
Terms for subject Textile industry containing bill | all forms | exact matches only
accept a bill of exchange承兑汇票
acceptance and settlement of import bills进口票据的承兑与清算
acceptance bill承兑票据
acceptance bill guarantee承兑汇票保证函
acceptance of a bill汇票承兑
acceptance of bills票据承兑
accepted bill number进口到货单编号
acceptor of bill汇票承兑人
accommodation bill of lading融通提单
accomplished bill of lading已使用提单
accomplished bill of lading已提货提单
account bill账目表
advanced bill预开发票
advanced bill of lading预借提单
advise method, bill of lading and date shipped请告知启运日、运输方式和提单日期
after acceptance bill承兑后付款票据
after acceptance bill承兑后付款汇票
after date bills开票日后付款汇票
after sight bill见票后即付汇票
air bill航空证券
air bill空运单
air bill of lading航空提单
air freight bill航空货运单
airmail bill of lading空邮提单
airway bill空运单
airway bill空运货单
airway bill货运提单
airway bill number空运单号
airway bill number空运货单号
airway bill of lading货运提单
alteration of bill票据涂改
alteration of bill票据更改
altered bill of lading经更改的提单
arrival bill货到付款汇票
bank bill纸币
bank bill转账票据
bank bill钞票
banker's acceptance bill银行承兑
banker's acceptance bill银行承兑票据
bill accepted已承兑票据
bill accepted票据承兑
bill accompanied by document跟单汇票
bill at long sight远期票据
bill at short sight近期票据
bill at sight即期会付款汇票
bill at sight即期汇票
bill at sight见票即付汇票
bill at the long run长期支票
Bill Atkinson比尔•阿特金森美国时装设计师
bill bearer持票人
bill bearer执票人
Bill Blass比尔・布拉斯1922〜,美国时装设计师
bill book汇票簿
bill book票据簿
bill book单据簿
bill book出纳簿
bill book报单簿
bill book发票簿
bill by negotiation逆汇
bill by remittance顺汇
bill center押汇中心
bill for negotiation贴现汇票
bill for negotiation转让汇票
bill for payment付款汇票
bill for payment付款票据
Bill Gibb比尔•吉布英国时装设计师
Bill Kaiserman比尔•凯泽曼美国时装设计师
bill lodged账单已提交
bill of exchange兑换券
bill of lading (B/L)
bill of lading attached附提单
bill of lading number提单号码
bill of lading original提单正本
bill of lading to be issue提单签发于
bill of lading to bearer不记名提单
bill of material物资清单
bill of parcels包装目录
bill of payment交付票据
bill of sale出货单
bill of sale抵押品承诺证书
bill of sale销货清单
bill of sight临时起岸报单
bill of store船上用品免税单
bill of store再输入免税单
bill of store海关免税单
bill on demand见票即付
bill on demand即期汇票
bill on maturity到期票据
bill on maturity到期后付款汇票
bill payable at long sight见票后远期照付汇票,见票远期照付票据
bill payable at sight见票即付票据
bill payable at sight见票即付汇票
bill payable to a specified person only不能转让汇票,不能转让票据
bill payable to bearer不记名汇票
bill payable to bearer不记名票据
bill purchased买入支票
bill purchased账单
bill receivable account应收票据账目
bill rendered开出票据
bill rendered账单已开
bill rendered已送账单
Bill Thomas比尔・托马斯美国著名戏剧服装设计师
Bill Tice比尔・苔丝美国女内衣设计师
bills payable付款单据
bills payable account应付票据账目
bills receivable收款单据
bills receivable应收账款
branch bill分行票据
buying rate for usance bill远期汇票买入价
cargo without bill of landing没有提单的货物
charges for negotiation of export bills出口押汇费
check and bill in process of collection收取中的支票和汇票
claused bill of exchange批注汇票
claused bill of exchange附条款汇票
claused bill of lading附条款提单
clean bill信用汇票
clean bill信用票据
clean bill发票
clean bill of draft不附条件的汇票
clean bill of draft无跟单汇票
clean bill of draft光票汇票
clean bill of draft无条件汇票
clean bill of exchange光票
clean bill of exchange不附带条件的汇票
client bill客户账单
collect bills收取汇票
collection of drafts and bills汇票托收
combined transport bill of lading联合运输提单,联运提单
commercial bill of lading商业提货单
commercial bill of lading商业提单
commodity import bill of lading商品进口提单
commodity import trade bill商品进口贸易票据
