
Terms for subject Economy containing bond | all forms | exact matches only
a baby bond面值 100元以下的小额债券
a backed bond有担保债券
a backed bond已背书债券
a bond and securities register有价证券登记簿
a bond investment account债券投资账户
a bond register债券登记簿
a bottomry bond冒险借款债券
a bottomry bond押船契约
a fidelity bond职工信用保险
a fidelity bond忠诚保险契约
a funding bond筹款债券
a guarantee bond保证债券
a liberty bond战时公债
a liberty bond自由公债
a liberty bond救国公债
a moral obligation bond义务债券
a non-assented bond未核准债券
a non-bear bond记名债券 (公司债)
a non-callable bond到期偿还债务
a non-convertible bond不能兑换的公债
a non-interest bearing discount bond无息按折扣发行的债券
a non-participating bond非参加性公司债券
a non-registered bond无记名债券
a nullified bond失效证券
a performance bond履约保证金 (书)
a performance bond履约保证
a plain bond无担保债券
a reacquired bond重获债券
a redeemable bond可偿债券
a redeemable bond可赎偿券
a registered bond记名债券
a registered bond登记债券
a removal bond再出口货物关栈
a removal bond搬运公司
a renewal bond更换公债
a reorganization bond改组债券
a short-term bond短期债券
a surety bond担保债务
a surety bond担保书
a term bond定期债券
absolute bond不附条件的债务
adjustment bond整理债务
amortization of discount, premium and bond issuance expenses摊提贴水,升水及债券发行费
amortization of expenses related to bond retirement收回旧公司债券的费用摊销
amount of bond担保金额
an already-issued bond已发行债券
an unregistered bond不记名债券 (即息票债券)
annuity bond无期债券
arbitration bond争议方同意仲裁的书面文件
authorized mortgage bond核定抵押债券
bankers blanket bond银行总括保证书
bid bond押金
bond and debentures债券
bond and preferred stock fund债券及优选股基金
bond and share account债券及股票账户
bond-anticipation note预期债券票据
bond audit债券审核 (计)
Bond collateral loans usually carry low rates债券抵押贷款的利率往往很低
bond creditor有债券保证的债权人
bond deposit method证券储存法
bond discount证券折价
bond discount and expenses债券发行折价及费用
bond discount unamortized未摊债券折价
bond drawn中签债券
bond equivalent yield相当债券收益率
bond expense债券费用
bond financing债券资助
bond goods关栈货物
bond holder持券人
bond house投资银行
bond interest债息
bond interest received领取到的债券利息
bond issed已发债券
bond issue发行债券
bond made out in dollar美元债务
bond notes保税单
bond of indemnity赔偿证明书
bond outstanding流通在外的债券
bond outstanding method未清债券法
bond power债券全权代理证书 (指委托第三者代为出售或转让债券)
bond rate公债利率
bond rate公债比率
bond rate保证单
bond rating债券分级
bond rating agency债券分级机构
bond redemption债券赎回
bond rediscount债券的再贴现
bond refunding公债偿还
bond refunding债券的偿还
bond refunding债券调换 (指一个公司发行新债券, 通过销售方式或其他方式换回的旧债券)
bond registered登记注册的记名债券
bond rights债券优惠
bond secured by leased property以租入财产担保的公司债券
bond service奴役
bond subscriptions认购债券
bond system美国海关债券担保系统海关担保债券是委托方与担保方达成的契约。旨在保证履行由法律或规则强加的债务责任。受益人往往是海关
bond to bearer指示式债券
bond underwriter债券担保人
bond valuation between interest dates两次付息期间的债券估价
bond with stock purchase warrant附有购买股票权的公司债券
bond yield债券有效利率
bond yield债券市场利息
bond yield债券收益 (率)
bond yield债券市场利息率
bond yield债券利益率
bond yields债券投资收益率
bond yields债券收益率
bottomry bond以轮船作抵押的贷款契约
bridge bond衔接债券
bridge bond过桥债券
callable bond可提前随时收回的债券
callable bond通知偿还债券
cargo in bond保税的货物
clean bond无印章债券
collateral income bond有担保的收益债券
collateralized bond obligation弯曲一拉伸
consent to be bond by a treaty同意受条约约束
consolidated bond整理公债
consolidated refunding first mortgage sinking fund bond第一次不动产保证偿债基金替并债券
construction bond建筑公债
construction bond建筑保证
conversion of bond债券的调换
convertible bond可兑现的债务
corporation corporate bond公司债 (公司发行的长期债券)
corporation bond公司债
coupon bond fixed interest-bearing security附息票债券
customs bond海关保税保证书
customs bond debenture退税凭单退回关税证明单
debenture income bond无抵押信用担保收益债券
debenture mortgage bond信用担保债券
defaulted bond拖欠债务
defence bond国防公债
defense bond国防公债
deferred bond加息债券
deficit-covering bond弥补赤字公债
deposit for bond redemption偿还债券百数
destroyed or lost bond损毁或遗失的债券
development of a bond program编制合同计划
discount bond还本付息债券
dividends serial bond递延分期偿付债券
dollar bond美元公债
doUar bond美元公债
double-barreled bond以双重税收作保证的市政公债
drawn bond抽签兑换债券
effective yield method of bond discount accumulation累计公司债折价的实得法
eligible bond符合借款条件的公司债
endorsed bond背书债票
enter into a bond订立合同 (契约)
enter into a bond with与…订合同
escrow bond有条件债券
Euro bond欧洲债券 (market, 市场)
ex bond买方关栈交货价
