
Terms for subject Business containing bill of lading | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
advance bill of lading预借提单
American bill of lading美式提单
ante dated bill of lading倒签提单
antedated bills of lading倒填提单
assignment of bill of lading提单转让
barge bill of lading内河航运提单
barge bill of lading内河驳船航运提单
bearer order bill of lading持单人指示提单
berth bill of lading班轮提单
berth bill of lading停埠提货单
bill of lading提单
bill of lading clause提货单条款
bill of lading copy提单副本
bill of lading copy提货单副本
bill of lading original提货单正本
bill of lading to a named person记名提单
bill of lading to bearer无记名提单指提单不记载持有人姓名,持有人即为提单所有人
bill of lading with reservation不洁提单
bills of lading提货单
blank bill of lading不记名提单即未填收货人的提单
blank bill of lading空白提货单
cash against bill of lading凭提单付款
cash against bill of lading凭提单付现 (Cash B/L)
cash against bill of lading凭提单付现
charter party bill of lading租船契约提单租船人签发的提单
claused bill of lading批注提单
claused bill of lading附条款提单附加条款或批注的提单
clean bill of lading清洁提单指提单注有"表面状况良好"且无附注予以修改的
clean bill of lading清洁提单
collect bill of lading运费后付提单
collect bill of lading收运费后付提单
combined bill of lading联运提单
combined transport bill of lading国际运协联运提单
complete sets of bills of lading整套提单
conditional bill of lading附条件提单
consolidated bill of lading联运提单
container bill of lading集装箱提货单
countersignature bill of lading副署提单
countersignature bill of lading连署提单
CT bill of lading联合运输提单 (combined transport bill of lading)
current bill of lading即期提单
custody bill of lading监管提单
custody bill of lading存栈提单即美国特有的"棉花提单":棉花待装提单
date of bill of lading提单日期
direct bill of lading直达提单指载货船直达目的港的提单
dirt bill of lading不洁提单
dirty bill of lading不清洁提单即提单上批注有货物包装破损或件数不足等字样的提单
draft bill of lading提单草本
duplicate of bill of lading提单副本
endorsable bill of lading可背书的提单
exceptions noted on the bill of lading提单上批注免责事项
export bill of lading出口提货单
FIATA bill of lading运协提单
FIATA bill of lading协会提单即国际转运行协会联合会提单
FIATA combined transport bill of lading协会联合运输提单
foredated bill of lading倒填日期提单
forwarder's bill of lading转运人提单
forwarder's bill of lading货运商提单
forwarding agent's house bill of lading货运承运行提单
foul bill of lading不清洁提单附批注的提单
freight on bill of lading weight按提单重量计算的运费
freight prepaid bill of lading运费已付提单
freight prepaid bill of lading运费已预付提单指在输出地由托运人付清运费后,运输公司所签的提货单
full set of bill of lading全套提单即轮船公司签发的二至三份的正式提货单
groupage bill of lading集合提单
holder of a bill of lading提单持有
house bill of lading装运证明书
house bill of lading承运人发给托运人的货运承运商提单
inland bill of lading内陆提单指装货地与目的地均在内陆的提货单
inland bill of lading内陆提单
inland-water bill of lading内河提单
inter-modal bill of lading联运提单
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约海牙规则
inward bill of lading进口提单
issuance of bill of lading开出提单
latent defect clause in bill of lading提单上的潜在缺陷条款
latent defect clause in bill of lading提单潜在缺点条款
letter of guarantee for production of bill of lading提货担保书指货物已达目的港但提货单尚未寄到, 进口商为能及时提货,请求开证银行签具担保提货书,凭此向船公司换发小提单提货
loaded bill of lading己装船提单
local bill of lading国内提单
minimum bill of lading最低运费提单即未达到运价表所定最低额
model B bill of ladingB 式提单
negotiable bill of lading可转让提单
neutral party bill of lading中性提单
neutral party bill of lading中性提单指以信用证受益人以外的第三者为托运人的提单
non negotiable bill of lading不可转让提单
non-negotiable bill of lading非流通的提单
not negotiable bill of lading不准转让提单
ocean bill of lading海运提单
omnibus bill of lading总括提单
omnibus bill of lading综合提单指把零星货物合为一整批货物的提单
on board endorsement bill of lading已装船背书提单
on board endorsement bill of lading已装船背书提货单
on deck bill of lading甲板提单
open order bill of lading指示式提单
optional bill of lading B/L选择卸货港提货单指货主可选择卸货港的提货单
original bill of lading正本提单一式三份,凭一份可提货,其它两份即失效
pledge of bill of lading提单抵押
port bill of lading港口提单
port bill of lading〈美〉到港提单
port-to-port bill of lading港至港提单
railroad bill of ladings铁路货运提单
railway export bill of lading铁路出口提货单
received bill of lading收到提货单
received for shipment bill of lading备运提货单指未装船前签发的提单
received for shipment bills of lading备运提单
red bill of lading红字提单此种提单兼具保单作用,因其中保险字句印成红字
regular long form bill of lading常规提单
regular long form bill of lading正常格式提单
released bill of lading放行提货单
remarks of bill of lading提单附注
reverse side of a bill of lading提单的背面
separate bill of lading分提单即将提单分成两套或两套以上提单
set of bills of lading成套提单
shipped on board bill of lading已装船提单
short form bill of lading简式提单即提单背面不印条款的提单
short form bill of lading简式提单
Sight Draft Bill of Lading即期提单
sight draft with attached bill of lading跟单即期汇票
stale bill of lading失效堤单
standard bill of lading标准格式提单
statement of the bill of lading提单上的记载事项
straight bill of lading不得转让的提单
sub-bill of lading提单副联
superimposed clause in bill of lading加盖条款
superimposed clause in bill of lading提单上加批注
surrender of bill of lading凭提单提货
surrender of bill of lading交出提单凭以提货
Switch bill of lading交换提单指经转运的货物,其启运港提单为交换提单
third-party bill of lading第三者提单
through bill of lading联运提单即货物在运途中须从一承运人转给另一承运人的一种提单
to order bill of lading指定收货人提单
tranship bill of lading转运提单
tranship bill of lading转船提单
trucking bill of lading卡车提单
unclean bill of lading不清洁提单
use-up bill of lading已使用提单