commodity import unasked bill商品进口远期汇票
complete set of bills全部票据
complete set of bills全套票据
complete set of bills of lading全套提单
consolidator's air bill集装航空运单
conversion of the bill汇票兑现
copy bill of lading copy提单副本
copy of bill of lading提单副本
credit bill收账汇票
currency of bill流通期间
currency of bill汇票期限
customs bill of lading海关提单
dirty bill of lading不清洁提单
discount bill贴现票据
document against acceptance bill跟单承兑汇票
document against acceptance bill承兑交单汇票
document against payment bill付款交单汇票
documentary bill押汇
documentary bill押汇汇票保险单汇票
documentary bill of exchange押汇汇票
documentary bill of exchange with L/C附信用证的跟单汇票
documents against payment bill付款交单汇票
duck bill bonnet鸭舌软帽
duck-bill bonnet鸭舌罩帽
duck bill bonnet鸭舌帽
duck-bill cap鸭舌帽
duck bills鸭嘴鞋
due bill借约
duplicate bill of lading提单副本
endorsed bill背书票据
exchange bill外汇票据
exchange bill汇票
export usance bills输岀远期汇票
fake bill伪造票据
fake bill伪造单据
foreign bill外国汇票
foreign bill外汇单
foreign bill外汇
foreign bill of exchange运费请求单
foreign bill of exchange外汇单
foreign currency bills payable可付外币票据
foreign currency bills payable外币付款票据
freight collect bill of lading运费到付提单
full set of bills of lading整套提单,全套提单
general bill of lading一般提单
general bill of lading通用提单
general bill of lading总提单
general bill of lading货运总提单
government bill of lading政府海运提单
government bill of lading政府提单
guarantee of bill票据保证
home currency bill本国币汇票
home currency bill本币汇票
honor a bill承兑票据
honor a bill承兑汇票
house air bill运动行签发的航空托运单
house air bill空运货物单据
house air bill航空运送单
house bill房屋清单
house bill房票
house bill商号票据
import air way bill进口空运提单
import air way bill空运进口货物提单
import air way bill进口空运单
import bill进口票据
import bill输入汇票
import bill of lading输入提单
import bill of lading进口提单
inchoate bill空白汇票
incoming bill for collection收到托收票据
indirect bill间接汇票
indorsed bill已背书票据
inland bill of lading陆运提单
inland water bill of lading内河提单
intermodal bill联运票据
intermodal bill联运单
intermodal bill联运单据
intermodal bill of lading联运提单
international law of bill国际票据法
international multimodal transport bill国际联运货单
international multimodal transport bill国际联运提单
international multimodal transport bill国际多式联运提单
international transhipment shipping bill国际转船单
international transhipment shipping bill国际转运单
international transport bill国际运输单据
inward bill应收票据
inward bill of lading内运提单
inward bill of lading进口提单
jointed bill of lading联合提单
jointed bill of lading接合提单
judgement of bill票据鉴定
jump a bill拒绝承兑
laundry bill洗衣凭单
liner bill of lading班机提单
livestock bill of lading牲畜提单
loaded bill of lading已装船提单
long bill远期汇票
long bill远期期票
long bill远期票据
long dated bill远期票据
long from bill of lading详式提单,全式提单,繁式提单
long-run bill长期汇票
long-term bill长期票据
lost bill遗失票据
made bill本国开出国外支付的票据
made bill开给第三者的票据
maritime transportation bill海运单据
maritime transportation bill of lading海运提单
master airway bill空运主提单
master airway bill大提单
master airway bill总航空运单
master bill of lading主提单
master bill of lading大提单
master bill of lading总提单
master bill of lading集合提单
memorandum bill of lading备忘提单
memorandum bill of lading提单副本
merchant bill商人汇票
merchant bill商业汇票
minimum bill of lading最小量货物提单
minimum bill of lading小批货物提货单
minimum bill of lading最低运费提单
multimodal transport bill of lading联运提单
multitransport bill of lading联运提单
negotiable bill可转让的票据
negotiation of a bill票据转让
negotiation of a bill票据议付
network bill of lading网上提单
neutral party bill of lading中性提单,第三者提单
