
Terms for subject Textile industry containing board | all forms | exact matches only
across-the-board tariff changes全面调整关税
actually on board实际在船上
adjustable ironing board活动烫台
advisory board顾问委员会
black board验纱黑板
black board黑板
blocking board针织物布边熨烫定形
board measure板英尺度量法
board measure板英尺 (木材度量单位)
board measure板英尺量度
board of arbitration仲裁委员会
board officer董事会成员
board resolution董事会决议案
board rib抽针罗纹
bottom board托床
bottom board下针板
bottom board竖针托板
bristol board优质绘图纸板
British Wool Marketing Board英国羊毛销售管理部
British Wool Marketing Board英国羊毛贸易部
British Wool Marketing Board英国羊毛营销部
card board纸板
card board卡纸
cargo on board飞机上货物
cargo on board船上货物
case board stained by moisture箱板潮湿,箱板受潮
celotex board隔音材料
celotex board纤维隔音板
celotex board纤维绝缘板
Central Silk Board中央蚕丝委员会印度
chairman of the board of directors董事会主席,董事长
check-board fabric格子织物
checked board shirt棋盘格花纹衬衫
chequei-board cut方格棋盘式磨翻珠宝
chess board棋台一种熨斗烫台
claim board索赔委员会
Clothing and Allied Products Industry Board服装工业及服装产品委员会英国
coat-and-jacket press board大衣和外套烫衣板
composition of the board of directors董事会的组成
conciliation board调解委员会
container board硬纸板
control board仪表板
corrugated board瓦棱纸板
corrugated board波纹纸板
corrugated card board瓦楞纸板
corrugated card board波效纸板
cutting board裁剪台
dash board控制板
director board理事会
drafting board绘图板
drafting board制图板
drawing board制图桌
drawing board adjustment图板调整装置
duplex board白纸板
duplex pressing board两段式熨烫台
Embroidery Manufacturers Promotion Board剌绣品制造商促进委员会美国
emery board金刚砂板
export-import board进出口管理委员会
fiber board样板用纸
fiber board纤维板
fiber board insole纸板内底
finishing board烫台
finishing board熨台
finishing board袜样板
flat examining board平式验袜板
f.o.b. free on board离岸价格
f.o.b. free on board船上交货
free on board离岸交货价
free on board airport飞机场交货价
free on board airport飞机场交货
free on board and commission离岸价格加佣金
free on board and stowed离岸价格加理舱费,船底交货价
free on board and trimmed离岸价加平舱费
free on board destination目的地交货价
free on board factory工厂交货价
free on board factory工厂交货
free on board in harbor起运港船上交货价,起运港船上交货
free on board liner terms班轮上交货价,班轮上交货条件,班轮上交货
free on board plane飞机上交货
free on board plane飞机上交货价
free on board plant工厂交货
free on board plant工厂交货价
free on board port of shipment发货港船上交货价,离岸价格
free on board price value船上交货价,离岸价格
free on board quay码头交货
free on board quay码头上交货价
free on board railroad cars火车上交货价,火车上交货
free on board shipping point起运点交货价,起运点交货
free on board stowed理舱费在内的船上交货价
free on board, stowed and trimmed船上交货加理舱平舱价格
free on board train火车上交货
free on board truck卡车上交货
free on board value离岸价格
free on board value船上交货价
free on board works工厂交货
free on board works工厂交货价
general board总会
harbor board港口当局
harbor board港务当局
harbor board港务局
high power vacuum board强力抽湿台板
high power vacuum board熨烫用强力抽湿台板
home ironing board家用烫台
hosiery board袜子定形板
in board内装式
information board查询台
information board问询台
iron board烫衣板
ironing board烫凳
ironing board熨烫工作台
ironing board cover熨烫板罩布
jacquard needle-board提花针板
jacquard needle-board提花机横针板
laminated board nonwoven层压非织造布
laminated board nonwoven fabric层压定型非织造布
leather cutting board切皮板
light inspection board验光板
loaded on board已经装机
machine table board机板
main board director集团董事
main board director总公司董事
manila board白纸板
mortar board学位帽
multi-board needle loom多针板针刺机
nailing board钉皮板
needle board针毯烫垫
needle board针刺机针板
needle board提花机针板
New Zealand Wool Board新西兰羊毛管理局
no cargo on board船上未载货
no risk till on board装船前不承担风险
observation board观测板
on board endorsement B/L已装船背书提单
pallet board板台
paste board硬纸板
peg board销钉板
peg board提花纹钉板
peg board knitting纹板编织
planning board经济排板
planning board台板
planning board经济排版
press board熨烫工作台
press board电压纸板
press board熨烫用熨烫板
press board熨烫台
press board手工印花台板
press board压板
press board烫台
press board熨烫用压板
press board熨烫用烫板
printing board印花台板
pulp board纸板
rotary sock boards carrier旋转式袜板支架
sandwich-board jumper前后两片背带裙
sandwich-board jumper广告牌式无袖连衣裙
scrabbing board洗衣板
scrubbing board洗衣板
seam board托垫
shipped on board已装船
shipped on board B/L已装船提单
skate board pants溜冰裤
sleeve board烫马
sleeve board袖型烫板
sleeve board袖子烫板
sleeve board烫袖板
sleeve board烫凳
sock board袜板
sock boards carrier袜板支架
standardized letter digital key board标准字母数字键盘《计算机》
stocking board袜子定形板
supervisory board监理会
supervisory board监事会
table board of sewing machine缝纫机台板
tailor's press board马凳
tailor's press board熨衣板
take on board装上飞机
take on board装上船
Textile and Clothing Board纺织服装委员会
Textile Quota Board纺织品配额委员会
threads on card or board线圈
tracing board点线板
vacuum board抽湿台
vacuum board吸风烫台
vacuum board for thread-thrum sucking machine真空吸线头机
velvet board烫天鹅绒的垫板
velvet board供绒毛织物整烫的烫垫
velvet board绒毛织物整烫用针烫垫
velvet board烫天鹅绒垫板
Wage Board美国工资委员会
warping board手工扳经用木钉板
wash boards洗衣板状凹凸不平
wash boards针织布洗后扭斜
weight on board装载重量
yarn board winder验纱板绕纱器