
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing bed | all forms | exact matches only
accretion bed加积层
active source bed有效生油层
active source bed活跃生油层
adjacent bed邻层
adjacent bed effect围岩影响
adjacent-bed effect邻层效应
adjacent bed resistivity围岩电阻率
adjacent bed shield effect邻层屏蔽影响
alluvial bed冲积河床
anchor bed锚床
anode ground bed阳极接地床
apparent bed thickness视地层厚度
backset bed后积层
bacteria bed细菌滤床
bar near river bed滨河床沙坝
barrier bed遮挡层
barrier bed隔层
basal bed基底层位
basal bed底部岩层
bed bottom床底
bed boundary地层界面
bed-by-bed analysis逐层分析
bed capacity床层容量
bed thickness correction层厚校正
bed cracking床层裂化
bed density密度
bed depth滤层厚度
bed depth床层深度
bed expansion ratio床层膨胀比
bed filtration多层过滤
bed form roughness底床糙度
bed form superimposition床砂叠加作用
bed geometric factor地层几何因子
bed geometry地层几何形态
bed interface层界面
bed joint平层节理
bed load底负荷
bed-load channel fill底荷河道沉积
bed load function搬运速率
bed material河床质
bed-normal stylolite立层缝合线
bed of debris井底岩屑垫层
bed of nails二维梳状函数
bed of nails二维取样函数
bed-parallel fracture顺层裂缝
bed-parallel stylolite顺层缝合线
bed phase河床相
bed plane层面
bed reactor床层反应器
bed relief基岩起伏
bed resistivity层电阻率
bed resolution分层能力
bed response地层响应
bed ripple沙纹
bed roughness河床粗糙度
bed sample油层油样
bed sample地层标本
bed separation分层作用
bed separation层状剥离作用
bed set层组
bed silt底粉砂
bed silt床砂
bed stratum岩层
bed succession地层序列
boiling bed沸腾床
bottomset bed底积层
boulder bed漂砾层
Campiler beds坎坡层
catalyst bed skimming催化剂床层撇头
catalytic bed催化床层
Catskill beds卡茨基尔层
channel bed河床
channel bed河槽
chromatographic bed色谱床
coal-bed gas煤层气
conductive shoulder bed低阻围岩
confining bed赋压层
contact bed接触滤床
contact bed生化滤层
contact bed分界层
contorted bed褶皱层
Crinoid bed海百合层
cuttings bed岩屑垫层
cuttings bed岩屑床
cycle flow bed循环流动床
cyclo tube fluidized bed reactor环管流化床反应器
datum bed基准层
datum bed标准层
deep anode bed深阳极地床
deep-bed filter深床过滤器
deep bed filter深床过滤器
deep bed filtration深滤床过滤
deep-bed formation plugging地层深部堵塞
deep-sea bed深海床
deepwell ground bed深井地床
dense bed密相床
dense bed cracking密相床层裂化
dense bubbling fluidized bed密相鼓泡流化床
dense phase fluidized bed密相流化床
diapiric mother bed底辟母岩层
dipping bed algorithm倾斜层算法
discrete bed不连续床
disrupted bed断裂岩层
disrupted bed断裂层
double bed filter双层过滤器
down-flow fixed bed下行式固定床
down-flow fixed bed下流式固定床
drift bed坡积
drift bed漂磧
dry bed dehydrator干燥床层脱水器
dry-bed dehydrator干床脱水器
dry bed desulphurization干床法脱硫
dry river bed干河床
easy-to-wash bed易冲蚀地层
ebullated bed combustion沸腾床燃烧
ebullated bed regenerator沸腾床再生器
ebullated bed residual hydrocracking沸腾床渣油加氢裂化
ebullated bed technique沸腾床技术
effective source bed有效烃源层
effervescent bed沸腾床
equivalent beds相当地层
equivalent beds同位地层
filter bed滤床
filter bed滤池
fire bed火层
fixed adsorbent bed固定吸附剂床
fixed bed固定固体
fixed bed adsorption固定床吸附
fixed bed alkylation固定床烷基化
fixed bed catalyst固定床催化剂
fixed-bed catalyst chamber固定床催化剂反应器
fixed-bed catalytic cracking固定床催化裂化
fixed bed catalytic reforming process固定床催化重整过程
fixed-bed hydroforming固定床临氢重整
fixed bed reactor固定床反应器
fixed bed swing reactor reforming切换反应器固定床重整
fixed fluid bed reactor固定流化床反应器
fixed fluidized bed固定式流化床
fixed water bed固定水垫层
flat bed平坦底床
flat bed平坦层
flat-bed crawler truck履带式平板货车
flat-bed trailer平板车
flat bed truck平板卡车
flat dipping beds缓倾斜层
flowing bed流动床
fluid bed adsorption流化床吸附
fluid bed catalyst流化催化剂
fluid-bed catalytic cracking unit流化床催化裂化装置
fluid bed cracking流化床裂化
fluid bed dehydrogenation流化床脱氢
