
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing blast | all forms | exact matches only
a hydrogen bomb blast氢弹爆炸
a nuclear facilities blast核设施爆炸
accurate blast timing精确爆破定时
air blast空气冲击波由震源经空气传播到检波器的 P 波, 由炸药爆轰引起的空气中的冲击波,它可由岩石运动或爆生气体在空气中释放而产生
air blast爆风又称爆炸气浪,是爆破时在空气中产生的弱冲击波。爆炸气体膨胀压缩其周围空气介质,形成空气冲击波,向远处传播后衰减成爆风
air blast focusing空气冲击波集中由于声波从空气返回到地面的折射作用,而在地表小范围内形成的声能量的集中。这常常发生在特定的气象条件下,如逆温现象
air blast range空爆带当炸药埋深很小时,表面岩石得以过渡破碎,并远距离抛掷,这时消耗于空气冲击波的能量大于传给岩石的能量,因此将形成强烈的空气冲击波
Airblast overpressure levels are influenced by the blast design and its implementation,and the prevailing atmospheric conditions冲击波超压能级受爆破设计、实施工序及当时大气条件的影响
airborne-water blast压气喷水爆破
An important fundamental principle of blast design is explosive distribution. This is normally achieved by hole placement爆破设计的一个重要的基本原理是炸药分布。这一原理一般是通过炮孔布置来实现的
An increased throw of the order of 5 - 10 percentage points may be obtained through the use of electronic delay sequences, without any increase in explosives energy or other blast inputs使用电子延迟顺序可以增加5 - 10个百分点的抛掷量、且不必增加炸药能量或其他爆破投人
An optimum powder factor can satisfy both economic and environmental considerations in blast design在爆破设计时选择最佳单位炸药消耗量,既能消除经济成本方面的顾虑,又能消除环境方面的顾虑
anticipated blast designs爆破预设计
assessment of the quality of a blast operation爆破施工质量的评估
at full blast竭尽全力
at full blast大力
at full blast大规模地
at one blast一气吹,下子
augment the effect of an engineering blast by raising the proportion of charged explosive加大装药的比例、以提高工程爆破的效力
back blast反向爆破
be brought under severe blast遭到严厉谴责
belt blast台阶爆破
belt blast delay pattern台阶延时爆破
blast a bugle flute,saxophone, etc吹小号长笛,萨克斯管等
blast air爆风又称爆炸气浪,是爆破时在空气中产生的弱冲击波。爆炸气体膨胀压缩其周围空气介质,形成空气冲击波,向远处传播后衰减成爆风
blast area爆破区域爆破作业地点的周围区域,可以包括飞石和爆破振动影响的范围
blast away a village把村庄炸得荡然无存
blast breaking characteristic of masonry structure砌体的爆破破坏特征当砂浆的强度接近或高于砌体材料的强度时,如砖砌体,其破坏主要取决于砌体材料的强度,爆破时的破坏特征与素混凝土及岩石中爆破破坏特征相似。当砂浆的强度远远小于砌体材料的强度时,如石材砌体,由于石材的强度较高,爆破时首先沿着石材的砌缝处破坏形成裂缝,然后爆轰气体从裂缝冲出释放掉,应注意对飞石的防护
blast breaking characteristics of reinforced concrete structure钢筋混凝土爆破破坏特征混凝土爆破破坏是一个非常复杂的过程。钢筋混凝土不同于素混凝土,前者属各向异性体。钢筋混凝土的爆炸破坏,一般可认为主要是抗拉破坏,其破坏过程也可以分为与非钢筋混凝土受拉破坏相同的三个阶段。但不同的构件,其破坏形式和程度是不一样的
blast calculations results爆破计算结果
blast clearance zone爆破拆除区域
blast compacting with buried charge深埋式封闭爆破压密法将药包埋人饱和砂土内适当的深度引爆,可以获得最优的爆破效果。若采用方阵点群药包爆破,则压密效果更好,一般重复爆破 5blast6次以后即可完全密实
blast compacting with charge suspended in water水中悬挂式爆炸压密法水中悬挂式爆炸压密法也称水下爆夯法。即在水底离土层表面适当高度处,悬挂一组点阵群药包同时起爆,借以产生一平面冲击波拍打土层表面并透射人土层内部,使土中产生强烈的冲击和振动,又不致产生凹坑,以达到压密土的目的
blast compacting with contact charge表面接触爆炸压密法该方法的压密效果最差,一方面会形成爆坑,同时表层部分由于爆炸对土层产生剪切破坏,会岀现爆破疏松区。炸药的能量利用率低,其压密的有效半径仅为深埋药包爆炸作用半径的0.5-0. 6倍,且压密深度尚不及1/3。其优点是施工简单易行
blast costing抛掷爆破通过爆破将基岩表层或矿体上面的覆盖岩层爆破松动并抛掷到预定地点
blast countdown爆破倒计时
blast counting, recording and verifying爆破计量、记录和核对
blast crew爆破员工
blast crew security training爆破人员安全培训
blast damage爆破危害由爆破引起的危害,如引起过度的地振动、空气冲击波或飞石
blast damage index爆破损伤指数
