
Terms for subject Finances containing best | all forms | exact matches only
at-best order最佳价格盘
best ask最低叫价
best efforts尽力而为
best-efforts commitment尽力而为承诺
best-efforts offering尽力而为发售
best-efforts selling尽力而为发售
best-efforts underwriting尽力而为承销
best efforts underwriting尽力而为承销
best execution最佳执行
best execution price最佳成交价
best lending rate最优惠贷款率
best practice最佳惯例
best price最佳价格
best price rule最佳价格规则
best recipe最佳处方
historical best cost of the domestic industry国内同行业历史先进成本
in the best interests of the client符合客户的最佳利益
management best practice管理最佳做法
principle of best execution以最佳价格/条件执行交易的原则