证书
China's domestic bond market中国国内债券市场
city bond市债
clean bond无印公债
clean bond清洁债券
clean bond无背书公债
closed-end mortgage bond定额抵押债券
collateral bond动产抵押公司债
collateral bond质押公司债
collateral bond有担保债券
collateral bond有担保的债券
collateral income bond有担保收益债券
collateralized bond obligation债券抵押证券 (一种由多个差级组成的债券结构。它与房产抵押贷款债券相似,但抵押品不是房产抵押贷款,而是评级较低的债)
common bond普通债券
common European bond欧洲共同债券
common money bond普通货币债券
companion bond伴随债券
convertible bond可调换债券 (preferred stock)
convertible bond可调换公司债优先股,可变换债券 (preferred stock)
corporation bond公司债券
covered bond资产担保债券
covered mortgage bond资产担保抵押债券
CSI Aggregate Bond Index中证全债指数
CSI Bond Fund Index中证债券型基金指数
CSI 50 Bond Index中证 50 债券指数
CSI 1 Bond Index中证 1 债券指数
CSI Bond Indices中证债券指数
CSI Credit Classification Bond Indices中证分信用类别债券指数
CSI Detachable Convertible Bond Index中证分离债指数
CSI Enterprise Bond Index中证公司债指数
CSI Maturity Classification Bond Indices中证分年期债券指数
CSI Short Term Bond Index中证短债指数
CSI Universal Bond Index中证综合债券指数
cum-coupon bond附息票债券
currency bond market货币债券市场
current coupon bond流动息票债券
debenture bond信用债券 (指法律上无效、道义上有效、没有抵押品、完全靠公司良好的信誉而发行的债券,通常只有经济实力雄厚、信誉较高的企业才有能力发行这种债券)
debenture mortgage bond信用抵押债券
debt warrant bond债务保证债券
default bond违约债券
defaulted bond已拖欠债券
defaulted bond违约债券
defaulted bond拖欠偿还债券
deferred bond递延债券
deferred-interest bond递延利息债券
deficit-covering bond弥补赤字债券
direct offering of new bond新债券直接发行
direct offering of new bond新债券直接募集
distort currency and bond markets扭曲外汇和债券市场
domestic bond markets国内债券市场
domestic currency bond market本币债券市场
Dow Jones Bond Average道•琼斯债券平均指数
drive down bond yields推低债券收益率
dual-currency bond双币债券 (以一种货币购买到期时以另一种货币偿还的债券。这种债券代表一种普通债券和一份或几份远期外汇合同的组合)
dual-currency bond双重货币债券
easy access to the bond issues宽松的发债环境
enterprise bond企业债券
equity warrant bond附认股权证公司债券
equity warrant bond附认股权证债券
equivalent bond yield等值债券收益
establish bond short selling mechanism建立融券卖空机制
Euro-Asian dollar bond欧亚美元债券
Euro-convertible guaranteed bond欧洲可换股担保债券
Eurodollar bond欧洲美元债券
Eurodollar fixed interest bond欧洲美元固定利率债券
Euro-Japanese yen bond欧洲日元债券
Eurokrone bond market欧洲克朗债券市场
European bond欧洲债券
European sovereign bond欧洲主权债券
Euroyen bond欧洲日元债券
Euroyen bond market欧洲日元债券市场
ex interest bond无利息债券
exit bond抽身债券 (买方有权不接受延后还本的债券)
exit bond转售债券
expense on bond issue债券发行费用
expense related to bond retirement收回归公司债费用
expenses on bond issue债券发行费用
extended bond展期债券
extendible bond可展期债券
extrinsic bond不定期债券
face value of bond债券票面值
federal agency bond联邦机构债券
fidelity bond insurance雇员忠诚保证保险
fixed bond备期债券
fixed-maturity bond定期债券
fixed-rate bond固定利率债券
fixed-rate government bond固定利率公债
floating-rate bond浮动利率债券 (欧洲债券市场上的主流交易品种,利率调整和付息的间隔一般为3个月至半年)
floating-rate drop lock bond固定下限浮动利率债券
flotation of bond债券发行
foreign government bond外国政府公债
founders' bond发起人债券
free bond自由债券
fully registered bond注册记名债券
fully registered bond完全登记债券
fungible bond可替代债券
gain from redemption of bond偿还债券公债收益
gain or loss intercompany bond purchases公司内部债票买进之损益
general obligation bond一般义务债券
general obligation bond普通责任之债券
gilt-edged bond金边债券
gold bond黄金债券
gold-linked bond黄金挂钩债券
government bond国债
government bond department国家债务部
government bond fund国债基金
government bond futures国债期货
government bond futures market国债期货市场
government bond house政府债务公债部门
government bond in foreign currency外币公债
government bond monetization国债货币化
green bond湿态强度
guaranteed bond担保债券
guaranteed bond有担保债券
guaranteed bond保证债券
