
Terms containing boarding | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a boarding pass登机牌
econ.a boarding pass登记证
tech.advertisement boarding杂贴广告的临时棚栏
archit.advertisement boarding杂贴广告临时棚栏
busin.advertisement boarding广告牌
brit., busin.advertisement boarding招贴板
textileafter boarding后是型
busin.armed boarding vessel武装检查
tech.armed boarding vessel武装检查船
archit.asbestos boarding石棉铺钉板
tech.asbestos boarding铺钉石棉板
fisheryat-sea boarding海上登船
exhib.automated ticket and boarding pass自动售票
chem.back boarding搓软 (皮革)
auto.boarding accident上车时发生的事故
avia.boarding advisory登机通知
exhib.boarding agent代理外勤登轮
econ.boarding and concerning of grain囤积居奇谷物
interntl.trade.boarding and cornering of grain囤积居奇谷物
sport.boarding and lodging膳宿
busin.boarding and lodging expenses食宿费
gen.boarding bag登机箱
wood.boarding board隔板
tech.boarding book上船检查登记簿
tech.boarding car宿营车
archit.boarding card搭载客货单
archit.boarding card旅客乘机证
busin.boarding card民航搭载客货单
auto.boarding card登车卡
corp.gov.boarding cost膳食费
manag.boarding cost膳宿费
tech.boarding fence木栅栏
tech.boarding fence木板围墙
tech.boarding gate登记口
exhib.boarding gate登机口
avia.boarding gate登机门
avia.boarding handle登船扶手
tech.boarding house招待所
tech.boarding house供膳宿舍
archit.boarding house食堂
archit.boarding house宿舍
tech.boarding house膳宿公寓
exhib.boarding house寄宿公寓
exhib.boarding house家庭化旅社
tech.boarding house供膳宿的私家住宅
tech.boarding inspector上船检验人员
tech.boarding joist楼板格栅
archit.boarding joist裸搁栅
tech.boarding joist板条托梁
tech.boarding joist格栅
tech.boarding ladder登船梯
tech.boarding ladder登船悬梯
shipb.boarding ladder舷梯
tech.boarding-lodging house供膳宿住
tech.boarding-lodging house供膳宿的住房
chem.boarding machine搓软机
chem.boarding machine搓纹机
textileboarding machine定形机
tech.boarding machine定型机
busin.boarding measure木材计量制
avia.boarding music〔客〕登机音乐
tech.boarding net登船网
econ.boarding note渡货单
busin.boarding note卸货接受单
tech.boarding of ship接舷战
interntl.trade.boarding pass登记证
exhib.boarding pass登机卡
commer.boarding pass登船证
exhib.boarding pass登机牌
gen.boarding pass登机证
tech.boarding passenger volume上车客流量
tech.boarding platform候车站台 (美国)
drag.boarding pontoon登船码头
tech.boarding press热压定形机
tech.boarding quantity on arrival入港时剩余数量
ed.boarding school寄宿学校
China, lawboarding school寄宿制学校
busin.boarding ship检查中立国船只违禁品的船
econ.boarding station候检锚地
econ.boarding station登船检査处
tech.boarding station候潮锚地
ed.boarding student寄宿
tech.boarding time上客时间
busin.cargo boarding advisory载货装运指南
econ.cargo boarding advisory货运装运指南
busin.cargo boarding advisory货物装运指南
shipb.cargo boarding advisory货物装船指南
tech.ceiling boarding顶棚覆板
tech.ceiling boarding天花板
tech.ceiling boarding平顶盖板
ITchecker boarding纵横交错排列
tech.child boarding group生育年龄组
tech.child boarding group育龄组
tech.child boarding home儿童寄宿处
met.clincher boarding鱼鳞板
archit.clincher built ceiling boarding搭接钉的天花板
tech.clincher built ceiling boarding搭钉天花板
tech.close-boarding fencing鱼鳞板围栏
tech.close-boarding fencing鱼鳞板围篱
archit.coloured porcelain boarding彩瓷板
archit.cornice boarding檐板
tech.cornice boarding钉挑檐板
tech.cornice boarding花檐板
interntl.trade.cost of boarding上架费
tech.cup boarding橱柜
econ.customs boarding officer海关关员
tech.customs boarding officer登轮关员
avia.denied boarding compensation被拒绝登机赔偿
avia.denied boarding compensation让座补偿金
gen.Do you have the boarding pass for the next flight?您有下一个航班的登机证吗?
