
Terms for subject Business containing bill | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance bill draft承兑票据汇票
acceptance of a bill承兑汇票
acceptance of bill票据承兑
acceptance of bill of exchange承兑汇票
acceptance of bills承兑票据
accepted bills已承兑票据
accountant bill账单
addition part of a bill票据附件
additional part of a bill票据附件
additionally collected interest on loans on bills票据贷款加收利息
advance bill预付票据发货前开岀的票据
advance bill of lading预借提单
advice for collection of documentary bill跟单汇票托收通知书
advice of bill汇票通知书
advice of bill accepted票据承兑通知
advice of bill collected票据收讫通知
advice of bill paid票据付讫通知
after sight bill远期汇票即见票若干日,按规定期付款的汇票
after-date bill出票后定期付款票据
Air Way Bill空运货单
amended bill修正案
American bill美钞百元券
American bill of lading美式提单
amount billed账单所列金额
antedated bill倒签汇票
antedated bills of lading倒填提单
application for retiring bill赎票单
application retirement of bill赎票申请书
average annual bill年均金额
average discount rate on treasury bills国库券平均贴现率
banker's bill银行汇票向其国外分行、支行或代理行开出
banker's clean bill无抬头银行票据
bankers long bills银行长期汇票
banker's long bills drawn for the purpose of raising money资金长期融通票据
bankruptcy bill破产法
barge bill of lading内河航运提单
barge bill of lading内河驳船航运提单
berth bill of lading班轮提单
berth bill of lading停埠提货单
bill accepted己承兑汇票
bill accompanied by warehouse receipts附仓单票据
bill account汇票结算
bill account汇票清算
bill accounting汇票结算
bill adjust票据调整
bill adjuster票据调整人
bill and accounts payable应付票据和账款
bill and accounts payable with terms有条件应付票据和款项
bill and accounts receivable应收票据和账款
bill and accounts receivable with terms有条件期收款项
bill as security以票据为贷款抵押品抵押票据
bill at... days after sight见票后…天付款票据
bill at sight见票即付的汇票
bill at the long run远期票据
bill board告示牌
bill business票据业务
bill centre押汇中心
bill check账单支票制
bill cheque账单支票制
bill clearing balance票据结算差额
bill collected票据收妥
bill collector票据收款人
bill collector收款员
bill credit票据信用
bill department押汇部
bill department开票部门
bill deposited as collateral security汇票抵押证券
bill discount票据贴现
bill discounted票据贴现
bill discounted with collateral security附证券担保的票据贴现
bill discounted with collateral security已贴现附证券担保的票据
bill discounter贴现银行
bill discounter贴现公司
bill discounter票据贴现业者
bill dishonoured拒付汇票
bill dishonoured已拒付汇票
bill dishonoured by non-acceptance拒兑汇票
bill dishonoured by non-acceptance被拒兑的汇票
bill dishonoured by non-payment拒付汇票
bill dishonoured by non-payment被拒付的汇票
bill draft汇票
bill drawer出票人
bill drawer开票人
bill drawn by central bank中央银行开出的票据
bill drawn for payment abroad国外付款汇票
bill drawn for sale为出售而开出的票据
bill drawn payable at a certain time after date开票后若干日付款的汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time of date开票后某日付款的汇票
bill drawn payable at a fixed date定期付款汇票
bill drawn payable at sight见票即付汇票
bill drawn payable to bearer向持票人付款的汇票
bill drawn to order凭指示付款汇票
bill drawn to order指示付款票据
bill eligible for rediscount可接受再贴现汇票
bill for acceptance承兑汇票
bill for collection收到托收票据
bill for collection托收票据指卖方或债权人签发以买方或债务人付款的票据,如汇票或支票,委托银行向买方或债务人收取款项的一种清偿方迭,缩写为 B/C
bill for negotiation认付汇票
bill for payment付款票据汇票
bill for premature delivery提前交付的票据
bill free from claims of defences无权利要求或异议的汇票
bill free from claims or defences不提出权利要求或异议的汇票
bill holder执票人
bill of exchange in a set多联汇票即国外汇票一般为二联或三联式汇票,三联中任何一联均可兑付,但其中任一联承兑后,其余二联即自动失效,不予兑付
bill of exchange in a set成套汇票
bill in domestic currency国币汇票
bill in foreign currency外币汇票
bill in three parts三联式汇票
bill jobbing票据投机
bill lodge缴存票据
bill market贴现市场
bill obligatory强制债务证书
bill of adventure货主承担风险托运单
bill of adventure担风险的货单
bill of approximate quantities contract约计工程量单价合同
bill of carriage运单
bill of clearance结关单
bill of clearance出港申报单
bill of costs诉讼费清单
bill of costs成本清单
bill of credit付款通知单
bill of dishonour拒付票据
bill of dishonour拒付支票汇票
bill of document单据
