
Terms for subject Technology containing bill | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance and settlement of import bills进口票据的承受与清算
accepted bill已承兑汇票 (draft)
accepted bill已承兑票据 (draft)
accommodation bill空头票据
accommodation bill食宿费用收据
accommodation bills issued已发出通融票据
advance bill发货前开出的账单
advance bill先开汇票
advice of bill accepted先付票据通知
advice of bill collected票据付款通知
after date bills发票日后付款汇票
after sight bill见票后若干天付款的期票
air freight bill of lading空运提单
airmail bill of lading航空提单
airway bill of lading空运货物提单
alongside bill of lading船边交货提单
altered bill经更改的票据
anchor bill锚式擒纵叉爪
anchor bill锚爪尖部
ancillary bill附加起诉状
antedated bill日期提前票据
antedated bills of lading日期提前提单
appendix of the bill of quantities工程量表附件
application for bill of lading endorsement提单背书申请书
application for documentary bills for collection出口托收申请书
application ofr retiring bill赎票申请书
back a bill负责兑换票据
back dated bill of lading倒签提单
backed bill保证票据
backing a bill在票据上背书
bank bill银行票据
bank bill银行纸币
bankable bill可通过银行承兑的票据
banker's clean bill不抬头的银行票据
bazaar bill rate商场证券利率
bearer bill of lading无记名提单
berth bill of lading码头提单
bill acceptance票据承兑
bill accompanied by document附单据的汇票
bill accompanied by warehouse receipts附仓单汇票
bill amount汇票清算
bill amount票据账目
bill and account receivable期收款项
bill and charge system发票记账法
bill and charge system开票记账法
bill at sight退期票据
bill at usance习惯期限的汇票
bill book支票簿
bill bought购入票据
bill clearing票据清算
bill clerk票据管理员
bill collection票据托收
bill collector收账人
bill collector收账员
bill deposited as collateral security以汇票为抵押证券
bill discounted贴现票据
bill discounted已贴现票据
bill discounted贴现期票
bill dishonored拒付汇票
bill dishonored拒付票据
bill dishonored by nonacceptance拒绝承兑汇票
bill draw payable at a certain time出票远期承兑交单
bill drawn on a letter of credit信用证汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time after date出票后…天后付款汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time after date出票后若干日付款汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time after sight见票后若干天付款汇票
bill drawn payable at a fixed date按规定日期付款汇票
bill duly protested经制成拒绝证书汇票
bill duplicate票据副页
bill endorsed in bank空白背书汇票
bill exchanger纸币兑换机
bill finance信贷
bill fold票据夹
bill for acceptance认付汇票
bill for collection托收期票
bill for term兑换期票
bill goods开列商品清单
bill head空白单据
bill in process of clearing交换中票据
bill insert账单插入件
bill loan票据贷款
bill merchant票据商
bill money备用现金
bill of approximate estimate概算书
bill of clearance出口报关单
bill of collection托收凭单
bill of complaint控诉状
bill of credit银行信用证
bill of credit取款凭证
bill of credit取款单
bill of entry报税通知单
bill of entry货物出入口报告书
bill of entry入港呈报表
bill of entry进口报关单
bill of exchange银行汇票
bill of exchange交换券
bill of goods adventure借贷抵押书
bill of health免疫证书
bill of health船舶检疫证书
bill of health检疫证 (书)
bill of lading运货证书
bill of lading提货拼单
bill of lading clause提单条款
bill of lading clause装载明细单
bill of lading date提单日期
bill of lading minimum charges提单单位运价
bill of legal cost诉讼费清单
bill of loading运货单
bill of material processor物品清单处理程序
bill of materials用料
bill of particulars明细单
bill of pratique无疫证书 (船只)
bill of pratique检疫证 (书)
bill of quantities建筑工程量清单
bill of quantities数量表
bill of quantities数量明细表
bill of quantities工程量表
