
Terms for subject Athletics containing blocks | all forms
block clearance time起跑时蹬离起跑器的时间
block clearance time蹬离起跑架时间
block placement起跑器的安装
block spacing起跑器的间隔距离
block spacing起跑器间隔距离
block the free leg制动摆动腿
clear the block离开起跑器
clear the block离开起跑架
drive from the blocks蹬离起跑器
getaway from the blocks离开起跑器
left-side block左侧制动
pick the leg off the block使腿抬离起跑器
pick the leg off the block脚离起跑架一
push off the block蹬离起跑器
start from blocks用起跑器起跑
start from blocks起跑器起跑
starting block起跑器
thrust against the block蹬起跑器
thrust against the block推蹬起跑架
thrust at blocks蹬起跑器
thrust at blocks蹬起跑架