blast damage index爆破危害指数爆破产生的应力与岩体的动态抗拉强度的比率,是一个无量纲系数,类似于爆破因数的倒数,在 0blast3 之间变化。用它作为地下工程中围岩爆破危害的量化系数
blast damage radius爆炸波破坏半径
blast design爆破设计爆破作业的设计,其内容包括爆破设计说明书和图纸两部分
blast design challenge爆破设计难题
blast design factors爆破设计原因
blast design parameter爆破设计参数
blast design principles爆破设计原理
blast design process爆破设计过程
blast down炸开
blast down米煤爆破国外大都采用滚筒采煤机、刨煤机等机械进行采煤。但煤层的倾斜度大于25° 时,宜采用爆破方法采煤。煤层中甲烷的含量较多时,必须采用确能防止瓦斯和煤尘爆炸的爆破材料和爆破方式。禁止采用导火索起爆法
blast down击毙
blast down爆落
blast emission爆破释放物
blast emission criteria爆破气体释放标准
blast emission criteria are recommended for the protection of marine mammals, a preferred method described far the detection of marine mammals in the vicinity of underwater construction blasting,in this paper本文建议使用爆破气体释放标准以保护海洋哺乳动物、并介绍了在水下施工爆破邻近区域探测海洋哺乳动物的优选方法
blast evaluation爆破评估
blast event determination爆炸事件确定
blast exclusion zone爆破拆除区域
blast firing放炮
blast fragmentation behaviour of rock and concrete岩石及混凝土爆破时的破碎特性
blast fragmentation improvement改进岩石爆破效果
blast fragmentation model爆破破碎模型
blast gas爆破后生成的气体
blast gases can propagate through cracks to the horizontal free surface and cause cratering and associated flyrock. This mechanism of flyrock manifestation is closely related to the gas release pulse GRP for airblast爆生气体可经过裂缝传播到水平自由面、并产生漏斗效应及随之而来的飞石。飞石表现的这种机理与冲击波的气体释放脉冲密切有关
Blast gases can vent up along the blasthole to launch stemming material and/ or fragments from the collar region爆破产生的气体会沿着炮孔将孔口周边的堵塞物和/或碎块抛出
blast granite a hilltop, a bridge, a fortress, etc.炸开花岗岩炸掉山头,桥梁,碉堡等
blast heating送风预热
blast hole炮孔在爆破介质中钻凿的,用以装药爆破的钻孔
blast hole bit钻炮孔用金刚石钻头
blast hole chambering深孔扩壶
blast hole charger深孔装药器
blast hole contourometer炮孔测孔仪
blast hole machine爆破钻孔机
blast hole on the bias偏斜炮孔
blast hole pattern炮孔布置图在一个工作面或台阶上布置,为了爆破需给出炮孔位置的平面图。最小抵抗线和间距应以米表示
blast hole pattern in open pit露天矿爆破孔网布置露天矿深孔爆破中爆破孔的排列和起爆线路连接的形式。爆破孔排列的基本形式有方形和三角形两种。起爆线路连接的基本形式有直线连接、斜线连接、波形连接及环形连接等多种。斜线和波形连接的应用日益增多
blast hole ring扇形炮孔
blast hole ring环形炮孔
blast hole utilization炮孔利用率
blast hole utilization factor炮孔利用率爆破掘进的进尺与炮孔长度之比称为炮孔利用率。爆破效果较好的掘进爆破,其炮孔利用率可以达到95%
blast hole work深炮孔崩矿作业
blast induced damage mechanisms that affect final wall blasting爆破损伤机理会影响最终爆破效果
blast induced damage zone爆破诱发破碎带爆破过程中产生新的裂隙和裂隙扩张的炮孔周围岩体。爆破产生的破碎带是岩石主要特性、炸药线密度、约束〈如抵抗线、间距〉、孔间延时和耦合率等因素复杂内部作用的结果。破碎带的程度可以通过振动测量、地震波反射技术、声发射和金刚石钻孔等方法来确定
blast-induced vibration signal爆破诱发的振动信号
blast initiation and post blast assessment起爆和爆后评估
blast logs爆破日志
blast mining technology爆破采矿工艺用爆破方法进行采矿破岩、剥离围岩、出矿的采矿工艺
blast modeling爆破模拟
blast monitoring爆破监测
blast of the ultimate border最终边界爆破
blast off飞行器,火箭等升空
blast open a tunnel 10 meters across through the hill在山中炸开一条10m宽隧道
blast orientation爆破定向
blast out炸出来
blast pattern炮孔布置图在一个工作面或台阶上布置,为了爆破需给出炮孔位置的平面图。最小抵抗线和间距应以米表示
blast planning爆破计划
blast pressure爆风压炸药爆炸时,在周围空气中产生的高压波动压力。爆风压的测量方法有静态的铅板爆压测试仪法, 把压力转换成电讯号的动态的压电晶体测试法, 采用光学的纹影测试法
blast result爆破效果
blast result爆破结果
blast safety area爆破安全区