bill of draft押汇
bill of exchange drawn under a documentary credit跟单信用证汇票
bill of exchange in a set成套汇票
bill of exchequer英国 1870 年前发行的国库券
bill of export出口货物报告书
bill of fare菜肴价目表
bill of freight运货单
bill of goods劣品
bill of goods一批货物
bill of goods假〔次〕货
bill of goods寄售 〔代销〕商店
bill of goods货物清单
bill of health检疫机构的健康证明
Bill of Health检疫证书船只
bill of imprest预付票据
bill of interpleaded诉讼中票据
bill of lading提单
bill of lading clause提货单条款
bill of lading copy提单副本
bill of lading copy提货单副本
bill of lading original提货单正本
bill of lading to a named person记名提单
bill of lading to bearer无记名提单指提单不记载持有人姓名,持有人即为提单所有人
bill of lading with reservation不洁提单
bill of materials物资清单
bill of mortality死亡记录
bill of parcel货单
bill of parcel包裹单
bill of particulars详细陈述
bill of payment兑付票据
bill of quantities数量证书
bill of quantities建筑人工计算书
bill of quantities建筑用料清单
bill of remittance汇款汇票
bill of sale财产转让书
bill of sale抵押据
bill of sight当场看货报关单
bill of sight海关临时起岸报关单指进口商尚未详细验收来货的临时报关单
bill of stores海关船上用品免税单
bill of sufference海关出具的起货或载货许可单
bill of victualling航海用品免税单
bill of victualling从保税仓库取出贮运货单
bill of view暂时御货报单
bill of view进口商品验收登记后的报税单
bill on demand见票即付汇票
bill on deposit汇票抵押证券
bill on deposit以汇票担保的证券
bill on maturity到期付款汇票
bill on presentation提示后即付汇票
bill-only policy专营国库券政策
bill paid已付汇票
bill payable应付汇票
bill payable应付账款
bill payable at a definite time预期付款汇票
bill payable at a definite time预定期付款的汇票
bill payable at a determinable future time定期汇款汇票
bill payable at a determinable future time定期付款的汇票
bill payable at a fixed date定期付款汇票
bill payable at a fixed period after date出票后定期付款的汇票
bill payable at a fixed period after sight见票后定期付款汇票
bill payable at a fixed period after sight见票后定期付款的汇票
bill payable at long sight见票后远期照付汇票
bill payable at sight after a fixed period定期见票即付汇票
bill payable by stated instalments分期付款的汇票
bill payable in foreign currency外币汇款汇票
bill payable in market以市价付款票据
bill payable in market"集市"付款汇票
bill payable in market市场付款汇票
bill payable maturity book到期应付票据日记簿
bill payable on a stated date定期付款票汇
bill payable on demand即期汇票
bill payable on demand见票即付票据
bill payable on fixed date定期付款汇票
bill payable to a specified person only不能转让票据
bill-preferable policy优先使用国库券政策
bill presented for acceptance承兑提示汇票
bill presented for acceptance承兑提示的汇票
bill rate票据贴现率
bill receivable应收票据账款
bill receivable account应收票据账
bill receivable account应收票据账户
bill receivable discounted已贴现应收票据
bill receivable discounted应收票据贴现
bill receivable discounted on accounts of customers代客贴现应收票据
bill receivable for collection代收款项
bill received discounted已收票据贴现
bill rendered已开出票据
bill retired已赎单据
bill retired已偿清收回的票据
bill roll票券轮换
bill sent for collection托收票据
bill short短期票据
bill signed in acknowledgement of debt欠条
bill stickers will be prosecuted违者必究"
bill stickers will be prosecuted"请勿张贴
bill to bearer无记名票据
bill to bearer凭票即付票据
bill to order凭签章验付票据
bill unaccompanied by document不跟单汇票
bill unaccompanied documents未附单据的汇票
bill with attached documents附单票据
bill with attached documents跟单汇票
bill with collateral securities抵押票据
bill with collateral securities有抵押品的票据
bill with credit附信用证汇票
bill with L/C附信用证汇票
bill with L/C附信用证的汇票
bill without charge托收无承付票据
bill without collateral securities无抵押票据
bill without credit无信用证汇票
bill without L/C无信用证汇票
bill without recourse无追溯权汇票
bill without recourse无追索权的汇票
billed principal缓付本金
bills account票据账
bills book票据簿
bills discounted with collateral securities有抵押品贴现票据
bills discounted with collateral securities附证券担保的贴现票据
bills for collection托收汇票票据
bills in a set成套票据
bills of lading提货单
bills only doctrine只做国库券交易理论
bills-only doctrine policy专营国库券政策指美国联邦储备系统在公开市场只经营短期证券,尤指 90 天国库券的政策
blank bill空白汇票
blank bill不记名票据即未填受票人的票据
blank bill of exchange空白汇票