ex bond海关仓库货价
ex bond terms海关仓库交货条件
exchequer bond国库存债券
exchequer bond英国国库券
exchequer bond英国国库债券
expense on bond公司债发行费
external bond外国的债券
farm bond农业债券
farm loan bond农贷债券
farm loan bond田地放款债票
fidelity bond员工忠诚保证书
first mortgage bond第一抵押权债券
fixed bond定期公债
foreign and international bond market外国和国际债券市场
foreign bond外国公债
foreign bond外债
foreign bond market外国债券市场
forged bond伪造债券
forgery of bond伪造债券
founder's bond发起人公司债券
French franc bond法国法郎债券
full-faith-and-credit bond十足信用公债
full-faith-and-credit bond市政信用公债
funding mortgage bond偿债抵押债券
gain on bond retirement偿还债券收益
general average bond共同海损分摊保证书
general mortgage bond一般抵押公债
general obligation bond一般责任公债
global bond综合债券
goods in bond关栈保税货物
government bond loan国债
government bond loan公债
government compensation bond政府补偿公债
government-guaranteed bond政府担保债务
guarantee bond担保债券
guarantee bond保证书
guarantee of bond债券保证
He presented performance bond they required他提交了他们所要求的履约保证金
housing bond住宅债券
importer's statement and guarantee bond进口商声明保证书
in bond存海关关栈
in bond海关仓库交货价
in bond保税
in bond保税仓库交货价
in bond在保税仓库中
in bond存人海关仓库
in bond未完税在关栈中
in bond关栈中交货价
in bond尚未完税
in bond在关栈
in-bond landed cost formula保税卸岸成本公式
in-bond manufacturing保税制造业
in-bond price关栈价格
income bond收益债券
indemnity bond担保债券
index-linked bond与指数联系的公债
insurance bond保险业者购买的债券
insurance bond保险业者向债券的投资
interchangeable bond可交换债券
interchangeable bond可互换的债券
interest bond作为支付利息而发行的债券
interest on bond公债利息
internal bond国内债券
international bond ratings国际债券信用评级
investment bond投资债券
irredeemable bond不规定到期日的债券
irredeemable bond永久债券
joint and several bond股份与连带责任债券
junior bond非优先债券
junior lien bond低次留置权债券
junior lien bond低级扣押权债券
junk bond蹩脚债券
large bond巨额债券
large bond大票面债券
lease bond租赁合同
legal bond法律制约
liberty bond战时公债美国在第一次世界大战期间发行的
liberty bond自由公债
limited tax bond限制税款债券
Lloyd's Average Bond, Guarantee and Salvage Agreement劳氏海损分担担保、保证和救助协议
Lloyd's Form "Average Bond"劳氏"海损担保" 格式
long bond20年以上的远期债券
lottery-bearing bond issue彩票债券发行
mortgage bond抵押债券
municipal bond地方债权
named bond指名保证
national bond国家 公债
negotiable bond流通债券
New Bond新公债
new bond issues新债权发行
new foreign bond issue新的外国债务发行
new issue bond新发行的债券
non-negotiable treasury bond不可转让的国库券
open-end issue bond不定额公司债
open-end mortgage bond无限抵押债券
optional bond选择权债券
out of bond出关栈
outstanding bond未偿债券
overissue bond滥发债券
overlying bond有重叠抵押品的债券
participating bond参与契约
pay date of bond interest债券付息日
performance bond履约保单
perpetual bond无期债券
premium bond有奖债券
premium bond奖金
premium bond超过票面值的证券
premium bond溢价债券
public bond政府债务
redeemable bond可兑换的证券
redeemable bond可偿价券
registered bond登记债券
reserve for bond redemption债券赎回偿债准备
retained earnings appropriated for bond retirement拨作债券偿还用的留存收益
retired bond赎回已收回的债券
Roosa bond鲁莎债券
sale of bond发行公债
saving bond储蓄券
saving bond储蓄公债
second mortgage bond二次抵押债券
share/bond premium股票或债券溢价
share/bond premium股票或债券增值
short bond短期五年之内债券
short term treasury bond短期国库券
short-term bond短期债券
sinking fund bond偿债基金债券
state bond州政府债券
state bond国家债权
surety bond担保债券
surety bond保证书
tax bond抵税工债
temporary importation under bond美国海关施行的保税临时进口
tender bond投标担保
the bail bond保释保证金
the bond authorized and unissued未发行定额债券
the bond collateral loans债券抵押贷款
The certain parcel of land, including its present and future buildings, has been mortgaged in order to secure the bond为担保此债券,这块土地连同现有的和今后的地面建筑物已被抵押出去
The company paid duty and took goods out of bond该公司交纳关税后提出海关扣押的货物
the perpetual bond永久债务
the refunding bond issue偿债或调换债券发行
the refunding of bond债券的偿还
the refunding of bond公债偿还
the repayment of bond债券到期付还
the respondentia bond船货抵押债券
the revenue bond收入债券
the serial annuity bond分期偿还的年金债券
the tap bond为吸引游资等不限量发行而随时可购买的政府债券
to issue bond发行债券
trading bond商业债务
transit bond过境担保单
treasury bond receipt国库券收据 (收入)
unamortized bond discount未偿还债券折价
under bond未完税扣存关栈
under bond货物保兑
upper bond上限
warehousing in bond保税仓库储藏
warranty bond担保
Yankee bond杨基债指外国发行人,包括外国政府和公司等在美国债券市场上发行的债券
yankee bond market美国证券市场
yield on long-term government bond长期政府债券所得
zero coupon bond无息票债券