blast sb.'s hope使某人的希望梦想,信仰,计划,雄心等破灭 (dreams, belief, plan, ambition, etc)
blast sb.'s reputation毁坏某人的名誉
blast screen爆破挡帘
blast seism caused by explosion爆破地震爆炸能量引起爆区周围介质点相继沿其平衡位置发生振动而形成地震波,地震波向外传播途中造成相关介质质点振动过程的总和,称为爆破地震
blast sequence爆破次序
blast shelter躲炮室
blast shield防爆屏障
blast site装药区装药期间处理炸药的地方
blast site爆破现场
blast site explosives security爆破现场的炸药安全
blast site procedures爆破现场程序
blast spray炮后喷水
blast springing深孔扩壶
blast sth. to pieces把某物炸得粉碎
blast the car horn nonstop不停地按车喇叭
blast timing爆破定时
blast timing contouring algorithm爆破定时等高算法
blast vibration爆破振动爆破地震引起介质特定质点沿其平衡位置作直线的或曲线的往复运动过程
blast vibration data爆破振动数据
blast vibration monitoring爆破振动监测测试地面周围爆破振动或者爆区附近空气压力的技术
blast vibration records爆破振动记录
blast warnings爆破警示
blast wave爆轰波
blast wave effect爆炸波效应
blast wave frequency冲击波频率
blast wave propagation in rock mass冲击波在岩体中的传播
blast wave signature爆炸波特征
blast with air interval空气间隔爆破
blasts of gunfire枪炮声
blasts of mirth阵阵欢声笑语
bulk blast大爆破
BX bit blast hole bitBX 号金刚石钻头美国、加拿大用标准钻头直径 2 /32 英寸
Cardox blast二氧化碳爆破筒爆破法
cast blast抛掷爆破
cast blast design抛掷爆破设计
cast blast process overburden抛掷爆破剥离层
casting blast抛掷爆破
chambering of blast hole炮孔掏壶在炮孔底部起爆小药包以扩大炮孔底部装药容积的作业过程
chambering of blast hole扩大炮孔底
clean blast炸得干净
clean blast全部炸掉
clean demolishing blast全部拆除爆破全部拆除爆破要求被爆体全部被破碎,若机械装运,块度可适当大些, 若采用人工清渣,则破碎块度不宜过大
clear the blast area清破现场
clearance-ing the blast area清理爆破现场
Cold blasts on the sea whistle clockwise刺骨的海风昼夜呼啸
confined blast密闭爆破
contour blast drilling周边孔爆破钻孔
control of adverse blast effects反向起爆效果
control of blast vibration and fragmentation对爆破振动和岩体破碎的控制
controllable factors that affect airblast emission include charge weight, hole diameter, burden, stemming height and blast orientation影响空气冲击波释放的可控因素是装药重量、炮孔直径、抵抗线、堵塞高度和爆炸定向
cube type blast specimen fabricated of concrete立体爆破试样混凝土制的
Current blast fragmentation models tend to focus on the coarse end of the fragmentation curve because of the impact of poor fragmentation on excavation performance, and hence excavation costs由于岩石破碎不理想、影响到开采计划的实施、进而影响到开采成本、常用的爆破破碎模型只能对破碎曲线进行粗略分析
damage effect of a blast on the rock mass―次爆破对岩体的破坏效果
data about blast vibrations爆破振动数据
delayed blast延迟爆破
dependence of launch angles and velocities on blast design发射角和发射速度取决于爆破设计
design the blasts爆破设计
development blast开拓爆破为开拓工程而进行的爆破作业
development blast drilling钻爆法开采
difference between water pressure blast and underwater blast水压爆破与水下爆破的区别水压爆破所涉及的是有限水域,而水下爆炸则是无限的水域。前者对气团的形状及其运动的特性则起到制约作用,而后者不存在气团往复脉动的条件
drilling on the blast site爆破现场钻孔
Dry summer blasts bake crops and other life夏日的干热风烘烤着庄稼和其他生灵
duration blast monitoring爆破监测
dynamic on-screen visualization of the progression of a blast爆破进展情况动态屏幕可视化
efficient blast performance有效爆破性能。、
Environmentalists often blast the government far its inaction about water pollution环保人士批评政府对水质污染的不作为
equipment on the blast site爆破现场设备
establishing a safe blast area建立安全爆破区
Examples are given of improved blast outcomes below that lead to overall reductions in emissions intensity案例证明、改进后爆破的结果可使排放强度整体来讲有所削减