bill of quantities建筑物成本构成数量明细表
bill of quantity contract工程量表合同
bill of sales卖契
bill of sales财产转让证书
bill of security抵押票据
bill of sight进口货临时报告书
bill of sight海关临时起岸的报关单
bill of sight临时查验报关单
bill of sufferance海关落货许可单
bill of sufferance卸货许可单
bill of sufferance免税装
bill of the hook大钩锁销
bill of transfer account转账单
bill of works工程报表
bill-of-lading freight提单运费
bill on deposit以汇票为担保的证券
bill passengers填报乘客名单
bill payable at a definite time预定时间付款汇票
bill payable at a fixed period after date出票后定期汇票
bill payable at fixed date定期付款票据
bill payable at fixed period after sight见票后定期付款汇票
bill payable at sight见票即付
bill payable at sight after a fixed period定期见票即付票据
bill payable by installment分期付汇票
bill payable on demand来取即付的汇票
bill quantity产品数量表数量
bill quantity产品、价目、数量单
bill receivable audit应收票据审计
bill register card账单登记卡
bill sold on condition of repurchase附有回购条件的售出票据
bill to fall due票据到期
bill to mature票据到期
bill to order须签字照付的票据
bill to order记名票据
bill to purchase出口结汇
bill undue未到期票据
bill undue期票
bill without credit非凭信用证开发的汇票
bill without credit非信用证签发的汇票
billed weight提单上的重量
bills book票据登记簿
bills discounted and remittance bought贴现及买汇
bills discounted daily list贴现票据日记账
bills discounted with collateral securities抵押贴现票据
bills due欠账
bills in three-parts三联单
bills of sale卖据
bills payable account库付票据账户
bills retired已清偿票据
blank back bill of lading背面空白提单
block bill宽刃斧
block bill宽斧
boat stations bill救生部署表【船】
bridging over bill架桥票据 (指临时过渡性票据)
captain's bill of lading随船提单
captain's bill of lading船长提单
captain's copy of a bill of lading提单的船长用抄本
cash a bill根据期票领取现款
cash management bills现金管理票据
change a bill成零钱
claused bill附有条件的票据
claused bill of lading附有条件的提单
clean bill of exchange普通汇票
clean bill of health无疫健康证明书
clean bill of health无疫证书 (船只)
clean bill of lading单纯提单
clean bill of lading不附带条件的提单
clean bill of lading清洁提
clean bill of lading洁净提单
clean on board bill of lading清洁装运提单
clean on board bill of lading已装船清洁提单
clean-up past due bill清理逾期票据
clearing of bills票据交换
collection book for bills票据回收账簿
collection of a bill托收
collection of documentary bill托收跟单汇票
commercial bill贸易票据
commercial bill market商业汇票市场
common form bill of lading通用格式提单
composite transport bill of lading联运提单
conditional bill of lading附有条件的提单
conditional bill of sale附条件销售单据
congen bill航运公会木材提单
consignment bill发货通知书
consignment bill火车运货契约
consolidated appropriation bill统一拨款法案
consolidator's bill of lading拼装承运商提单
conventional of the bill汇票的收款
counter signed bill of lading副署提单
current bill of lading现时提单
customs bill of entry海关进口船舶名单
customs bills of entry海关册
damage control bill船损管制部署表
date bill远期票据
deficiency bills补足票据
delivery against bill of lading凭提单交货
demand bill现期汇票
demand bill限期票据
descriptive bill附说明的账单
destination bill目的地提单
direct bill of lading直运提单
dirty bill of lading不清洁提
dirty bill of lading附有某些条件的提单
discharged bill付讫票据
discount on bill bought购入票据得贴现
discount on bill sold on condition of repurchase附有回购条件票据的贴现
discounted bill已贴现票据
discounting a bill票据贴现
discounting of bill of exchange汇票贴现
dishonored bill of exchange拒付汇票
dishonour a bill不承兑期票
dishonour a bill不支付期票
dispatch bill发货单
dispatch bill发送单
dispatching bill发货单
document acceptance bill认付时交还抵押单的汇票
document bill兑交单
