
Terms for subject Economy containing board | all forms | exact matches only
a bill board揭示牌
a bill board广告牌
A bill of lading is evidence that the goods have been received on board by the carrier提单是承运人收到货物并将货物装上货船的证明
a board man买卖证券的人
a board meeting董事会
a board of trustees受托委员会
a conciliation board调解委员会
a governing board董事会
a governing board理事会
a meal on board机上供餐
a mediation board调解委员会
a notice board布告片
a notice board布告栏 (板)
a pallet board货架
a sandwich board人身广告牌 (挂在身前身后的广告牌)
a shifting board隔舱板
a shifting board防动板
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technique美国工程技术鉴定局
across-the-board tariff cut全面削减关税
across-the-board tariff reductions全面降低关税
across-the-board tax cut全面减税
across-the-board tax-cut全面减税
advertisement board广告招贴牌
Advisory Committee to the Trade and Development Board and to Committee on Commodities贸易和发展理事会和商品委员会的咨询委员会
Alberta Energy Resource Conservation Board加拿大阿尔伯达能源保护局
Alberta Energy Utilities Board加拿大阿尔伯达能源利用事业局
All the important decisions of the company shall be submit ted to and approved by the board of directors公司的一切重大决定必须提交公司董事会并得到董事会的批准
an executive board执行委员会
an off-board market交易以外市场
an off-board price交易以外价格
Armed Services Petroleum Board美国军队后勤石油管理局
Army Navy Petroleum Board美国陆海军石油管理
big board热门股票
board foot板呎木材计量单位,厚1英寸、面积1平方英尺的木材
board foot板英尺 (木材交易单位)
board foot fbm, BF, bd ft板尺测量木材用的测量单位
board foot木材呎
board gave the new company's project qualified approval董事会有保留地同意新公司的规划
board lot证券交易的成交批量
board measure板尺度量
board of equalization税率调查委员会
board of governors管理委员会
board of review课税评价审査委员会
Board of Standard Review标准评议委员会
Board of Trade贸易委员会
Board of Trade英国贸易部
Board of Trade Freeboard Line贸易部规定的干舷高度线
Board of Trade Unit英国商用电能单位 (1电度单位=1千瓦/小时)
board of trustees受托管理委员会
Board of Underwriters of New York纽约海上保险协会
board officer董事会成
Board on Science and Technology for International Development美国国际开发科学技术委员会
board room证券交易经济人行情室
British Export Board英国出口商会
British Overseas Trade Board英国海外贸易局
British Rubber Development Board英国橡胶发展局
broker's board美国交易所
Canadian Government Specification Board加拿大政府规范委员会
card board package硬纸板重装
case board箱板
Central Electricity Generating Board英国中央电力局
chairman of board of directors董事会主席
Chairman of the board gave a rough outline of our expenses for the coming year董事长提出了我们来年开支的草案
Chicago Board of Trade美国芝加哥交易所
Chicago Board of Trade美国芝加哥期货交易部
Civil Aeronautics Board美国民用航空局
Civil Aeronautics Board美国民用航空局
Civilian Award Board公民奖励委员会在二次大战期间,由美国联邦政府成立的
Consumers' Advisory Board美国消费者咨询委员会
corrugated board case瓦楞纸板箱
Cost Accounting Standard Board成本会计标准委员会
destination free on board destination目的地交货
Each member of the board of trade would be entitled to vote if personally present at the meeting商会的每一成员都有资格投票,只要他亲自出席会议
Eastern Gas Board英国东部天然气管理局
Economic Bulletin Board美国政府的经济布告栏
economic development board经济发展委员会
economic stabilization board经济平衡委员会
Electrical Standards Board美国电气标准局
Energy Resources Conservation Board加拿大阿尔伯塔省能源资源保护局
Energy Supplies & Allocation Board加拿大能源供应分配委员会
Energy System Acquisition Advisory Board能源系统探测咨询委员会
Experts invited by our country will form an advisory board as a consultative body for our special zone我国聘请的专家将组成顾问委员会,作为我们特区的咨询机构
Export Administration Review Board美国政府出口管理审议委员会
Federal Reserve Board美国联邦储备局
Federal Reserve Board美国联邦储备委员会
Federal Specifications Board美国联邦技术规范局
fibre board case反白板箱
Financial Accounting Standards Board美国财务会计准则委员会
Foreign Trade Zone Board美国海关外贸区管理委员会
free board干舷 (由水面到甲板间的船舷)
free-board deck干舷甲板
free-board marks干舷标志
free-board rule干舷规则
free on board装货港船上交货价
free on board离岸价 (named port of shipment)
free on board船上交货
free on board aircraft飞机上交货
free on board airport飞机场交货