blank bill of exchange空白汇票即未指定受款人或未填金额的汇票
blank bill of lading不记名提单即未填收货人的提单
blank bill of lading空白提货单
blank letter of bill不记名票据
blanket bills大型钞票
bridging over bill弥合票据
budget bill预算法案
cargo bill for transit联运货票
cargo carried together with bill单货同行
cargo handling over bill货物装卸单
change bills换钱
charge for negotiation of export bills出口押汇费
charge on bills for collection托收费
charter party bill of lading租船契约提单租船人签发的提单
cleanup past-due bill清理逾期票据
clear a bill兑现票据
client bill code客户账单编码
collection of bills汇票托收
collection of documentary bills托收跟单汇票
collection of domestic drafts and bills国内汇票托收
collection on bills of collection代收票据的收款
commission for collecting bills代收票据佣金
complete sets of bills of lading整套提单
Convention on the Uniform of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform RegulationThe Hague, 1912关于统一汇票,本票法的公约海牙,1912 年
Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 1930关于制定统一汇票、本票的公约日内瓦,1930 年
conversion of the bill汇票兑款
conversion of the bill汇票收款
creditor's bill债权人开出票据
creditor's bill债权人所开汇票
current bill of lading即期提单
debt on bill借据
debt on bill借款单据
defence upon the bill票据法上的抗辩权
deferred export bill延付出口票据
direct bill直接汇票承兑人所在地与付款地点相同的汇票
direct bill of lading直达提单指载货船直达目的港的提单
discount on bills with government bonds as collateral以公债为保证的票据贴现
dishonour a bill of exchange拒兑汇票
dishonour a bill of exchange拒绝承兑汇票
dishonour bill拒付票据
dishonour bill退票
dishonour bill of exchange拒付汇票
dishonour by non-acceptance of a bill of exchange拒兑汇票
dishonour by non-payment of a bill of exchange拒付汇票
dishonour of bill票据拒付
documentary acceptance bills跟单承兑汇票
documentary bills collection跟单汇票托收
dollar bill美元汇票
dollar bill of exchange美金汇票
dollar-bill size coupon钞票型优待券
Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes联合国法律委员会国际汇票、本票统一法草案
draw a bill开出汇票即由出口商开立汇票向进口商收款
duplicate of bill of lading提单副本
elementary bills要素单
encashment of bills of exchange汇票贴现
endorsable bill of lading可背书的提单
enforcement of a claim under a bill of exchange行使汇票上的权利
exchequer bill财政部证券
exchequer bill英国国库券
export advance bill出口预付汇票
export bill for collection托收出口汇票
export bill for collection a/c托收出口汇票科目账户
export bill of entry出口报单
export bill of exchange出口押汇
export bill of lading出口提货单
export bill payablea/c应付出口汇票科目
export bill payable应付出口汇票
export bill receivable应收出口汇票
export bill receivable a/c应收出口汇票科目
export bill receivable a/c应收出口汇票科目账户
external bill外国汇票
fake dollar bill伪美钞
final bill of goods产品报表
Finance Bill财政拨款法案
five-dollar bill五元钞票
foot a bill付账
foot up bill算账
foot up bill结账
foreign bills payable应付外国汇票
foreign bills receivable应收国外汇票
foreign bills sold售出外国票据
foreign currency bills bought买进外币汇票
foreign currency bills payable应付外币汇票
foreign currency bills receivable应收外币汇票
foreign currency bills sold售出外币汇票
foreign exchange bills bought外汇买进
foreign exchange bills sold外汇卖出
forge a bill伪造汇票
freight on bill of lading weight按提单重量计算的运费
freight prepaid bill of lading运费已付提单
freight prepaid bill of lading运费已预付提单指在输出地由托运人付清运费后,运输公司所签的提货单
general acceptance of a bill of exchange汇票普遍承兑
Geneva Uniform Law on Bill of Exchange and Promissory Notes 19301930 年日内瓦统一汇票、本票法
gold bill黄金汇票
gold dollar bill金元汇票
government bill政府债券加国库券
groupage bill of lading集合提单
home currency bills bought买进本国币票据
home currency bills payable应付本国币票据
home currency bills receivable应收本国币票据
home currency bills sold售出本国币票据
home money bills bought买进本币票据
home money bills payable应付本币票据
home money bills receivable应收本币票据
home money bills sold售出本币票据
honour a bill承兑汇票
honour a bill承兑票据
house air bill空运货物单据指承揽装运人收到空运货物的证明单据
house airway bill空运货物单据
house airway bill空运代理行提单
house bill总公司与分公司间承兑汇票
house bill of lading装运证明书
house bill of lading承运人发给托运人的货运承运商提单
house bills银行内部汇票指银行对其海外分行或代理行发出的汇票