documentary bill货物押汇汇票
documentary bill of exchange with letter of credit附有信用证的押汇汇票
documentary bill with letter of credit凭信押汇汇票
domestic bill国内票据
domestic currency bill国币汇票
drawn bill开出票据
due bill借约 (以服务抵偿)
duplicate bill of lading提单抄本
duplicate bill of lading副本提单
duplicate of way bill运单副本
duplicate of way bill铁路运单副本
eligible bill for rediscounting可再贴现票据
endorse over a bill to another one背书票据转让他人
endorsement of bill单据的背书
erecting bill安装顺序清单
erecting bill工程安装顺序清单 (指在常温湿度下)
erecting bill安装材料单
erecting bill构件明细表
exceptions noted on the bill of lading提单批注 (的免责事项)
exchange of liability on the bill免除汇票上的责任
export bill出口
export bill for collection出口汇票托收
export trade bill出口贸易票据
export usance bill出口远期汇票
fictitious bill空头票据
fictitious bill空头支票
fictitious bill of lading空头提单
finance bill金融票据
fire and rescue bill消防救生部署表
fire bill消防部署
fit the bill适应要求
foot the bill负担费用
foredated bill填早日期票据
foreign bank bill外国银行票据
foreign bill国外汇票
foreign bill of exchange外国汇
foreign currency bills payable可付外币
foul bill of health不洁检疫证书
foul bill of lading不洁提单
freight bill装货清单
freight bill运费清单
fuel bill燃料费账单
full set bill of lading全套提单
full terms bill of lading全保条件提单
general bill of lading提货单
general bill of lading货运总单
get an advance against the bill凭汇票取得贷款
groupage bill of lading拼箱提单
guarantee of a bill票据保证
guarantee of bills票据保证
guaranteed bill保证票据
hedge bill长柄镰
honor a bill支付期票
honour a bill支付期票
house air bill空运分提单
house bill内部汇票
house bill公司内部账单
house bill of laden运输代理人提单
house bill of lading分提单
housing bill住房议案
import airway bill of lading空运进口货物提单
inchoate bill缺项汇票
ineligible bills不合格票据
inland bill境内票据
inland waterway bill of lading内河航运提单
inland waterway bill of lading内陆水运提单
interest bill附利息票据
interest clause bill附利息条款票据
investment bill投资汇票
issue bill of lading出提单
issue of a bill of exchange签发汇票
issue of a bill of exchange出汇票
itemize bill分别开账
kill the bill否决议案
kite bill空头票据
knotting bill打结嘴
light bill灯标税单
loan bill贷款汇单
loans on bills票据抵押贷款
local bill of lading局部提单
local bill of lading国内运输提单
long form bill of lading全式提单
long form bill of lading详式提单
made bill境外待付票据
make out a bill开发票
marine bill of lading海运提
market bill市场国库券
market for bill exchange票据交换市场
matured bill到期汇票
meet a bill准备支付到期票据
memorandum copy of bill of lading提单抄本
minimum bill of lading charges最低提单费
multimodal transport bill of lading复合运输提单
named bill of lading记名提货单
negotiable bill可流通票据
negotiable bill of lading可流通提单
negotiated bills议付票据
negotiation of foreign bills议付外国汇票
nominal wage bill名义工资额
nominal wage bill名义工资总值
non-discountable bill不可贴现汇票
non-discountable bill不能贴现票据
non-eligible bank bills不合格银行汇票
non-eligible bank bills非合格银行汇票
non-negotiable bills of lading提单副本
non-negotiable bills of lading副本提单
non-negotiable copy of bill of lading不能提货的提单副本
non-negotiable copy of bill of lading非流通提单副本
note and bill discounted贴现票据及汇票
ocean bill of lading海洋提
ocean bill of lading海运提
ocean clean on board bill of lading已装船海洋清洁提单
official bill of lading正式提单
omnibus bill of lading混合提单
omnibus bill of lading总提单
on deck bill of lading舱面提单
on deck bill of lading甲板货提单
on deck bill of letter甲板货提单
on-board bill of lading装船提单
on-board bill of lading已装船提单
