
Terms for subject Technology containing bond | all forms | exact matches only
absolute bond不附条件的债券
accrued bond interest receivable应计未收债券利息
accrued interest on bond sold应计未付售出债券利息
active bond有效债券
adhesive bond黏接
adhesive bond黏合界面
adhesive bond黏着键
adhesive bond strength tester黏合强度试验机
adjustable rate bond可调整利率债券
adjusted bond调整债券
advance payment bond预付金
air-to-solids bond气固结合力
aluminium oxygen bond铝氧键
aluminum oxygen bond铝氧键
American bond美国式砌墙法
American bond美式砌法
American bond普通砌砖法
American bond普通砌砖式
amortization of government bond政府公债分期偿还
anchoring bond锚固黏结 (预应力钢丝端部)
apparent bond strength表观黏结强度
application bond黏结力
ashlar bond方石砌合
ashlar bond琢石砌合
ashlar bond条石砌合
ashlar bond stone琢石束石
auxiliary bond副键
average bond海损协议 (书)
average bond stress平均握裹力
average bond stress混凝土与钢筋的平均黏着应力
axial bond轴向键
bail bond保释保证书
bail bond lien保释契约留置权
basket weave bond棋盘式砌合
basket weave bond席纹砌法
basket weave bond席纹砌合
bearing bond轴承黏合剂
bending bond failure弯曲黏结力破坏
bird-head bond啄形接头
blank bond不记名债券
blank bond空白票据
blind bond砖砌体的一种砌合法
bound water bond结合水连接
boundary wall bond三顺一丁砌合
box bond空斗墙
box bond brick wall空斗墙
break bond接缝破裂 (层间)
break the bond毁约
brickwork bond砖砌体
bridge bond桥键
bridging bond跨接线
broken bond断续黏结
broker's bond经纪人债券
cargo in bond存入关栈的货物
carrying value of a bond issued已发行公司债的现行价值
cement-bond log水泥胶结测井
cement-bond log curve水泥胶结测井曲线
cement-bond sonic log固井声波测试图
cement-aggregate bond水泥一集料间黏结
cement-aggregate bond水泥一骨料间粉结
cementation bond胶结连接
cementing bond黏结力
channel pin bond导电轨销钉接合器
chemical bond化学结合
chemical bond化学粘合
clean bond清洁公债
clip bond顺砖内角斜切砌合体
clip bond钳制砌合
clip bond斜切式砌合法
clip ped bond钳制砌合
coating bond涂层附着力
coating bond涂层结合强度
common bond普通砌合
common bond普通砌砖法
common bond普通砌砖式
common bond美式砌法
common bond普通砌筑式
convertible bond可兑现债券
convertible bond可调换债券
convertible bond可兑换债券
convertible bond可换公司债
coordinate bond配位价
coordinate covalent bond配位共价键
corrugated rail bond波纹导体接头
course bond丁砖层 (砌)
crossed double bond横交双键
crown rail-bond拱形轨隙联结器
cyclic bond环内键
cyclic olefinic bond环内双键
cyclical bond环内键
cyclical olefinic bond环内双键
dash-bond coat泼涂黏结层
dash-bond coat水泥砂浆打底
dash-bond coat水泥砂浆粉面层
dash-bond coat泼涂打底
debt warrant bond附买回条款债券
decorative bond装潢砌合
decorative bond装饰砌合 (法)
decorative bond盛饰砌合
decorative bond图案砌合
decorative masonry bond装饰性砖石砌合
deferred bond延付债券
deferred bond延期付息债券
delocalized-bond model非定域键模型
diagonal bond人字形面砖排列
diagonal bond人字形砌合
diagonal bond对角式砌合法
diagonal bond斜向砌合
diagonal bond对角砌合
diagonal bond斜角砌合
diagonal bond对角黏合
diagonal bond斜置丁砖皮
diagonal masonry bond对角接合
diagonal masonry bond斜向圬工砌合
diamond grains for metal bond金属结合剂用金刚石
diamond grains for metal bond dressing tool修整工具用金刚石 (颗粒)
diamond grains for metal bond saw锯用金刚石
diaper bond棋盘式砌合
diaper bond交错砌合
diaper bond菱形砌合
diaper bond席纹砌合
diffused bond漫反射带
dissociation energy of bond键控解能
double bond附条件债券