incomplete bills不完全票据
inland bill of exchange内地汇票
inland bill of exchange国内汇票
inland bill of lading内陆提单指装货地与目的地均在内陆的提货单
inland bill of lading内陆提单
inland-water bill of lading内河提单
input-output bill of goods各类货物投入产出清单
input-output bills of goods货物投入产出清单
interest rate on loans secured by export trade bills出口汇票担保借款利率
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约海牙规则
international negotiation of bills国际票据议付
invalid bill无效票据
inward bill of lading进口提单
inward bills division进口部
inward clearing bill进口验关单
inward documentary bill进口押汇票
inward documentary bill进口跟单汇票
issue a bill of exchange开出汇票
itemize bill分项列账
itemized bill详细账单
itemized bill明细单
itemized bill详细票据单
latent defect clause in bill of lading提单上的潜在缺陷条款
latent defect clause in bill of lading提单潜在缺点条款
law of international bills国际票据法
liability on a bill汇票上的义务
loan and bill discounted accounts放款及贴现票据账户
loan bill借款单据
loan on bill票据抵押放款
loan on bill票据抵押贷款
local bill同域票据
local bill of lading国内提单
long-term bills and bonds长期票据与债券
lost bills遗失票据
lost bills of exchange遗失的汇票
master way bill大提单
master way bill主提单
matured bill到期票据
model B bill of ladingB 式提单
mutual aid fund for agricultural bills农业票据互助基金
negotiable bill可转让票据
negotiable bill of lading可转让提单
negotiation of bill票据议付参阅 negotiation
negotiation of foreign bill外国票据汇票、期票的议付
neutral party bill of lading中性提单
neutral party bill of lading中性提单指以信用证受益人以外的第三者为托运人的提单
nontransferable bill不可转让汇票
note and bill endorsed已背书票据及汇票
number of bill票据号
number of transport bill装货单据号
number of transport bill运货单据号
ocean bill of lading海运提单
ocean way-bill梅运提单
open order bill of lading指示式提单
optional bill of lading B/L选择卸货港提货单指货主可选择卸货港的提货单
ordinary bill普通票据
paid bill已付票据
paid bill已兑现票据
parties to a bill of exchange汇票当事人
parties to a bill of exchange汇票各方当事人
party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange已解除票据上义务的当事人
party liable on a bill of exchange汇票负责方
party to a bill of exchange汇票当事人
past due bill过期票据
perforated rider bill骑缝单据
period bill指定支付日期的定期汇票票据
pledge of bill of lading提单抵押
port bill of lading港口提单
port bill of lading〈美〉到港提单
port-to-port bill of lading港至港提单
post no bills禁止张贴
post no bills不淮张贴
post-dated bill倒填日期汇票
prefinance bill优先贷款票据
principal bill双联汇票先提示并付款的一联
principal sum of the bill of exchange汇票金额
protest for bills票据拒付证书
psst-due bill过期票据
psst-due bill过期汇票
race bill开立的汇票
railway export bill of lading铁路出口提货单
real-bills doctrine真实票据主义
received for shipment bills of lading备运提单
released bill of lading放行提货单
remittance bill汇条
represent bill of exchange再兑现汇票
retire bill见票即付
retire bill赎回票据指进口商在汇票到期时向押汇银行兑回汇票
retired bill赎回票据
retired bill已赎回汇票指付款人付款后赎回的汇票
retired bill已兑汇票
retirement of bills赎票
reverse side of a bill of lading提单的背面
rules of law relating to bills of exchange汇票法规
rules of law relating to bills of exchanges关于汇票的法规
secured bill担保票据
separate bill of lading分提单即将提单分成两套或两套以上提单
set bill成套汇票即一式两份汇票
set of bills成套票据
set of bills of lading成套提单
ship bill of sale船舶销售证
shipment bill above cost发货计价高于成本
shipment billed above cost发货计价高于成本
Sight Draft Bill of Lading即期提单
single bill单一汇票
spoilage bills作废汇票
stale bill of lading失效堤单
stolen bill失窃票据
stolen bill被窃的票据
sub-bill of lading提单副联
Switch bill of lading交换提单指经转运的货物,其启运港提单为交换提单
take up a bill承兑汇票
take up a bill赎票
take up bill付清账单
take up bill赎单
tap bills龙头国库券
tax anticipation bill〈美〉预期交税债券
tax-slash bill减税法案
term of a bill票期
third-country bills第三国汇票
third-party bill of lading第三者提单
treasury bill短期国库债券
Treasury Bill无息国库券
uncollectible bills无法收现的票据
usance bankers' bill远期银行汇票
usance bill息票
usance bill期票
usance bill有限期汇票即非见票即付汇票
wad of dollar bills一叠钞票美钞
wages bill工资总额
Way Bill运货单
yield on treasury bill财政部国库券收入
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