on-board endorsement bill of lading已装船背书提单
open bill of lading不记名提单
open bill of lading未填收货人的提单
optional bill of lading选港提单
optional bill of lading任选港提单
optional bill of lading选择港提单
order bill订料单
order bill定料单
order bill of lading提示提单
order bill of materials材料订单
original bills of lading提单正本
original bills of lading有效提单
outward documentary bill出口跟单汇票
over on bill附加运费
overdraft for export bills出口单据押汇透支
overland bill of lading水陆联运提单
parties liable on a bill of exchange负汇票上的债务的人
parties to a bill票据当事人
passable bill通用票据
passenger way-bill客运价格表
payment by bill汇票付款
peeled billed-wood剥皮圆材
periodical bill定期汇票
power bill动力消耗清单
predate bill of lading提前日期提单
priced bill工程概算表
priced bill标价工程数量清单
priced bill标价清单
priced bill of labor and material工料定价单
priced bill of labour and material工料定价单
priced bill of material and labor工料定价单
priced bill of material and labour工料定价单
priced bill of quantities工程概算表
priced bill of quantities投标单价
priced bill of quantities标价工程量清单
priced bill of quantities标有价格工料单
priced bill of quantities工程量标价清单
priced bill of quantities工料定价单
prime bill上等汇票
pro forma bill估价发票
pro forma bill估算单
problem of clean bill of lading清洁提单问题
protection and indemnity model bill of lading保赔标准提单格式
protest a bill拒付期票
protest of bill票据拒付证书
qualified acceptance of a bill of exchange附条件承兑汇票
qualified bill of lading加批注的提单
quantities bill工程量表
quarter bill部會表
quarter bill岗位表
railroad bill of lading铁路货运提单
railroad export bill of lading铁路外贸提单
railway bill of lading铁路提货单
real bill实质票据
received for shipment bill of lading备运提
received for shipment bill of lading收讫待运提单
red bill of lading红色提单
rediscounted bill再贴现票据
reexchange bill退汇汇票
remittance bill (单)
render a bill开账单
render bill开列账单
retired bill已付讫票据
return bill退汇汇票
set of bills of loading整套提单
settle bill付账
settle bill结账
shipments billed above cost计价高于成本之发货
shipments billed at cost发货按成本计价
shipping bill出口清单
shipping bill货物装船准单 (海关)
shipping bill装运单据
shipping bill装货清单
shop bill工厂材料单
short bill短期期票
short form bill of lading略式提单
sight bill来取即付的汇票
sight draft bill of lading即期付款信用证
split bill of lading分割提单
stale bill of lading迟期提单
station bill应变部署表
station bill岗位表
station bill部署表
station bill应急部署表
stick no bills请勿张贴
straight bill of lading直运提单
straight bills of lading直接提单
summary bill enforcement procedure简化票据生效程序
surrender bill of lading收回提单
surrender bill of lading交出提单
surrender of bills返还票据
tabulation of bill开账单
take-up a bill赎票
take-up bill已付讫票据
tax anticipation bills赋税抵偿国库券
tax anticipation bills税收共付票据
third party bill of lading以第三者为装船人的提单
through bill of lading通过提单
time bill discount远期票据贴现
total wage bill工资总额
trade bill贸易汇票
training bill训练大纲
transport revenue payment bill运输收入交款单
transshipment bill of lading转运提单
transshipment shipping bill转船货装船单
treasury bill国库证券
trucking company bill of lading汽车公司提单
un-billed works未开账单工程
unclean bill of lading不清洁提
undue bill未到期票据
uniform bill of lading统一提单
Uniform Bills of Lading Act统一提单法 (美国)
unpriced bill of quantities不带报价的工程量清单
usance bill远期汇票 (draft)
usance bill rate远期汇票贴现率
used up bill of lading已用提单
victualing bill船用保税食物报关单
victualling bill船用保税食物报关单
watch bill值班表
weigh bill称量清单
withdrawal of bill of lading收回提单
working bill作业票