
Terms for subject Securities containing board | all forms | exact matches only
accelerator board加速板
across the board通盘、全面
across-the-board increase全盘增加
across-the-board increase普遍增加
advanced board主板
advisory board on compensation索赔事项咨询委员会
annunciator boards公告板股票交易所墙上悬挂的呼叫公告装置
Big Board纽约证券交易所别称
big board nosedive大板块的暴跌
big board stock大盘股纽约证交所上市股
board boy证券行情布告板上记下最近消息的人
board broker会员经纪人
board broker交易场经纪人
board broker场内经纪人
Board-CEO communication董事会与首席执行官的沟通
board lot成交批量
board lot一手交易数证券交易的数量单位
board lot整份股
board lot交易单位
board lot证券交易的单位数量
board-lot orders成批订单
board-lot orders整手订单
board man证券经纪商
Board Meeting Notifications董事会会议通知
board minute董事会会议记录
board of councilors理事会
board of directors' final say on the financial institutions' operating capability对金融机构经营能力董事会有最后的决定权
Board of Exchequer财政部
board of governors of stock exchange证券交易所理事会
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统管理委员会美国联邦储备系统五大组成部分之一,联邦储备系统核心机构
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System美联储理事会
Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited香港期货交易所有限公司董事局
board of investment投资审查委员会
board of managers受托人委员会
board of managing directors执行董事会
board of trade商业局
board of trade商业委员会
Board of Trade Clearing Corporation交易所结算公司 (Chicago, 芝加哥)
board of trustees受托人理事会
board of trustees受托人委员会
board order交易所指令
board order交易所订单
board-out clause避开条款 (使公司可以放弃或取消超级多数表示条款)
board-out clause董事会权力条款此款授予董事会权力来决定绝对多数条款是否生效
board resolution董事会决议
board tape行情牌
board trade报价板交易
board trading system板上交易系统
bulletin board交易行情板
bulletin board quotation system电子公告板报价系统
bulletin board share trading system电子公告板报价交易系统
chairman of the board of directions董事长
chairman of the board of directions董事会主席
classified board轮选制董事会
control of target's board after purchase收购后对目标公司董事会的控制
cross on the board相互指令
cross on the board交叉盘
currency board货币委员会
electronic bulletin board电子公告牌
executive board常务董事会
factory director responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors董事会领导下的厂长负责制
Federal Housing Finance Board联邦住房财政委员会
Federal Reserve Board FRB联邦储备委员会
Financial Accounting Standard Board财务会计准则委员会
first board第一板
first board头板市场
growth board创业板
growth board二板
high tech board高科技板
HKEx Share Information Board香港交易所股份信息板
independent investigation board独立调查委员会
Indonesian Commodity Exchange Board印度尼西亚商品交易所
Kansas City Board of Trade堪萨斯城交易所
little board小盘美国股票交易所的昵称,是美国第二大股票交易所,纽约交易所为 big board
little board小交易所
lower across the board全盘走低
lower across the board全线走低
main board主板市场
main board company主板公司
marking board交易所展示牌
Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board市政证券规则制定委员会
New York Board of Trade纽约交易所旗下拥有纽约期货交易所,纽约棉花交易所,咖啡、糖和可可交易所等子交易所
New York Board of Trade纽约交易所成立于1998年,是由纽约棉花交易所"New York Cotton Exchange" 和咖啡、糖、可可交易所 "Coffee Sugar Cocoa Exchange"合并而来的
obligation-board market场外交易市场
off-board market场外市场
off-board price盘外价格
off-board price场外价格
off board securities market场外证券市场
off-board trading by Exchange Members交易所会员场外交易规则
off board transaction场外交易
offeree board circular受要约公司董事会通知
on-board security上市证券
on-board security场内证券
on board transaction场内交易
one board lot of securities一手证券
one board lot of securities一板证券
OTC bulletin board场外交易公告板由纳斯达克监管的电子股票交易系统
over the counter bulletin board场外电子柜台交易系统专门为未能在美国全国性市场上市的公司股票提供的一个交易场所
over the counter bulletin board OTCBB场外电子交易系统纳斯达克管理的电子股票交易系统
oversight board监督委员会
Philadelphia Board o£ Trade费城交易所
preparatory board董事会筹委会
president responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors董事会领导下的总经理负责制
quotation board行情公告牌证券交易所中反映证券当日市场行情的公告牌
recall members of the board of directors更换董事会成员
restriction of board action限制董事会行为
Review Committee under the Board of Governors理事会下设的审议委员会
second board高科技创业板 (hi-tech board)
second board二板 (hi-tech board)
Securities and Exchange Board of India印度证券与外汇委员会
Securities and Exchange Board of India印度证券交易委员会
Securities and Investment Board SIB UK证券和投资管理局
Securities and Investments Board证券和投资管理局
Shenzhen Stock Exchange Small and Medium Enterprises Board深圳证券交易所中小企业板
single board lot单一成交批量
single board lot单一手交易股数
small and medium enterprise board SME Board, Shenzhen Stock Exchange中小企业板块深圳证券交易所
small and medium-sized enterprise board中小企业板
SME Board ETF中小板交易型开放式指数基金深圳证券交易所
SME Board Index-high中小企业指数-最高 (SZSE)
SME Board Index-low中小企业指数-最低 (SZSE)
SME Board innovation中小板市场创新
split board董事会意见分歧
split board董事会观点不统一
staggered board交错董事会
staggered board轮回制董事会每次更换董事只更换一部分,轮流更换
staggered board轮选制董事会
start-up board创业板
system of the director of a factory assuming responsibility under the leadership of the Board of Directors董事会领导下的厂长分工负责制
The Market, Big Board大盘
third board market第三证券市场非交易所成员在交易所场内进行的上市股交易,或证券在交易所上市却在场外进行交易的市场
third board market三板市场
TIGER Board Taiwan二类股票板台湾
two tier board两级制董事会
two tier board system两级制的公司治理结构股东大会之下设立董事会和监事会,由董事会行使经营决策权,由监事会行使监督权
vice-chairman of the board of directors副董事长