non-negotiable copy of bill of lading不可转让提单副本,非流通提单副本
non-value bill废票
note and bill payable应付票据
note and bill receivable应收票据
ocean bill of lading远洋运输提单
order bill of lading可转让提单
order bill of lading记名提单
order bill of lading指示提单
ordered bill of lading指定提单
original bill of lading提单正本
outward bill出口[货物]清单
outward bill出口票据
overdue bill过期未付汇票
overdue bill逾期汇票
overdue bill过期票据
parcel bill包裹清单
party to a bill of exchange汇票当事人,汇票关系人
pay a bill付账单
pay a bill付账
pay bill付款单
periodic bill定期票据
portage bill船员工薪单
post-dated bill远期支票
post-dated bill预填日期票据
presentment of bill of exchange汇票提示
prime bank bill无风险票据
prime bank bill优等银行票据
prime bill无风险票据
pro forma bill估价单
prolongation of bill汇票延期
qualified acceptance of bill有条件的票据兑现
quality of bill of exchange汇票质量
race bill兑现支票
railroad bill of lading铁路货运单
railroad bill of lading铁路提单
railway bill of lading铁路货运提单
ransom bill赎回证书
ransom bill赎回票据
receipted bill已收汇票
received bill of lading待装提单
reckon up the bill合计账单
recover the value of the bill索取汇票款额
red bill of lading红线提单
reexchange bill退回汇票
rejected bill拒付票据
rejected bill拒付汇票
released bill of lading放行提单
remit a bill for collection兑现汇票,汇寄票据收款
remittance bill汇票
remittance bill汇款单
renewal bill展期票据
renewal bill转期票据
renewal of bill转期票据
renewal of bill票据延期
repair bill修理费单
repair bill修理清单
retire a bill赎票
retire bill赎单
return bill退票
returned bill退回票据
returned bill退回汇票
revenue bills岁入法案
reverse side of a bill of lading提单背面
security bill证券担保汇票
set bill成套票据
set bill成套汇票
settle a bill结账
settle a bill付账
settle a bill付清账单
ship bill of sale船舶出售票据
shipment bill of lading船运提单
shipment bill of lading装运提单
shipped bill of lading已装船提单
shipper's order bill of lading发货人指示提单
shipping bill海运单据
shipping bill装船清单
shipping bill船货详单
short bill代收票据
short bill短期票据
short-dated bill短期汇票
short-dated bill短期票据
short-term bill短期汇票
short-time bill短期票据
short-time bill短期汇票
show bill广告
sight bill即期汇票
sight draft with bill of lading即期提单
sight draft with bill of lading attached附提单即期汇票
sola bill单张汇票
sola bill单张票据
sold bill销售证券
sold bill售岀票据
sole bill单张票据
spent bill of lading已用提单
spoilage bill作废汇票
spoilage bill废票
spoilage bill作废票据
stale bill过期票据
stale bill失效票据
stolen bill被窃票据
straight bill of lading直交提单
straight bill of lading不转让提单
straight bill of lading直接提单
sub-bill of lading提单副本
sum due on a bill到期票据金额
supplemental bill补充账单
supplemental bill追加账单
surety for a bill为票据担保
swan bill busk匙状胸衣
swan bill busk梨形胸衣
table a bill提出议案
take out of bill赎单
take-up bill赎单
take-up bill承兑汇票
take-up bill付清账单
take-up bill赎票
term sight bill远期票据
term sight bill定期的见票即付汇票
term sight bill定期汇票
third-country bill第三国汇票
through bill联运单据
through bill联运提单
through bill of lading联运提货单
time bill定期票据
transfer bill转让票据
transfer bill of lading转让提单
transferable bill可转让票据
transferable bill of lading可转让提单
transhipment bill of lading转船单
transhipment shipping bill货物转船清单
treasure bill国库券
treasury accommodation bill融通汇票
treasury accommodation bill融通证券
treasury bill国库券
treasury bill futures market国库券期货市场
treasury bill market国库券市场
treasury bill rate债券率
trucking company bill of lading卡车提单,货车提单,汽车运输公司提单
undated bill无日期票据
under bill无日期汇票
usance banker's bill远期银行汇票
usance bill of exchange远期汇票
used-up bill of lading已使用提单
used-up bill of lading已提货提单
value bill估价单
victualing bill船上用品报关单
wage bill工资总额
way-bill of lading提货单
weekly bill周账单
weight bill重量单