
Terms for subject United Nations containing blood | all forms | exact matches only
basic blood analyser and related equipment hb, blood count, blood biochemistry, etc.基本血液分析仪和有关设备血红蛋白仪、血细胞计数器和血液生化培养仪等
blood analyser and related equipment hb, LPC, biochemistry, etc.血液分析仪和有关设备血红蛋白仪、LPC和生化培养仪等
blood and blood products血和血制品
blood film血膜
blood gas analyser血液气体分析仪
blood group and cross matching血型和交叉配血
blood testing and grouping验血和血型分类
compatibility of blood groups and rhesus factors using approved hygiene to prevent contamination利用核可的卫生程序按血型兼容性和恒河猴因子
general medicine, internal medicine, surgical, other medical specialties as agreed, dental, hygiene, dispensary, blood testing and processing, x-ray, laboratory ward and stabilization/life-saving measures and capabilities and evacuation to the next level普通科、内科、外科、其他商定医学专科、牙科、卫生、药房、验血和处理、X光检查、化验病房和稳定病情/抢救生命措施能力和撤至上一等级
infected blood受感染血液
kits for HIV and other blood tests艾滋病毒和和其他血液化验包