fluid bed expansion ratio流化床膨胀比
fluid bed gasification流化床气化
fluid bed process流化床过程
fluid bed shale retorting process流化床页岩干馏过程
fluid flowing bed pyrolytic cracking流化流动床裂解法
fluidized bed coal-fired heater流化床烧煤加热炉
fluidized bed combustor流化床燃烧器
fluidized-bed hydrodesulfurization流化床加氢脱硫
fluidized bed incinerator流化焚烧炉
fluidized-bed reactor流化床反应器
foreset bed前积层
forking bed分叉岩层
fossil bed化石层
fossil river bed古河床
foundation bed基底岩层
foundation bed基底土层
gas fluidized bed气体流化床
gas-bearing bed含气层
graded bed递变层
graded-stratified bed层理状递变层
gravel bed砾石层
gravel pack bed砾石充填层
ground bed接地床
ground bed of drainage接地排流
hard-bed stream石底河流
high-speed bed高速层
homogeneous permeable bed均质渗透层
horizontally-laminated bed水平纹层
impervious bed隔层
impervious bed非渗透层
incompetent bed软岩层
intraformational bed层内夹层
key source bed主要 源层
liquid fluidized bed液体流化床
major river bed主河床
marine bed海床
marker bed标准地层
media bed滤床
media bed介质床
microlaminated bed微层状岩层
movable bed底质移动河床
moving bed catalytic cracking移动床催化裂化
moving-bed catalytic reforming移动床催化重整
moving-bed gasifier移动床气化器
multiple sandstone bed叠覆砂岩层
multistage bed多级床
natural bed自然层
natural bed平行成层
non-invaded bed未侵入层
nonsequential bed缺失层
nonsequential bed无序层
nonsequential bed间断层
normal-to-bed depth垂直层面深度
ocean bed洋底
oil source bed生油层
overturned bed倒转地层
packed bed致密层
packed bed填料床
packed bed人造油层
packed bed de-dusting scrubber填料床洗涤除尘器
passage bed过渡层
pay bed油气富集层
peat bed泥炭层
pebble bed卵石热载体
pebble bed卵石层
permanent bed常流河床
permeable confining bed可渗透封闭层
pervious bed渗透层
petroleum source bed油源层
petroliferous bed含油岩层
pipe bed管垫
pipe bed管床
Portage bed波尔提季层 (D3)
potential source bed潜在烃源层
pressurized fluidized bed hydroretorting加压流化床加宜干馏
proppant bed deposition支撑剂沉淀层
quiescent fluidized bed平静流化床
rapid bed快速床
recent bed近代沉积层
rectifier bed整流地床
red bed红色岩层
red bed红层
regular bed稳定岩层
reinforced concrete bed钢筋混凝土地基
repetition of bed地层重复
resistive bed高阻层
rock cavern with fixed water bed定水垫洞罐
rock cavern with mobile water bed动水垫洞罐
rocky bed岩石河床
salt bed盐层
salt bed storage盐层储洞
sandy bed砂质层
sandy gravel bed砂砾层
sea bed coring海床取心
sea bed echo海底回声
sea bed movement海底移动
sea-bed topography海底地貌
seismic marker bed地震标准层
semi-fluidized bed半流化床
settled proppant bed支撑剂沉淀层
shale bed页岩层
shallow anode bed浅阳极地床
shallow ground bed浅埋阳极地床
shallow ground bed浅埋地床
shaly bed页岩夹层
shifting bed游荡性河床
shoulder bed邻层
shoulder-bed correction围岩校正
shoulder-bed effect围岩影响
shoulder bed effect邻层效应
shoulder bed resistivity邻层电阻率
side-bed correction围岩校正
side-bed resistivity围岩电阻率
silting bed淤积层
simulated moving bed模拟移动床
simulated moving bed separator模拟移动床分离器
simulation moving bed模拟移动床
simulation moving bed仿真移动床
sitting on the sea bed座底
sludge drying bed污泥干化床
sludge-drying bed污泥干化场
slurry bed扰动地层
sodium-zeolite ion exchange bed钠沸石离子交换床
solid-bed dehydration固体床脱水
solid bed sweetening固体床脱硫
source-bed identification生油层鉴别
stationary solid bed固定固体
steep-dipping bed陡倾斜岩层
surface key bed地表基准层
surrounding bed围岩层
tail bed尾座
target bed目的层
thick bed厚层
thin bed薄层
thin bed reflection薄层反射
thin-bed resistivity tool薄层电阻率测井仪
thin bed resolution薄层分辨能力
thin bed response薄层响应
topset bed顶积层
transition bed转变层
transition bed过渡层
turbulent fluidized bed湍流流化床
underlying bed下伏层
unpenetrated bed未穿透岩层
vertical ground bed垂向地床
vertical-dipping bed垂直岩层
vibrating fluidized bed dryer振动式流化床干燥器