
Terms for subject Project management containing bill | all forms | exact matches only
accomplished bill of lading已到岸提货的提单
activity bill of quantities单项工程量清单
ad valorem bill of lading从价提单
ad valorem bill of lading[拉]货值提单
after sight bill见票后若干天付款期票
approximate bill of quantities近似工程量清单
bankable bill可在银行贴现的票据
bearer bill不记名汇票
bill at thirty days' sight见票后 30 天付款的期票
bill broker票据经纪
bill for clearing交换票据
bill in a set汇票联票
bill of approximate quantity contract估计工程量单价合同
bill of exchange汇票 (B/E)
bill of parcels发货单
bill of quantities contract工程量表合同
bill of quantity工程量表
bill of sale发货单
bill of sale动产抵押据
bill of sufferance待检查物品单
bill of variations工程变更单
bill payable after sight见票后付款汇票
bill payable at fixed date after sight见票后定期付款汇票
bill payable at sight即期汇票
bill payable on demand凭票要求付款的汇票
bill purchased买人的汇票
bill purchased买人票据
bill undue未到期汇票
claused bill of lading不洁提单
claused bill of lading附批注提货单
clean bill清单
clean bill结清账单
clean bill of lading清洁提货单
clean bill of lading无瑕疵提单
clean shipped bill of lading已装船清洁提单
clean-on-board bill of lading已装船清洁提单
clear a bill付清
complete set bill of lading全套提单
…days after bill of lading date提单日期后…天
dishonor a bill不支付期票
dishonor a bill不承兑期票
dishonour bill不支付期票
dishonour bill不承兑期票
dishonoured bill不兑现汇票
documentary bill跟单汇票 (draft)
domiciled bill外埠付款汇票
elemental bill of quantities单元工程量清单
foreign bill外地汇票
full set of clean on board bills of lading全套清洁已装船提单
honour bill支付期票
inland bill本地汇票
lump sum on firm bill of quantities固定工程量总价合同
lump-sum price with bill of quantities附工程量表的总价
noting of bills汇票的拒付记录
ocean bill of lading海运提货单
on deck bill of lading舱面交货提单
operational bill of quantities作业工程量表
original bill原案
outstanding bill未兑现票据
outstanding bill未偿付票据
overdue bill逾期票据
overland bill of landing水陆联运提单
past-due bill过期票据 (note)
period periodic bill定期汇票
priced bill of quantities标价的工程量表
priced contract with bill of quantities带有工程量表的标价合同
principal of bills库券本金
prior bill of sale居先卖据
proceeds of bills库券收益
protest of bill票据拒付证明
protest of bills汇票的拒付证明
recognized dealer of exchange fund bills外汇基金票据认可交易商
remeasurement with bill of quantities附用工程量表的再计量
renew a bill将期票延期
repaid bill已偿付库券
retiring a bill赎单
sight bill即付票
summary of bill of quantities工程量清单汇总表
target contract with bill of quantities带有工程量表的目标合同
The Senate began considering the bill late on Wednesday before adjourning参议院星期三晚些时候在休会之前就此议案开始审议
trade bill of quantities工种工程量表
unpriced bill of quantities未标价的工程量表
valid and subsisting bill有效及现存的汇票
wage bill工资总额单