fisherydockside boarding码头登船
archit.drawing boarding画板
archit.drawing boarding绘图板
tech.family boarding home供食宿的出租房子
tech.feather-edged boarding楔边板 (安装)
archit.feather-edged boarding楔边板安装
tech.feather-edged boarding薄边板
tech.fill boarding垫板
tech.floor boarding铺面块体
tech.floor boarding铺地板
archit.floor boarding地板
tech.floor boarding joist楼面板托梁
tech.floor boarding joist顶棚梁
tech.floor boarding joist土梁
tech.flush boarding横钉平接护墙板
archit.form boarding
tech.form boarding木模板
tech.form boarding模壳板
tech.gage boarding木条板踏步
tech.gang boarding木条跳板
tech.gang boarding工作走道铺板
tech.gang boarding脚手架铺板
tech.gang boarding搁梯
tech.gang boarding工作马道
tech.gang boarding工作走道梯板
tech.gang boarding roof ladder陡板梯
tech.gauge boarding木条板踏步
archit.German feather boarding德式横钉木板墙
tech.German weather boarding徳式横钉木板墙
archit.glass-fronted bill boarding橱窗
tech.glued boarding胶合板
tech.grooved match ceiling boarding企口顶棚板条
archit.horizontal boarding水平木板壁
tech.horizontal boarding wall水平木板壁
tech.horizontal weather-boarding横向鱼鳞板
textilehosiery boarding machine袜子定形机
textilehot water post-boarding热水后定形
gen.I am sorry to inform you that because the boarding gate has been changed, please get your belongings and boarding pass and go to Gate No 7. Thank you for your understanding.很抱歉地通知您,由于登机口发生变化,请带好行李和登机牌,前往7号登机口登机。谢谢您的谅解
gen.I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分
tech.jointed boarding接缝望板
textilelining for boarding定型里
tech.match boarding铺企口板
tech.match boarding拼板 (工作)
tech.match boarding舌槽企口板
tech.match boarding镶拼花板
tech.match boarding machine企口镶板机
tech.match boarding machine镶板机
tech.ocean boarding boat海洋交通船
tech.ocean boarding ship海洋交通船
tech.ocean boarding vessel海洋交通船
tech.ocean boarding vessel远洋交通船
tech.off-boarding platform非候车站台 (美国)
tech.open boarding开口铺板
tech.open boarding开缝铺板法
tech.open boarding稀铺屋面板
tech.outer boarding station港外检疫泊地
tech.panel boarding嵌板
tech.panel boarding贴板
tech.panel boarding铺板
tech.panel boarding镶板
avia.passenger boarding bridge旅客桥
avia.passenger boarding bridge旅客登机桥
avia.passenger boarding information旅客登机通知
avia.passenger boarding list旅客舱单
avia.passenger boarding list旅客登机名单
avia.passenger boarding list旅客登机单
avia.passenger boarding survey旅客登机检査
tech.peak hour boarding rate高峰小时上车率
auto.peak-hour boarding rate高峰小时上车率
railw.photovoltaic roof boarding光伏屋面板
gen.Please show me your boarding pass, sir先生,请出示您的登机牌
tech.public-assisted boarding school公助寄宿学校
fisheryquayside boarding码头登船
tech.rare commodity worth boarding to corner the market奇货可居
tech.rebated boarding企口板条
tech.rebated weather-boarding槽舌风雨板
tech.rebated weather-boarding企口风雨板
tech.rebated weather-boarding裁口鱼鳞板
tech.roof boarding屋架板
archit.roof boarding木板屋顶
tech.roof boarding望板
tech.roof boarding苫背
tech.roof boarding屋面垫层
tech.roof boarding屋顶板
tech.roof boarding屋面板
tech.roof boarding顶篷
tech.rough T and G boarding粗糙凹凸板
tech.rough timber boarding粗木板安装
tech.shiplap boarding鱼鳞板
tech.shiplap boarding搭叠壁板
tech.shiplap boarding搭接板
tech.side boarding餐具柜
tech.slate boarding盖石板瓦屋面
tech.slate boarding屋顶石板 (瓦衬板)
tech.slate boarding用石板瓦盖屋顶
tech.slate boarding支承石板瓦的屋面板
tech.soft-textured wood floor boarding软组织木地板
archit.sound boarding楼板下的隔声板
tech.sound boarding隔声板
tech.spaced boarding疏铺望板
tech.spaced boarding花铺望板
tech.square-edge floor boarding铺方边地板
textilestereo boarding press立体熨烫
textilestocking boarding machine长筒袜定形机
econ.the boarding cost膳食费
tech.timber boarding木地板
tech.timber boarding木隔板
tech.timber boarding木板条
tech.weather boarding横钉木外墙扳
tech.weather boarding横钉木外墙板
archit.weather boarding风雨护壁,墙面
tech.weather boarding雨淋板
wind.wedge boarding楔镶板
tech.wedge boarding楔接板
gen.Where is the boarding gate for China Eastern Airlines MU173?中国东航 MU173 登机口在哪里?
telecom.white boarding白板装人
wood.wood boarding镶板
tech.wood weather boarding木鱼鳞板
gen.Yes, please. Here is my boarding pass好的,麻烦你。这是我的登机牌
gen.You can directly go to the boarding gate of the next flight by following the signs您顺着指示牌直接到下一个航班的登机口登机就可以了
gen.Your plane leaves from Gate 9. Boarding time is 4:00您的飞机在9号登机口。登机时间是4点