
Terms for subject China containing before | all forms | exact matches only
approval before sth. go into effect批准后生效
before an auction拍卖前
before bring a lawsuit起诉前
before examination and acceptance未经验收
before filing a lawsuit在起诉前
before making an award作出裁决前
before or after the establishment成立以前或以后
before the alteration变造之前
before the elapse of one year after given a disciplinary warning在受到警告处罚后一年
before the establishment成立前
before the expiration of the approved time limit on use在批准的使用期限内
before the ship sails开航前
before this law goes into effect本法施行以前
case transferred for examination before prosecution移送审查起诉的案件
deliberate a bill at three different meetings of the Standing Committee before it is voted on常委会"三读"法律案
Development should go before anything else发展是硬道理
equality before the law法律面前一律平等
flinch before a battle临阵畏缩
listed before tax税前列支
no less favourable than before不低于原来的标准
principles of planning before construction先规划后建设的原则
property preservation before litigation诉前财产保全
retire before reaching the retirement age提前退休
the year before上年
withdraw from the hearing before it is over中途退庭