free on board and commission船上交货加佣金价
free on board and stowed散装货船上交货加理舱费价格
free on board and trimmed散装货船上交货加平舱费价格
free on board at harbor港口 船边交货价
free on board buyer买方船上交货价
free on board cars火车上交货价
free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers由卖方代为租舱、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价
free on board ex shute散装谷物等船上喷吸管口交货价
free on board ... freight allowed to...内陆指定装货地点车上交货价,扣除到指定卸货地点运费
free on board ... freight prepaid to...内陆指定地点车上交货,运费预付至 (指定岀口港)
free on board harbour启运港船上交货价格
free on board in harbour发货价格
free on board in harbour起运港船上交货 (价格)
free on board in harbour起运港船上交货
free on board lighter驳船上交货价
free on board liner terms船上交货班轮条件
free on board per s/s ...某轮装运的船上交货价 (F. O. B. per s/s)
free on board port of shipment装货港船上交货价
free on board port of shipment装货港离岸价格
free on board price船上交货价
free on board price离岸价
free on board pricing船上交货计价法
free on board quay装货港码头交货
free on board stowed and trimmed离岸价船上交货包括理舱费和平舱费 (FOB stowed & trimmed)
free on board stowed and trimmed理舱费和平舱费在内的离岸价格
free on board stowed and trimmed包括清理及平仓费用在内的离岸价格
free on board terms船上交货条件
free on board, trimmed包括平舱费在内的船上交货价
free on board truck火车上交货价
free on board truck英国 火车敞车交货价
free on board under tackle卖方交货到船边吊钩下
free on board value船上交货价值
free on board vessel船上交货价格
freight on board离岸价
freight on board船 上货物
freight on board船上交货
fresh-water free board line淡水干舷线
Gas Industry Standards Board天然气工业标准化委员会
Government Patents Board政府专利局
Governmental Accounting Standards Board美国政府财会标准委员会
handling on board翻装
hatch board舱盖
He is the suitable candidate for the president of the board他是董事长合适的候选人
He was removed from the board at the AGM他在股东年会上被罢免了董事之职
Home Loan Bank Board住房贷款银行委员会
In order to protect the interest of the company, the board of directors may defer the approval of payments if necessary为了保护公司的利益,董事会可以在必要时推迟批准付款
International Frequency Registration Board国际频道注册委员会
land board土地局
main board集团董事会
marketing board surpluses销售局剩余产品
Material Review Board材料审査委员会
member of the board of management董事
monopoly marketing boards垄断销售局
Mr. Hill could not attend the board meeting because he had a great pain in his head希尔先生因头疼得厉害没能出席董事会议
National Advertising Review Board全国广告检査委员会
national board of fire under writer火灾保险者联合协会
national board of fire underwriter全国火灾保险者联合会
National Industrial Conference Board全国工业会议委员会
National Labor Relations Board国家劳工关系委员会
National Labor Relations Board美国国家劳资关系委员会
National Oil Board全国石油委员会
observation board观测栏
observation board观察板
off board market交易所外市场
off board security场外交易证券
Oil Control Board石油管制委员会
Oil Import Appeals Board申请石油进口委员会
Oil Import Appeals Board美国石油进口申请局
on board已装机
on board上火车 (或飞机)
on board到船上
on board bill of lading船上提单
on board bills of lading装船提单
pay board薪资委员会
peg control board木栓控制图板
Petroleum Administration Board美国石油管理局
Petroleum Industry Training Board英国石油工业培训委员会
Petroleum Labor Policy Board美国石油劳工政策委员会
port free on board of shipment装货港离岸价格
public limit order board公开限价订单牌
publicise the services of the tourist board为海外旅游设备做广告
reliability advisory board可靠性咨询委员会
remaining on board船内剩余量
school board校务委员会
Securities and Investment Board英国证券和投资委员会
shipping point free on board shipping point起运点交货价
sling a crate on board a ship把一只条板箱吊到船上
speed board速度牌
stowed or FOBS free on board stowed or free on boardship包括清理费在内的离岸价格
Technical Advisory Board美国国家标准学会技术咨询委员会
Technical Assistance Board联合国技术援助委员会
the across-the-board cut全面削减
the across-the-board percentage reduction以百分比率计全面降低
the action by accounting principles board会计原则委员会的态度
The agent may enter into a certain contract in behalf of the principal with the prior written consent of its Board of Directors代理人事先征得委托方董事会书面同意后可代表委托方签订某项合同
