
Terms for subject Technology containing board | all forms | exact matches only
absorbing board隔音板
absorbing board吸声板
absorbing fiber board隔音纤维板
absorbing fiber board吸声纤维板
absorbing wood fibre board隔音木质纤维板
absorbing wood fibre board吸声木质纤维板
acoustical board隔声板
acoustical board声板
acoustical board隔音板
acoustical board吸音板
acoustical board共鸣板
acoustical ceiling board吸声顶棚
acoustical ceiling board吸音天花板
acoustical ceiling board吸声天花板
acoustical ceiling board吸音顶棚
acoustical -celotex board赛璐特克吸声板
acoustical -celotex board隔音
acoustical -celotex board纤维隔声板
acoustical fiber board隔声纤维板
acoustical fiber board声学处理纤维板
acoustical fiber building board建筑用吸声纤维板
acoustical filter board滤音板
acoustical filter board吸音板
acoustical form board声衬板
acoustical insulation board隔声板
acoustical insulation board音响绝缘板
acoustical pay-in board吸音天花板
acoustical perforated gypsum board穿孔石膏吸声板
acoustical perforated gypsum board石膏吸声板
acoustical wood fibre board吸声木质纤维板
aerated gypsum board加气石膏板
aircraft chart board航空图板
aluminium foil board铝箔
aluminium foil faced fiberglass board铝箔贴面玻璃棉板
aluminium tension board铝合金张拉板材
aluminium tension board铝张拉板材
aluminum foil board铝箔
aluminum foil faced fiberglass board铝箔贴面玻璃棉板
aluminum tension board铝合金张拉板材
aluminum tension board铝张拉板材
apply brake board踩下制动板
apply brake board施闸牌
automatic control board自动控制盘
automatic flash board自动启闭闸门
automatic plotting board自动标定图板
auxiliary board厂用配电盘
auxiliary board厂用配电屏
baffle board烟道风帽
baffle board反射板
baffle board挡水板
baffle board导风板
baffle board隔声板
baffle board隔音板
baffle board折流板
baffle board烟囱风帽
baffle board阳流板
baffle board截流挡板
baffle board of sedimentation tank沉淀池反射板
basic testing board基本测试台
bench board斜操纵台
bench board panel工作台控制盘
Big Board纽约证券交易所
big plaster board大灰胶纸柏板
big plaster board大的熟石膏板
breach board试验板
breast board背板
breast board栏板
breast board开挖面支护
breast board插板
bucket board戽斗板
cases with boards and battens broken箱板条破裂
cases with boards staved in箱板撞破
cases with side boards broken箱旁板破裂
central Chile chess-board structure智利中部棋盘格式构造
central control board中心控制台
central distribution board集中配电盘
centre board重板龙骨
centre board去心板材
centre board防摇
centre board心板材
certified board resolution有保证的委员会决议
computer board计算台
computer key board计算机键盘
contactor board接触器板
contoured squeeze board成型压头
conversion board变换测绘板
conversion board坐标变换测绘板
copy board晒图框
copy board拷贝台
copy board原图板
corrugated asphalt board波形沥青纸
corrugated bituminous board波形沥青板
corrugated board瓦楞纸 (板)
corrugated board波面纸板瓦楞纸皮
corrugated board波纹
corrugated board瓦垅纸
corrugated board box波纹纸板箱
corrugated board ink瓦楞纸印刷油墨
corrugated cement asbestos board波形石棉水泥板
corrugated cement board roof cladding波形石棉水泥屋面板
corrugated cement board roofing波形石棉水泥屋面
corrugated light-admitting board波形透光板
corrugated light-admitting board roofing波形透光屋顶板
corrugated plastic board波形塑料板
corrugated polyester resin board波形聚酯树脂板
corrugated roof insulation board波形屋顶隔热板
corrugated-asbestos board波形石棉板
corrugated-asbestos board瓦楞石棉板