guaranty bond保证债券
guaranty security bond证券担保债券
H bondH 债券 (指在香港发行的中国内地的国有企业债券)
heaven and hell bond天堂与地狱债券 (一种附有期权和期货的债券)
high-coupon bond高息债券
high-coupon bond refunding高息债券偿还
high-grade bond高等级债券
high-premium convertible bond高溢价转换债券
high-risk bond高风险债券
high-yield bond高收益债券
high-yield bond高收益率债券
high-yield bond fund高收益债券基金
Hong Kong's renminbi bond market香港人民币债券市场
hybrid capital bond混合资本债券
index bond指数债券
industrial development bond工业发展债券
inflation index bond通货膨胀指数化债券
insurance bond保险契约
inter company bond holdings公司内部握存对方债票
inter-bank bond market银行同业债券市场
inter-changeable bond可互换债券
interchangeable bond可交换的债券
interest bearing bond附息债券
interest of government bond公债利息
interest on bond公司债券利息
interest step down bond利息递减债券
interest step up bond利息递增债券
interest-bearing bond附息公司债
invest in China's interbank bond market投资于中国银行间债券市场
investment-grade bond投资级别债券
irredeemable bond不能偿还的债券
irredeemable bond不兑换债券
issue bond发行债券
issue of government bond政府公债发行
issue renminbi bond发行人民币债券
joint bond连带公司债务
joint bond共同债务
J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index摩根政府债券指数
junior bond次级债券
junior mortgage bond次级抵押债券
junior mortgage bond低级扣押债券
junior-lien bond次级留置权债券
junk bond垃圾债券 (指信贷评级低于 BBB-/Baa3 的高风险、高收益债券,其信用违约风险显著高于投资级别的债券)
junk bond fund垃圾债券基金
junk mini-bond fund迷你垃圾债券基金
Kangaroo bond袋鼠债券 (是澳大利亚以外的政府、金融机构、工商企业及国际组织在澳大利亚国内债券市场发行的以澳元为计值货币的外国债券)
limited obligation bond有限担保债券
limited tax bond有限税款债券
limited taxes bond限制税款债券
loan bond债券
local government bond地方政府债券
local treasury bond地方政府债券
long-dated Treasury bond长期美国国债
long-term bond investment长期债券投资
long-term fixed rate bond长期固定利率债券
long-term municipal bond fund长期市政公债基金
long-term public bond长期公债
long-term treasury bond长期国债
loose bond短期买卖债券
loss from redemption of bond偿还债券损失
lottery bond有奖债券
mortgage bond按揭债券
mortgage bond payable应付按揭债券
municipal bond fund市政债券基金
naked bond无担保债券
negative bond buy-back债券负回购
negotiable bond可转让债券
non-bear bond记名债券公司债
non-callable bond不可提前赎回债券
non-callable bond到期偿还债券
non-convertible bond不可转换债券
non-coupon bond无息票债券
non-essential function bond非基础功能债券
non-exempt bond无免除公司债券
non-government-purpose bond民间债券
non-guaranteed bond无担保债券
non-interest-bearing bond无息债券
non-interest-bearing discount bond无息贴现债券
non-manufacturing Treasury bond不可转让国库券
non-participating bond非参与债券
non-putable bond不可买还债券
non-putable convertible bond不可买还的可转换债券
non-refundable bond不可调换债券
non-registered bond不记名债券
non-taxable bond免税债券
non-transferable bond不可转让债券
nullified bond失效债券
number of times bond interest earned盈利相当于公司债利息的倍数
obligatory bond强制性的付款保证书
obligatory bond强制性的债券
offshore bond海外债券
offshore Chinese currency bond离岸人民币债券
offshore renminbi bond离岸人民币债券
offshore renminbi bond market离岸人民币债券市场
on-shore bond market境内债券市场
open mortgage bond不定额抵押债券
open-end issue bond不定额抵押债券
open-end mortgage bond不定额抵押债券
optional bond可选择债券
optional bond可赎回债券
optional payment bond选择支付债券
ordinary bond普通债券
original issue discount bond初始发行贴现债券
outstanding bond未清偿债券
outstanding bond发行在外债券
overlying bond次级债券
over-the-counter bond场外交易债券
Panda bond熊猫债券 (指国际多边金融机构在中国发行的以人民币为计值货币的债券)
Panda bond market熊猫债权市场
parity bond联合债券
parity bond等值债券
partially paid bond部分支付债券
participating bond参与分红债券
participating bond参与债券
partly paid bond部分缴款债券
payment against bond of indemnity凭保函付款
pension bond年金债券
perpetual bond永续债券
plain vanilla bond传统债券
plant mortgage bond工厂抵押债券
positive bond buy-back债券正回购
