
Terms for subject Business containing bill of exchange | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
accept a bill of exchange承兑票据
acceptance of bill of exchange承兑汇票
be liable for a bill of exchange承担票据上的义务
bill of exchange drawn under a documentary credit跟单信用证汇票
bill of exchange in a set成套汇票
blank bill of exchange空白汇票
blank bill of exchange空白汇票即未指定受款人或未填金额的汇票
cancellation of bill of exchange汇票注销
clean bill of exchange光票汇票
clean bill of exchange不附货物所有权单据的汇票
commercial bill of exchange商业汇票指国际贸易中,卖方向买方签发的收取货款的票据
Convention on the Uniform of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform RegulationThe Hague, 1912关于统一汇票,本票法的公约海牙,1912 年
Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 1930关于制定统一汇票、本票的公约日内瓦,1930 年
discharge of a party to a bill of exchange解除汇票签字人义务
discharge of liability on a bill of exchange解除或履行了汇票上的义务
discharge of liability on a bill of exchange履行汇票上的义务
discount of bill of exchange汇票贴现
dishonour a bill of exchange拒兑汇票
dishonour a bill of exchange拒绝承兑汇票
dishonour bill of exchange拒付汇票
dishonour by non-acceptance of a bill of exchange拒兑汇票
dishonour by non-payment of a bill of exchange拒付汇票
dishonoured bill of exchange拒付汇票
documentary bill of exchange with L/C附有信用证的跟单汇票
dollar bill of exchange美金汇票
Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes联合国法律委员会国际汇票、本票统一法草案
drawing of a bill of exchange开汇票
encashment of bills of exchange汇票贴现
enforcement of a claim under a bill of exchange行使汇票上的权利
export bill of exchange出口押汇
full discharge of liability under a bill of exchange部履行汇票付款义务
general acceptance of a bill of exchange汇票普遍承兑
Geneva Uniform Law on Bill of Exchange and Promissory Notes 19301930 年日内瓦统一汇票、本票法
guaranting of bill of exchange汇票的保证
holder of a bill of exchange汇票持有人
inland bill of exchange内地汇票
inland bill of exchange国内汇票
interest bill of exchange有利息汇票
issue a bill of exchange开出汇票
law of bill of exchange and cheque关于汇票和支票的法规
law relating to bill of exchange汇票法
law relating to bill of exchange关于汇票的法律
liable on a bill of exchange应负汇票上责任
liable on bill of exchange承担汇票上的义务
long dated bill of exchange远期汇票
lost bill of exchange遗失汇票
lost bills of exchange遗失的汇票
parties to a bill of exchange汇票当事人
parties to a bill of exchange汇票各方当事人
party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange已解除票据上义务的当事人
party liable on a bill of exchange汇票负责方
party to a bill of exchange汇票当事人
pawned bill of exchange质押汇票
possessor of a bill of exchange汇票持有人
prime bill of exchange优等汇票
prime liability on bill of exchange汇票的第一位责任
principal sum of the bill of exchange汇票金额
rediscount of a bill of exchange汇票再贴现
represent bill of exchange再兑现汇票
respectable bill of exchange信誉好的汇票
rules of law relating to bills of exchange汇票法规
rules of law relating to bills of exchanges关于汇票的法规
sales bill of exchange销售汇票
second bill of exchange第二联汇票
second bill of exchange第二份汇票指一式两份的汇票的第二份
sight bill of exchange即期汇票
statement of the bill of exchange汇票记载事项
sue on bill of exchange有关汇票的起诉
time bill of exchange远期汇票
type of bill of exchange汇票种类