corrugated-asbestos-cement board波形石棉水泥板
crusher board土块细碎板
cutting board刀板
deal board杉板
deal board松木板
deal board板材
deals and boards板材
deals board厚板
deckle board框板
Defence Science Board国防科学委员会
direct printing decorative board直接印刷装饰板
direction board指示牌
dispatching telephone control board调度电话主机
distribution and fuse board配电与保险丝盘
distribution board分配盘
distribution board配线盘
distribution board分组接线板
distribution board配电屏
distribution board分线盘
division board分隔
dog board扎钩板
dog board鹰钩板
double board platform钻塔的副二层台
double board platform钻塔的架二台
double wall board layer双墙板层
double wall corrugated board双层双面波纹纸板
dressing board敷料板
duck board沟槽板道
duck board挡雪板
duck board罐顶人行栈桥
duck board栅栏
duck board格子顶棚
duck board板道
duck board泥泞道上铺的木板道
duck board挡水墙
duck board格楣板
duck board修屋面用步级板
electric insulating board电绝缘板
electric switch board电掣板
electrical switch board电掣板
Engineers Registration Board工程师登记局
Engineers Registration Board工程师注册局
epoxy bonded fiber-glass board环氧树脂纤维玻璃板
epoxy-phenol aldehyde glass cloth laminated board环氧酚醛玻璃布板
expandable polystyrene board发泡聚苯乙烯板
expanded plastic board膨胀塑料板
expanded polystyrene board聚苯乙烯泡沫板
expanded polyurethane board多孔聚氨基甲酸酯板
expanded polyurethane board膨胀聚氨基甲酸酯板
extruded board挤压的板
extruded particle board挤压刨花板
extruded particle board挤出刨花板
face board贴面板
face board贴面胶合板
facia board封檐板
facia board牌匾
facia board柱顶横梁的横带
facia board檐口板
facing board饰面板
factory-filled particle board厂制镶边木屑板
factory-finished board工厂饰面板
factory-primed board工厂打底板
Federal Hydro Electric Board联邦水电局 (美国)
Federal Hydro Electrical Board联邦水电局 (美国)
Financial Accounting Standards Board财务会计标准委员会 (美国)
Financial and Economic Board财政经济委员会
flash board临时挡水闸门
flash board调节水位的坝顶闸板
flash board挡水闸板
flash board泄水闸板
flash board决泄板
flask board托模板
flask board底模
flask board底板
flat board平板
flat board to the tool grade工具等级型平板
flat netted board平面网板
flat partition board平隔板
flat platen-pressed particle board平压刨花板
flat roof fascia board檐口平顶
flat run board平滑板
flat-press board平压颗粒板
flat-press board平压刨花板
flat-press board平压碎料板
flat-press board平压板
floor board肋板材
floor board桥面板
floor board台面厚木板
floor board舱底板
floor board铺面块体
floor board
floor board地板用木材
floor board
formwork board cleaning machine模板清洁器
formwork board cleaning machine模板洗涤机
gang board工作走道梯板
gang board滑轮跳板
gang board脚手架便梯
gangway board搭板
gantry crane on board船用集装箱起重机
gauge board标准尺 (度)
gauge board规定准板
gauge board规准板
gauge board lamp仪表板指示
gauging board灰浆拌和板
gauging board标准配料板
gauging board灰浆板
gauging board记录板
gauging board混凝土拌和盘
gauging board规准板
gauging board样板
gauging board仪表板
gelatine board明胶纸板
glued board层合板
glued-laminated board胶合层板
gravel board砾石
gravel board木栏底下的长石板
gravel board木栏底下的长石板
gravel board围栏底板
green board耐湿度石膏板
grid board坐标网板
growler board千斤顶木垫块
hardwall board硬墙纸板
hardwood board硬材板
hardwood rough board flooring硬木毛地板
illustration board插图纸板
inch board一英寸板
indication board of cylinder storage气瓶储存显示板
indicator board指示
indicator board指示器盘