extension of blast-hole cracks炮孔裂缝延长
face blast工作面爆破
factors affecting drill operation on the blast site爆破现场影响钻孔施工的因素
Field data are analyzed to determine the correlation between flyrock distances and the blast design parameters对实地数据进行分析,以确定飞石距离和爆破设计参数之间的相互关系
final sail blast design爆破区最后一排炮孔爆破设计
five minutes' duration of blast on the siren鸣笛长达五分钟
formation of blast-hole cracks炮孔裂缝的形成
full-scale blast大爆破
full-scale blast大爆炸
gases and fume generation at the blast site爆破现场的气体和烟尘
glass windows broken by intense blasts of shells炮弹巨大的冲击波振烂了玻璃窗
grit blast喷砂爆破
G-venting from the blast penetrates the fracture planes perpendicular to the hole axis and breaks the rocks up and propels them up to the air爆破喷泄的气体渗人与炮孔轴线垂直的裂缝面、将岩石破碎后抛向空中
heading blast超前工作面爆破井巷、隧道等掘进工程中的爆破作业,参见 development blasting
heading blast开拓爆破井巷、隧道等掘进工程中的爆破作业
heading blast charge掘进爆破装药
heading blast charge硐室爆破装药
holing blast联络巷道贯通爆破
hot blast热气流
ice-breaking blast炸冰
identification of blast design parameters爆破设计参数认证
initial blast初次爆破
initiating the blast起爆
intermittent blasts of sleet时下时停的雨夹雪
Investigations of flyrock accidents have revealed one or more of the following contributing factors: I discontinuity in the geology and rock structure,II improper blast hole layout and loading, III insufficient burden, IV very high explosive concentration, and V inadequate stemming调查结果表明、飞石事故是由以下一个以上的因素促成的: 地质及岩石结构的非连续性、炮孔布置和装药量不适当、抵抗线不足、炸药能量高度集中、填塞不足
issue of a blast爆炸的产物
issues around time of the blast爆破时间管理
joint cutting blast切割爆破切割爆破分两种情况,一种是对构件进行解体,另一种是拆除构件的一部分,保留一部分,而保留部分要求不予破坏,必须采用预裂爆破或光面爆破, 在工程上,平面对称的长条形聚能药包主要用来切割金属板材和管材,它是一种很有前途的切割船体钢板的工艺
large-scale blast damage profile大爆破破坏外观
loading the blast爆破装药
long-blast-hole method深孔爆破法
long-hole blasts深孔爆破炮孔深度较大的钻孔爆破。一般孔深大于5m,孔径大于50long75 mm 的爆破,称为深孔爆破。主要用于采矿、筑路和开挖坝基等爆破工程
loud blasts of thunder雷声大作
low frequency blast wave signatures低频爆炸波特征
major blast大爆破
major huge, large, large-scale, coyote blast in open pit露天矿大爆破
managing the blast site for safety爆破现场安全管理
mini blast小型爆破在大石块用少量装药通过浅孔爆破使其破碎为碎石块的小型爆破。是一种初级爆破形式
model blast test模型爆破试验
modified blast design parameter改进后的爆破设计参数
multi-blast high-speed development多次爆破快速推进
multiple ring blasts多重环形爆破
multiple row slabbing blasts多排孔刷帮爆破
multiple row slabbing blasts多排孔剥落爆破
normal "rumbling" sound of a blast爆破时正常的"轰隆”声
One of the greatest challenges, which a blaster faces in mining and contruction blasting, is to accurately determine the bounds of the blast safety area爆破人员在采矿及建筑拆除爆破过程中所面临的一个最大难题、是准确算岀爆破安全区的范围
optimum blast round最佳炮孔组布置
orientation of a blast爆破定向
part-face blast部分工作面爆破
partitioned blast分区爆破
partitioned blast分段爆破
peak pressure from a confined underwater blast水下约束爆破峰值压力
peak underwater blast pressure最大水下爆破压力
penetration blast穿爆
poor blast效率低的爆破
post blast activities爆后运动
post-blast assessment爆后评估爆破效果的量化评估,如评估破碎度、可掘度、超爆、欠爆、岩块抛掷距离等
post blast assessment爆破后评估
post-blast checklist爆破后检查清单