premium bond有奖债券
premium on bond payable应付公司债溢价
premium on investment in bond债券投资溢价
premium over bond value债券价值溢价
premium over straight bond value纯粹债券价值溢价
premium savings bond有奖储蓄债券
priority bond优先公债
private placement bond私募债券
proceeds of the bond sale债券销售所筹资金
product quality bond insurance产品质量保证保险
progressive increase interest of financial bond累进利息金融债券
public offering bond公募债券
pure discount bond纯贴现债券
put bond可售还债券
put bond option债券兑现选择权
putable bond可提早售回债券
putable bond可卖还债券
putable bond可售回债券
reacquired bond重获债券
readjustable bond可调整利率债券
redemption of bond债券赎回
refunding a bond issue以新债换旧债
refunding bond举新还旧债券
repayment of bond债券偿还
reserve for bond redemption债券偿还准备
retirement of bond债券赎回
Roosa bond鲁萨债券 (美国财政部1961年发行的外币中期债券)
Samurai bond武士债券 (指日本以外的政府、金融机构、工商企业和国际组织在日本国内债券市场上发行的、以日元为计值货币的外国债)
scholarship funding bond奖学金融资债券
secondary mortgage bond第二抵押债券
secured bond有担保债券
secured bond抵押债券
secured bond保证债券
self-supporting bond自偿债券
senior bond analyst资深债券分析师
senior mortgage bond优先抵押证券
serial annuity bond系列年金债券 (分期还本年金债券)
serial bond分期偿还债券
Shanghai Stock Exchange T-bond index上证国债指数
share/bond premium股票或债券发行溢价
shogun bond寿衮债券
Shogun bond将军债券 (指外国借款人在日本公开发行的非日元债券)
short-dated government bond短期政府债券
short-term bond fund短期债券基金
short-term municipal bond fund短期市政债券基金
single bond单约债券
single-payment bond一次赎回债券
single-state municipal bond fund单一市政债券基金
sovereign bond主权债券
sovereign bond markets主权债券市场
special assessment bond特别赋税债券
special bond account特别债券账户
special bond fund特别债券基金
special financial bond特种金融债券
special lien bond特定留置权债券
special tax bond特别税债券
special tax bond特税债券
split-coupon bond分拆债息债券
stabilized bond稳值债券
stated rate on bond债设定利率
stepped-coupon bond梯式债券
sterling bond英镑公债
sterling foreign currency bond英镑外币债券
straight bond直接债券 (固定利率债券)
sushi bond寿司债券 (由日本公司在欧洲发行的以美元计价的债券)
Swiss franc bond瑞士法郎债券
takers for bond债券接受者
terminable bond有期限债券
three-year bond年期债券
toll revenue bond通行税收人债券
Treasury bond国库债券 (美国政府发行的一种长期债券,最小面值为1000美元,期限为10年或10年以上,以息票支付利息)
treasury bond库存债券公司债美国库债券
treasury bond futures国债期货
Treasury bond option国库债券期权
Treasury bond receipt国库债券凭证
treasury bond receipt国库券收入
treasury term bond国库定期债券
trust bond信托债券
turmoil for bond yields债券收益率波动
ultra-short-term bond fund超短期债券基金
unamortized bond discount未计提债券折价
unamortized bond discount未摊还公司债券折价
unamortized bond issuance discount未计提债券发行折价
unamortized bond premium未计提债券溢价
unamortized premium on bond sold未计提售出债券溢价
uncallable bond不能提前收回的公司债
uncovered bond无担保的债务
undated bond未注明偿还期债券
uninscribed bond无记各债券
universal bond全球债券
unlisted bond场外债券
unlisted bond未上市债券
unregistered bond即息票债券
unregistered bond不记名债券
unsecured bond无担保债券公司债,信用债券公司债
unsecured corporate bond无担保公司债券
unsecured guaranteed bond无抵押有担保债券
U.S. dollar bond美元债券
U.S. junk bond market美国垃圾债券市场
U.S. savings bond美国储蓄公债
U.S. TB index bond美国短期国债指数债券
U.S. Treasury bond美国长期国债 (指美国财政部发行的期限为10年或10年以上的长期债券,每半年付息一次)
U.S. Treasury bond market美国长期国债市场
vanilla bond纯债券
variable-rate bond浮动利率债券
variable-rate bond可变利率债券
variable-rate demand bond浮动利率即期证券
variable-rate demand bond可变利率即期债券
voting bond有否决权债券
war bond战争债券
warrant bond附认股权债券
yankee bond扬基债券 (由美国以外的银行或企业在美国发行的、以美元计价的债券)
yankee bond market扬基债券市场
yen bond日元债券{以日元计价的债券}
yield of bond债券收益率
zero coupon bond零息债券
zero-coupon bond零息票债券 (指贴现发行的、到期时按面值还本、不支付利息的债券)
zero-coupon government bond零息票国债
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