
Terms for subject General containing big | all forms | exact matches only
a big leapin…方面的大跃进
a big variety种类很多
as bigM 和 M —样大〔快〕 (os)
as big as life确确实实
as big as life亲自
as big as life与原物一般大小
as big as possible尽可能地大〔快〕
At last, we are in the Big Apple! Now we have to take a subway to get to the village. Don't we need to buy a subway map?我们终于来到纽约!要去乡村的话我们就必须坐地铁。需不需要买一张地铁路线图?
Big Apple纽约
big ball有效钩球
Big Ben英国国会大厦塔顶上的大本钟
Big Ben伦敦英国议院大厦钟塔上的大钟
Big Ben大本钟
Big Bird satellite"大鸟"卫星美国的一种侦察卫星
big city
big close shot大特写镜头
big-club system大梅花叫牌法
big diamond system大方块叫牌法
big ear四大球
big ear大四
big ear大耳朵
big fill大清扫
big five五大球
big five大五
big four四大球
Big Four大四星最早发现的四颗小行星:谷、智、婚、灶四神星
big four大四
big four大耳朵
big frame大架
big Mac巨无霸
be big on喜〔偏〕爱
big or small大小
big outside wheel大外车
big shot名人
big slam大满贯
big spin大转
big top最大顶分
big words夸张之词
big words大话
bigger big的比较级
come the big figare出风头
come the big figare摆阔气
come the big figare彻底地干
four times as big as如同N的四倍那么大 (N)
French dish is tasty and it offers a big variety法国菜很好吃,而且种类很多
go over big非常成功
go over big大受欢迎
go in for agriculture in a big way大办农业
go the big figare摆阔气
go the big figare出风头
go the big figare彻底地干
in a big way大规模地
in a big way彻底地
in a big way强调地
in big lumps大量地
in big lumps成堆地
In fact, the Hollywood studio staple has for a while been the big budget extravaganza that will sell overseas实际上,为了其主要影片能够走向国际,好莱坞曾一度为其每部大片预备了大量资金
It's so good to have Big Ben here这儿有个大本钟真好
make big飞黄腾达
make big取得显著成绩
pulling big pipe大直径钻管〔从油井七〕的拉出
rattling big distance极远极远
talk big吹牛
talk big自吹自擂
talk big说大话
tall and big高大
The big napkin goes on my lap大餐巾就摊放在大腿
The biggest store of Adidas is in Sanlitun Village in Beijing最大的阿迪达斯专卖店位于北京的三里屯
the moon is much close to us than any other star, that is why it looks so big月亮比其他任何星球离我们都近得多,这就是为什么它看上去那么大
There's a big fountain. Go past the fountain, turn right at the corner, and the Rockefeller Center's on the right有一个很大的喷水池。走过喷水池,在转角右转,洛克菲勒中心就在右手边
this is the biggest hot spring yet discovered这是迄今为止发现的最大的温泉
Well, it's too big. It might fall down and hurt somebody. Could you place it under the seat in front of you, please?嗯,这包太大了,可能会掉下来砸伤人。把它放在您前面的座位下面好吗?
with big strides迈步地
with big strides大踏步地