post blast: clean up and review爆后检查和清理
post blast counting, recording, and verifying爆后计量、记录和核对
post-blast fragments爆后碎片
post blast fumes爆后烟雾
post blast inspection爆后检查
post-blast monitoring爆后监测
post-blast monitoring procedure爆后监测程序
post-blast rock assessment爆后岩石评估任何可用于鉴定岩石或岩体性质的因数或变数,均可加以测定,而且是爆破的直接效果
post-blast treatment爆后处理
powder blast development爆破巷道开拓
powder blast development爆破开拓
powder blast mining method药室崩矿采矿法
powder blast stoping药室爆破回采法
powder-drift blast回采区药室爆破
premature blast早爆由于闪雷、矿物析岀的热量或者由于操作失误而在预定时间之前发生的事故起爆
premature blast due to lightning雷击早爆
pre-shear-ing blast预裂爆破
Pressure pulses traveling through the rock continue onward into the atmosphere even when the blast is completely confined and the rock is not broken即便在爆破完全封闭且岩石没有破碎的情况下、穿行在岩层的压力脉冲会继续向前进人大气
prevention of premature blast早爆事故的预防在爆破作业中,有时由于某些外界能源作用于雷管或炸药而发生早爆,往往造成非常严重的伤亡事故。根据早爆事故原因而采取的预防措施称为早爆事故的预防
principle of joint-cutting blast切割爆破作用原理切割爆破是采用爆破方法,使炮孔连线方向上形成裂缝,从而达到拆除一部分保留一部分的目的。根据岩石爆破机理,炸药在岩石内部爆炸时,按岩石的破坏作用程度分为粉碎区、裂隙区和振动区。切割爆破作用原理就是要消灭粉碎区、控制裂隙区
production blast生产爆破目的与生产某种商品直接相关的一种爆破,是矿山、采石场或建设工地的主要活动。它有别于其他类型的爆破,如二次爆破或地震勘探爆破,后一类作业并非与生产某种商品特别相关
production blast drilling钻爆产率
production blast vibration生产爆破振动
production scale single hole blast生产性质的单孔爆破
project definition: specifications and blast plan项目定义:设计规范和爆破方案
propagated blast传爆法爆破
propagated blast殉爆
Proper breakage and control of muckpile shape and flyrock are dependent on accurate blast timing破岩是否得当、是否能控制爆堆形状和飞石,取决于精确爆破定时
proper cover for construction blasts施工爆破适当的覆盖
Real-time data from a predictive meteorological model and sounding equipment is input to an atmospheric refraction model that enables the effect of meteorology on airblast levels in the area surrounding the blast site to be evaluated从预测大气模型和测声设备中获得的数据输人到大气折射模型、从而能评价气象对爆炸现场周边区域内的冲击波能级的影响
recommended blast plan contents推荐的爆破计划内容
recommended guidelines far blast vibration monitoring爆破振动监测介绍指南
relationship of blast width to blast height爆破宽度和高度的关系
relationship of blast width to highwall height爆破宽度和未开采面的高度的关系
repeated blasts of hand grenades手榴弹接连爆炸
repression of fumes and dust after a blast抑制炸后的烟尘
restrict work in blast area限制在爆破区域工作
ripping blast劈裂爆破位移很小的爆破,有助于后继破碎和装载时提高自然碎裂或岩石的膨胀
rock quarry bench blast岩石台阶爆破
safe-guarding the blast area爆破区域防护措施
safety at the blast site and beyond the blast area爆破现场和爆区周围的安全
safety distance of air blast冲击波安全距离又称爆破冲击波安全允许距离。是指露天、地下、水下爆炸时,空气冲击波对人员或设备的最小安全距离
sand blast覆砂装药
sand blast砂糊炮
secure the blast area保证爆炸区域安全
securing the blast area爆区的防护
sequential timer-controlled blast顺序定时控制爆破
short-hole blasts浅孔爆破
signage , blast area security and access control标牌、爆区安全和进出口控制
Since the factor having the greatest influence over blasting is geology, complex geologic structures can make small fragmentation a true blast design challenge由于对爆破影响最大的因素是地质、所以复杂的地质结构会使小规模的岩石爆破成为真正的爆破设计难题
sinking blast向下掘进爆破
smooth blast cartridge光面爆破药包