indoor building board室内建筑板
inside building board内部建筑板
inside fiber board finish内部纤维板装饰
inside fiber board finish内部纤维板装修
inside lining board内衬板
instrument board量表板
instrument board仪表操纵
instrument board仪器板
instrument-board bracket clamp仪表板托架夹
instrument-board clock仪表板时钟
instrument-board dial glass仪表板玻璃字盘
isolation board冻结板
jack board插口板
jack board千斤顶枕木
jacquard board茶版纸
junior board of directors初级董事会
junior boards初级董事会
kneeling board斜的木垫 (教堂跪拜用)
kneeling board跪板
lacquered board涂漆板
laminate insulating board叠层绝缘板
laminate insulating board成层绝缘板
lay board托板
layout board设计板
leather board皮制板
leather board革制板
leather board仿皮革纸板
leatherpulp board皮革纸浆板
levee free-board堤顶超高
lever boards活动百叶 (窗)
lever boards百叶窗板
lever boards活动气窗
load-dispatching board供电配电盘
logic scope board逻辑显示板
magnesia cement board菱苦土水泥板
magnesia cement board镁氧水泥板
make a stern board船向后退
man-made wood board木质人造板
mantle board壁炉盖
manual board人工台
manual counting board手录计数板
manual toll board人工长途交换台
Maritime Safety Board海上保安部门
Maritime Safety Board海运安全委员会
Maritime Safety Board海上安全局
Maritime Safety Board海上保安厅 (日本)
marketing boards销售局
master board主插件板
master board主控制仪表
master control board主控
master control board中心控制台
master control board主控制台
meter board量表板
meter board仪器表
mixing board拌灰板
moisture-proof board防潮纸板
moisture-resistant board防潮石膏板
molded board模压板
molded board模压制板
molded board模制纸板
motor board电动机配电盘
multi layered board多层板材
multi layered board多层板
multi wire wiring board多线路配线板
multiple-switch board复接式人工交换机
multiple-switch board复式交换机
name board招牌
name board站名牌
name board船名板
name board of ship船名牌
narrow boards窄板
ocean clean on board bill of lading已装船海洋清洁提单
oddside board模板
oddside board单面模板
overlapping boards搭接板
overlapping boards鱼鳞板
overlapping boards搭叠鱼鳞板
pattern board模型底板
phenol aldehyde laminated cloth board酚醛布板
piaster board nail灰板钉
plane-table board平板测图板
plywood panel board construction purposes建筑用的胶合板镶板 (门窗上的六格板)
poling board沟槽竖撑板
poling board挡土板
poling board支撑板
poling board隧洞洞顶防塌护板
poling board堰板
poling board垂直挡土板
poling board隧洞矢板
poling board混凝上模板
poling board挡土墙的挡板
poling board插板
poling board电缆沟的壁板
poling board method撑板掘进法
poling board method撑板开挖法
poling board method of tunneling隧道撑板掘进法
poling board method of tunneling隧道插板掘进法
poling board method of tunnelling隧道撑板掘进法
poling board method of tunnelling隧道插板掘进法
pulp cement board纸浆水泥板
quirk board刻槽线脚板
Rabitz type board拉比兹式平板
reactor control board反应堆控制台
ribbon board横撑
ribbon board嵌入式撑杆
ribbon board木桁条
ribbon board饰带板
rift-sawed board长纹板
roofing board望板
rubbing board抹子
rubbing board镘板
rubbing board刮板
sail board帆板
sail board小型客车帆船
scaffolding board脚手架板
scale board玻璃镜框背板
scale board极薄木板
scale board薄木板
scale board玻璃框镜背板
scale board胶合板
sea board沿海地区
sea board海岸 (线)
sea board line海岸线
semi-automatic trunk board半自动式中继台
semi-flexible board半软性印刷线路板
semi-hard board半硬质纤维扳
semi-hard board半硬质纤维板
semi-rigid board半硬板
semi-rigid board of glass wool玻璃棉半硬板
semi-rigid insulation board半刚性隔热板