double Flemish bond荷兰式砌合
double Flemish bond双面一顺一丁砌合
drop-lock bond自变息债券
drop-lock bond保息债券
Dutch bond荷兰式砌法
Dutch diaper bond荷兰菱形花式砌砖
early bond早期结合
endurance of bond黏合耐久性
endurance of bond黏合疲劳
energy-rich phosphate bond高能磷酸键
energy-rich thioester bond高能硫酯键
English bond式砌砖法 (顶砖层与顺砖层交错)
English bond英国十字缝砌砖法 (即荷兰式砌法)
English bond英国式砌合
English bond丁顺隔皮砌法
English bond英式砌法
English cross bond英国式砌合
English cross bond英式十字砌法
English cross bond荷兰式砌法
English cross bond荷兰式砌合
English cross bond英式十字缝砌砖法
English garden-wall bond英国园墙式砌合法
English garden-wall bond三顺一丁砌墙法
English garden-wall bond英国式庭园墙砌砖法
equatorial bond赤道键
ex bond纳税后开栈交货
ex bond纳税后关栈交货
excellent bond强键
face bond面接
face brick bond面砖砌合
facing bond顺砌
facing bond砌面
facing brick bond饰面砖砌筑
fail in bond黏接失效
fail in bond黏着破坏
fatigue bond strength疲劳粘结强度
fatigue of bond黏结疲劳 (混凝土)
fidelity bond信用债券
film bond failure胶膜剥落
film bond failure涂层黏着力破坏
Flemish bond荷兰式砌法
Flemish bond梅花砌砖法
Flemish bond荷兰式砌合
Flemish bond一顺一丁砌砖法
Flemish cross bond荷兰式交错砌合 (法)
Flemish diagonal bond荷兰式对角砌合法
Flemish double-cross bond荷兰式双错位砌合 (法)
Flemish double-stretcher bond一丁两顺砌筑法
Flemish double-stretcher bond两顺一丁砌法
Flemish garden bond三顺一丁砌体
Flemish garden bond每皮三顺一丁砌合
Flemish garden wall bond三顺一丁砌法
Flemish garden wall bond荷兰园墙式砌合法
flexural bond受弯引起的黏附力破坏
flexural bond弯曲徐变
flexural bond挠曲握裹力
flexural bond弯曲结合力
flexural bond test受弯的黏附力试验
flexural bond test弯曲黏附性试验
flocculated clay buttress bond絮状支托粘结
flock bond strength植绒黏合强力
force of texture bond结构联结力
forced bond强迫债券
forgery bond假造债券
franchise bond特许权保证书
friction bond摩擦连接
fully registered bond不能转让的注册记名债券
fused bond烧熔结合剂
garden bond五顺一丁或四顺一丁砌法
garden bond园墙砌合
garden bond园墙砌法
garden wall bond园墙砌合
garden wall bond花园围墙砌合
general mortgage bond普通抵押债券
general mortgage bond一般抵押债券
general obligation bond普通责任的债务
general obligation bond一般责任保证
general obligation bond一般债务债券
global bond全部债券
gold bond以黄金偿付的债券
goods in bond保税仓库内的货物
goods under customs bond保关税货物
Gothic masonry bond哥特式砖石砌合
Gothic bond哥特式砖石砌合
government bond公债 (券)
government bond政府公债
green bond湿黏结强度
gypsum bond plaster黏贴石膏
gypsum bond plaster石膏打底灰
gypsum bond plaster黏结用石膏灰
hemi-cyclic double bond半环状双键
herringbone bond人字形面砖排列
herringbone bond对角接合
herringbone bond人字砌合
herringbone bond人字砌合
herringbone bond斜置丁砖皮
herringbone masonry bond人字形砌合
heteroatomic bond杂原子链
heteropolar bond电价键
high-bond bar竹节钢筋
high-bond bar变形钢筋
high-bond bar高握裹力钢筋
high-bond concrete reinforcing bar高粘着力钢筋
high-bond reinforcing bar高握裹力钢筋
high energy phosphate bond高能磷酸键
housing corporation bond住宅建设公司债券
improvement mortgage bond建设抵押债券
improvement of plaster bond抹灰黏结力的提高
inductive bond阻抗接合
instalment bond分期偿还公司债
instalment bond分期付款债券
interchangeable bond可换债券
interfacial bond界面黏接
interfacial bond strength界面黏结强度
intertrack bond轨道间连接线
investment bond投资性债券
joint of Flemish bond梅花顶砖砌合接缝
joint of Flemish bond一顺一丁砌法接缝