spectral output of blast vibration爆炸振动的波谱输出
spiral drill-and-blast concept in drifting平巷掘进中螺旋形钻孔爆破法一种平巷掘进方法,其炮孔径向于平巷中心分排钻出,每排炮孔的深度相继提高。当一排炮孔爆破时,清除出一饼状岩块。若总面积分成16块,且每循环下沉1.6m,则每炮孔排各增加深度0.1m。需采用专门机械来屏蔽爆炸区与钻孔和装药区
split blast劈裂爆破
stress relief blast消除应力爆破
stress relief blast卸载爆破
strident blasts of the horn警报器尖利刺耳的叫声
Studies have shown that such blasts have a greater than 90% diminution in the strength of the pressure wave released, compared with unconfined blasts of the same charge weight研究表明、与同样装药重量的裸露爆破相比、这样的爆破可使压力波释放威力降低90%以上
sublevel blast-hole method分段炮孔开采法
Such consideration also highlights the major targets for the blasting community to reduce GHG emissions through improved blast outcomes这些考虑的事项也突出表明、爆破界通过改进爆破结果来降低温室气体排放量是其主要目标
suction blast逆爆破与爆炸波传播方向相反
suction blast反向爆破
surface coal mine cast blast露天煤矿抛掷爆破
The augmentation of the volume of an explosive means a rise of the strength of a blast炸药用量的增加意味着爆炸威力的提升
The emission factors are intended to estimate the amount of dust liberated into the atmosphere by the blast, whereas the modeling reported here estimates the total proportion of the muck pile broken to dust sized particles排放系数用来估算因爆破释放到大气中的飞尘量、而这里所报道的模型则估算爆堆碎为尘粒后的整个比例
The minimum description of rock mass properties that influence blast performance includes the density, strength, stiffness and frequency and nature of discontinuities, together with an understanding of the variability of these parameters across the blasting area影响爆破行为的岩体特性描写的最少、包括非连续面的密度、强度、硬度、频率及自然属性、而且对爆破区域内这些参数的可变性了解的也最少
The number and type of delays in the blast tell us how long the detonation process itself will last爆破时延时爆破的次数和类型表明爆轰过程本身持续时间的长短
The parameters that are generally used in blast design and fragmentation modeling are the static rather than the dynamic properties, but empirical factors used in the models compensate for this anomaly通常用于爆破设计和破碎模型中的这些参数、都是静态的、而非动态性质、只不过在用于模型时经验因素弥补了这种反常
the plaintiff9 s blast at the criminal's confession原告对罪犯口供的抨击
The risk of damage due to flyrock, however, is so high that it merits serious consideration in blast design然而、由于飞石造成破坏的危险性很大、爆破设计时值得认真考量
The type and adequacy of the stemming material used and the management of progressive relief during detonation have a strong influence on the amount of material thrown into the air and hence the proportion of dust likely to be emit ted from a blast爆破中所用的炮泥类型和分量以及对阶梯地形的处理、会大大地影响抛向空中的物质的多寡、因此也大大地影响一次爆破中可能喷出的飞尘比例
The uncontrolled flying fragments generated by the effects of a blast are one of the prime causes in blasting-related accidents由爆破效应引起的且未加控制的碎石飞片是爆破事故的主要原因之一
The vibration duration is a junction of blast design,distance and geology振动持续时间是爆破设计、距离和地质学这三者的函数
There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑
These estimates are very sensitive to the value used for the moisture content of the rock and are quite independent of the actual blast design or blasting intensity applied该评估与岩石含水量规定的值密切相关、而与实际爆破设计方案或实施的爆破强度无关