shiplap board搭叠壁板
shiplap board鱼鳞板
shiplap board搭接板
shuttering board模板的木板
shuttering board模板的木板
shuttering board模板用木板
shuttering board cleaning machine模板清洁器
shuttering board cleaning machine模板洗涤机
siding board雨淋板
siding board镶板
siding board衬板
siding board外墙板
siding board护墙板
sighting board照准板
sighting board觇板【测】
skirt board挡板
skirt board侧板
skirt board皮带运输机的边缘挡板
skirt board壁脚板
skirt board侧壁
skirt board侧护板
skirt board踢脚板
speed limitation board限速标
speed limitation board限速牌
speed restriction board限速牌
splice board拼接板
spring board弹簧板
spring board伐木踏板
spring board体育的跳板
stern board船的后退
stern board倒车【船】
stile edging board门窗贴脸板
strutting board支撑板
studio light boards演播室灯光板
switch board交换机
switch board and fault locator配电盘及故障点标定装置
switch-board room配电盘室
terminal board端子板架
terminal board分电器接线板
terminal board接线盒
terminal board接线端子板
terminal board接线端
terminal board接线盘
terminal linkage board端子连接板
terminals on distributing board分线盘端子
terminals on distribution board分线盘端子
textured board纹理板
textured board有纹理的板
thick board厚木 (板)
Thistle board石膏板 (排挡间的)
Thistle board纸面石膏板
Thistle board轻质板
Thistle board地斯特尔石膏板 (一种轻质纸面石膏板)
thole board桨耳板
thole board桨架板
thribble board井架工作平台铺板
thribble board井架二层平台
thribble board三联管工作板
Tiger board泰格板一种石膏板
Tiger board泰格板
tilting board连檐望扳
tilting board椽上封檐板条
timber board木板
timber board sheathing木望板
timber board sheathing木衬板
timber scrub board木擦洗板
tongue and groove board企口板
trade board贸易促进会
trade board劳资协商会 (英国)
trail board船首饰板
trail board蝴蝶板
transfer board转接交换台
tucking board撑板
tucking board塞入式挡土板
tucking board电缆沟壁板
turbine operating board水轮机操作盘
turning-over board翻箱板
turning-over board造型平板
turnover board翻转底板
two-cells one board horizontal form两鼓一板水平式线 (护舷)
two-cells one board vertical form两鼓一板垂直式线 (护舷)
ullage board膨胀余位测板
ullage board膨胀余位尺
upper edge board上边板
upright board竖立式板
urethane foam roofing board聚氨酯泡沫屋面板
vertical sunshading board垂直遮阳板
volume on board船方【疏】
volume on board上方 (指船放泥量)
volume on board装舱方量
walk board走道板
walk board跳板
wall board壁板
wall board
wall board建筑纸板
wall lining board墙壁衬板
wall surfacing board墙面铺板
wall-facing board墙面覆盖板
waney board缺角木板
waney board缺边木板
water board水利管理机构
water board防浪板 (放在船头)
water board水利局
water board舷侧导水板
water board管水机构
water board放水闸板
Water Control Board水管制局
Water Pollution Control Board水污染控制局
Water Pollution Research Board水污染研究厅
water resistance corrugated board抗水波纹纸板
water supply board供水部门
water supply board供水局
water-resistant gypsum backing board耐水石膏衬板
water-resistant gypsum board耐水石膏板
water-resistant gypsum board防水石膏板
water-resistant gypsum plaster board耐水纸面石膏板
water-stop board隔水板
winged mold board装翼模板
winged mould board装翼模板
wire wrappable module board绕接模件板
wire wrapped socket board绕接插孔板
wire wrapping board绕接板
woodwool board万利板
woodwool board木丝板
woody fiber sound-deadening board木纤维隔声板
wrought board精制板
wrought board装修用板
xonotlite model insulating board无石棉硅酸钙板
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