labile bond不稳定键
labor and material payment bond工料付款承诺书
labor and material payment bond人工材料费保单
labor and material payment bond工料费合约
land bond土地债券
lattice bond点阵键
laying to bond整砖砌合
Lloyd's form of average bond劳埃德海损协议格式
Lloyd's form of average bond劳氏合社海损担保格式
Lloyd's form of average bond劳氏海损协议格式
local bond stress局部约束应力
local bond stress局部黏结力
longitudinal bond纵向多层砌合
longitudinal bond纵列砌合法 (美国)
longitudinal bond纵向多层砌体
longitudinal bond纵向多层顺砖砌墙法
longitudinal bond纵向拉结砌法
manufacturer's bond生产厂商保证书
masonry bond圬工黏结剂
masonry bond圬工
masonry bond砖石砌筑
masonry bond圬工砌合
masonry bond principle圬工联结原理
masonry bond type圬工黏结类型
matching bond area匹配焊接面积
membrane-forming type bond braker形成膜状的黏合剂制动器
metal bond金属结合剂
metal bond金属黏结
metal-to-glass bond金属与玻璃黏结
metal-to-metal bond金属和金属连接
modified English bond改进的英国式交叉砌合
modified short-bond修正短路棒
moisture of capillary bond disruption毛管连系破裂含量
monk bond两顺一丁砌法
monk bond二顺一丁砌砖法
monk bond每皮两顺一丁砌砖法
mortar bond灰浆砌筑
mortar-aggregate bond砂浆骨料结合力
mortar-aggregate bond砂浆集料结合力
mortar-aggregate bond strength砂浆骨料结合强度
mortar-aggregate bond strength砂浆集料结合强度
mortgage bond抵押单
mortgage revenue bond抵押收益债券
multiangular bond多边形圬工连接
multiangular bond多边结合
multiangular bond多边连接
multiangular masonry bond多边形圬工结合
multiangular masonry bond多边形圬工连接
national bond国家公债
natural bond sand天然黏结砂
nitride bond containing silicon oxynitride含氮氧化硅的氮化物键
no-bond prestressing无黏结预应力
no-bond prestressing无握裹的预应力
no bond resonance无键共振
no-bond tensioning无黏结张力
no-bond tensioning无黏结张拉
normal bond普通砖石砌合
normal bond正规黏合
normal bond正规砌合
normal bond正规固定
nullified bond失效证券
olefinic bond烯键
on demand bond凭要求付款的保证书
open bond开押信号
open trellis bond格构连接
open trellis bond格构式砌合
open trellis bond格子连接
open-end bond开口契约
optional bond可提前偿还的债券
ordinary bond单价键
ornamental bond装饰性砌合
ornamental bond装潢砌筑
ornamental bond装饰性连接
ornamental masonry bond装饰砖石砌法
oscillating bond振动键
oscillating double bond摆动双键
pair bond配对结合
paired-bond dissociation双键离解
participating bond分享债券
participating bond参与分红债券
paste aggregate bond水泥浆集料结合力
paste aggregate bond水泥浆骨料结合力
paste aggregate bond浆体集料黏结
pattern bond砌花墙
pattern bond砌筑形式 (砖墙或圬工)
pattern bond花纹砌合
performance bond完工保证书
performance bond行动债券
performance bond履行保证金
performance bond履函
performance bond性能保证书
performance bond system竣工保证制度
pier bond码头砌筑
pier bond墩子砌筑
plastic-bond fireclay塑性耐火黏土
plumb bond全顺砖砌体
plumb bond铅直式砌合
plumb bond直缝砌法
plumb bond pole砖的垂直接缝定位杆
polar covalent bond极性共价键
Polish bond波兰式砌合
pollution control bond控制污染债券
polygonal bond多面砌体砌合
polygonal masonry bond多边形砌体砌合
polygonal masonry bond多角形砌体砌合
poor bond黏结不良
porous bond多孔黏结料
premium and bond issuance expenses摊提贴水
primary bond主价键
primary valence bond主原子价键
principal bond主键
public bond公债
quarry-stone bond毛石砌合
quarry-stone bond粗石砌体
quarry-stone bond毛石工程
quarry-stone bond毛石砌筑
rail bond钢轨接续线
rail bond导轨夹紧器
rail bond钢轨导接线