The amendments to the clauses approved by the board of directors are as effective as those originally printed in the contract董事会批准的修订条款与合同中原来印的条款有同等效力
the board measurement feet船衡量尺
the board of auditor监事会
The Board of Director will convene a meeting of shareholders董事会将召开股东会议
The board of directors agreed to float a loan董事会同意募集贷款
The board of directors can arrange the election of president to be held at a special meeting of the shareholders董事会可安排一次股东特别会议选举董事长
The board of directors decided to dismiss the inefficient manager from office董事会决定撤掉不称职的经理
The board of directors decided to take a vote on the proposal董事会决定对该建议进行投票表决
The board of directors decided to take on more staff董事会决定多雇用一些职员
The board of directors has deprived him of the right to make major business decisions董事会已剥夺了他作出重大业务决策的权利
The Board of Directors has faith in the executive manager's judgement董事会相信总经理的判断
The board of directors is responsible for the management of joint-stock company董事会负责股份有限公司的管理工作
The board of directors of the new corporation made a call for cash yesterday新公司董事会昨天提出了支付现金的要求
The board of directors relies on the marketing department for information on developing new products董事会依靠销售部了解开发新产品的信息
The board of directors turned down their proposal董事会拒绝接受他们的建议
the board of mediators仲裁委员会
The cargo will be shipped in bulk on board a bulk carrier此货散装,用散装货轮发运
The chairman of the board seconded the proposal董事会主席首先支持这项提议
the director board董事会
the executive board执行董事会
the executive board执行局
The final determination of location will be made by the board of directors关于地点的选择问题将由董事会作出最后决定
The financial report should be carefully checked before submission to the board of directors财务报告在提交给董事会之前应仔细审核
The investigation group will be organized under the direction of the board of directors调査小组将在董事会的指导下组成
The manager should conduct the daily business under the supervision of the board of directors经理应在董事会的监督下处理日常事务
The manager went back on his promise to increase salaries across the board经理答应过全面加薪,但食言了
The managers' memo has influenced the board's decision on this project经理们的备忘录影响了董事会对这项计划的决定
The managing director shall submit a set of reproducibles of the agreement newly signed to the board of directors总经理应提交一套所签合同的复印本给董事会
the off-board security场外交易证
The president of the board retired after his successor is elected董事长在其继任人选出后退休了
The shareholders may exercise the veto against the resolution of the Board of Directors股东可行使否决权以否定董事会的决议
The signing of the contract shall be delegated by the board of directors合同的签署须经董事会授权
the star board side右船舷
The umpire is elected from the arbitrators, and acts as the president of the arbitration board仲裁长从仲裁员中选出,并担任仲裁委员会的主席
They elected a new chairman of board last week他们上星期选出一位新董事长
This important proposal will be put to board此项重要建议将提交董事会考虑
Tn this case the board of directors has to reverse its decision on importing materials from that foreign company在此情况下,董事会不得不取消从那家外国公司进口原料的决定
tote board赌金揭示牌
trade board act商务会议法
trade board acts商务会议法
Treasury Board英国财政委员会
wage board工资委员会
We are glad to inform you that the board of directors passed a resolution to reach a long-term agreement with China National Silk Corporation我们高兴地告诉你方,董事会已通过一项与中国丝绸公司达成长期协定的决议
We have referred the agreement to the board for ratification我方已把此合同上报董事会以求批准
We were astonished at the unconditional acceptance of the offer by the board yesterday昨天我们对董事会无条件地接受报盘很感惊奇
We will submit a report to the Board of directors under oath if necessary如有必要,我们将向董事会提交一份报告,以明信守
Your complaint has been referred to the board of directors and the manager will soon give you a reply你的申诉已提交给董事会,经理会很快给你答复