This paper describes an approach to the estimation of blast fragmentation size distributions down to 1 micron so that quantitative comparisons can be made of the likely generation of air-borne, inhalable and respirable dust when different types of rock are blasted本文介绍将爆炸破碎粒度分布估计在 1 微米的方法、以便在各种岩石爆破时、对空气中有可能产生的可呼吸的浮尘作以定量比较
This study is restricted to the two types of rock so that the variations in rock mass properties are minimized and the influence of blast design parameters stemming, burden and specific charge on fly rock distance could be analyzed本研究针对两种岩石、以便将岩体特性的变化趋于最小、并能分析爆破设计参数如炮泥、抵抗线和单位炸药消耗等的影响
T-is a planned forward movement of rock fragments that form the muckpile within the blast zone抛掷是破碎岩石在爆炸区内形成爆堆的一种根据计划安排的前向运动
transmission of blast energy爆破能在空气中的传播 (through the air)
trial blast-trial shot尝试性爆破
trial blast-trial shot试验爆破
tying and initiating the blast连接和起爆
tying the blast爆破连接
types of blasts爆破类型
underwater blast compacting水下爆炸压密砂土地基水下爆炸压密效应的作用机理是由于爆炸冲击波和振动作用,使土层内产生瞬时孔隙水压力,原土体结构受到扰动破坏,产生液化现象,从而使疏松的砂土颗粒产生相对移动。其密度增加,承重能力提高。爆炸压密方式有:水中悬挂式爆炸压密法、深埋式封闭爆破压密法和表面接触爆炸压密法三种
underwater blast load水下爆炸载荷
underwater blast pressure水下爆破压力
underwater compacting blast水下爆夯水下爆夯又称为水下挤压爆破,它是利用水中爆炸原理来达到增加水域水深或夯实水下基床目的的一种先进方法
underwater drilling blast水下钻孔爆破水下钻孔爆破法的钻孔和装药通常是在浮在水面上的专用作业平台或作业船上进行。它适用于河道整治、水下管线拉槽爆破〈包括开挖沉埋式水底隧道基坑〉、水工建筑物地基开挖、爆破压密和桥梁基础开挖等
Usually cast blast design involves maximizing the castover. However, in other situations less than maximum cast may be desired. This can occur far example if the after blast profile from maximum casting would lower the dragline elevation to the point where the machine has inadequate stacking height通常在进行爆破方案设计时希望使抛掷量最大化。但是、在一些情况下并不需要达到最大抛掷量。例如当达到最大抛掷量会使得吊铲达不到最佳的工作高度时、反而造成爆后利润的降低
Variations in air temperature and wind velocity influence the transmission of blast energy through the air大气温度和风速的变化会影响爆炸能在空气中的传爆
vertical crater retreats blasts垂直爆破漏斗
video recordings of blasts视频爆炸记录
volume of blast爆破量
water--blocked blast curtain水封爆破帘
water--blocked blast screen水封爆破帘
When combined with inputs that quantify the effects of blasting specifications,the combined effect of basic blast emission and meteorological effects can be evaluated结合将爆破规程中列出的效果进行量化的输人数据、就能评估基本的爆破释放物和天气影响的共同作用
While a high powder factor may generate higher levels of vibration, noise and flyrock, a power factor that is too low may cause a blast to fail and may generate more vibration than expected for the charge per delay that was used, because of increased burden and confinement当炸药威力大、产生的震感强、噪声大、飞石多。如果炸药威力太小、由于抵抗线和围压增加、会导致爆破失败、而且对于每次延时所用的药量而言、所产生的振动会比预计的要大
Wild flyrock occurs due to the unexpected propulsion of rock fragments,when there is some abnormality in a blast or a rock mass, that travels beyond the blast clearance exclusion zone意外飞石的产生、是由于爆破过程或岩体中出现异常、致使破碎岩石出乎意料地飞越爆破禁区之外
wind blast气浪
wind blast空炮
zone bench blast simulations with delay timing 3D台阶延时爆破模拟