rail bond轨道夹紧器
rail bond轨端电气连接
rail bond grinder钢轨接头研磨机
rail bond resistance tester钢轨导接线电阻测试器
rail joint bond轨缝连接器
railway bond铁路债券
rail-web bond轨腹接续线
rake bond对角接合
rake bond斜纹接合
rake bond曲折砌合
random bond乱砌法
random bond乱砌体
random bond乱砌合
random bond不规则砌合
random masonry bond圬工随意砌法
rat-trap bond咬合砌砖
rat-trap bond空斗墙砌合
rat-trap bond空斗间砌合
rat-trap bond花墙砌法
rat-trap bond空斗墙砌法
rat-trap bond竖砖空斗墙
reacquired bond重购进债券
reacquired bond重取得债券
reacquired bond取回债券
reactance bond电抗耦
reactance bond接合扼流圈
reactive bond活性键
redeemable bond可提前偿还的债券
redeemable bond可通知偿还的债券
redeemable bond可赎回债券
refundment bond偿还担保书
reorganization bond重整债券
resin bond树脂黏结
resin bond wheel树脂结合剂砂轮
resinoid and vitrified bond树脂陶瓷结合剂
resinoid bond树胶黏合剂
resinoid bond树胶结合剂
resinoid bond树脂胶合
resinoid bond树脂黏结剂
retired bond已回收债券
retired bond已收回债券
retired bond已赎回债券
reverse dual currency bond可调换二元通货债券
ribbon bond带式连接器
rigid bond刚性连接
riveted bond铆钉接合
riveted bond铆接
roofing bond屋顶维修保证书
Saint Andrew's cross bond圣安德鲁交叉砌合 (英国式交叉砌合)
salt bond盐键
secured bond具抵押品的债券
secured bond担保债务
security bond保证书
semi-polar double bond半极性双键
series bond系列债券
set in bond砌合
shellac bond虫胶黏合剂
shellac bond虫胶黏结剂
signal bond信号接合
silmethylene bond硅亚甲基
single bond单一合同
single bond单约据
single Flemish bond单面荷兰式砌合
single Flemish bond同皮丁顺砖交错砌筑
single Flemish bond丁顺砖交错砌筑面
sintered bond烧结结合剂
sloping bond斜层砌合
sloping bond方块斜层砌合
sloping bond斜砌筑
sloping bond斜砌 (法)
sloping bond斜面铺砌
sloping bond斜砌砖工
split bond半厚砖砌体
split bond半厚砖砌筑
square ashlar bond方石块砌合
stabilized bond指数化债券
stacked bond堆砌法
stacked bond叠层砌法
stacked bond通缝砌法
stacked bond对缝砌法
stacked bond横竖通缝砌法
staggered-joint bond错缝砌法
statutory bond法定契约
statutory bond法定合同
steel bond铁粉结合剂
stitch bond针脚式接合
stretcher bond顺砖砌
stretcher bond条砌
stretcher bond半砖砌法
stretcher bond顺砖砌合
stretcher bond满条砌法
stretcher-bond type rowlock paving顺砖铺砌式竖砖路面
stretcher masonry bond顺砖圬工砌合
strong bound water bond强结合水连接
supply bond供应契约
supply bond供应保证书
Sussex bond苏塞克斯砌合
Sussex garden-wall bond三顺一丁砌法
Sussex garden-wall bond苏塞克斯花园墙砌合
Sussex garden-wall bond荷兰式花园墙砌合
synthetic resin bond合成树脂黏合剂
synthetic resin bond合成树脂黏结剂
take the goods out of bond提出被海关扣存的货物 (完税后)
tax-exempt bond免税公债
tax-exempt bond免税票证
tax-free bond免税债券
tensile bond抗拉黏结
tensile bond抗拉砌合
term bond一次到期债券
terminal bond端键
terminal bond终端导接线
timber bond砌体用木条连接
toothing bond齿接
transfer bond传力黏结
transfer bond传递黏结力 (混凝土和先张钢筋束间的黏结应力)
transit bond过境保函
treasury bond库存公司债
treasury bond库存债券
treasury bond国库券
ultimate bond stress极限黏合应力
ultrasonic bond超声波焊
ultrasonic bond超声波键合
ultrasonic bond meter超声波结合强度测定计
uncoupled bond非耦联键
urethane bond氨基甲酸酯键
vertical bond竖直对缝砌
vessel bond船舶保证书
vessel bond船舶抵押证书
vitrified bond陶瓷结合剂
vitrified bond玻璃质黏合剂
vitrified bond玻璃质结合物
vitrified bond黏土烧结
weak bound water bond弱结合水联结
welded bond焊接式钢轨接续线
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