
Terms containing become | all forms | exact matches only
econ.A brand name has become a vital part of a product's identity商标名称已经成了产品身份极重要的组成部分
commer.A firm-offer can only be revoked when it becomes invalid一个实盘只能在它失效时才可撤回
expl.accidental initiations often involves situations where the explosive is exposed to impact or become squeezed between impacting objects意外引爆通常是由于炸药暴露在环境中受到撞击、或与撞击物体之间发生挤压摩擦所导致的
proj.manag.All had become used to swollen export and tax revenues and face readjustment这些国家在危机到来前都已习惯了盆满钵满的出口和税收收入、 现在都面临着重新调整
econ.All rights vested in the agent shall become valid the moment the agency agreement is signed代理协议一经签署,赋予代理商的一切权利即宣告有效
expl.Also, the explosives user would be wise to become aware of the variation in vibration sensitivities of different structures, utilities, facilities and materials, and to make note of the conditions near his operations此外、明智的炸药用户还须知道不同的结构、公用设施、设备和用具对振动感度的变化、而且要记录爆破场地附近的情况
UN, tech.ammunition that becomes unserviceable失效的弹药
UN, tech.ammunition that has become hazardous by damage or deterioration由于受损或变质而具有危险性的弹药
vent.An air-conditioner or humidifier filter can quickly become inundated with dust, soot, pet dander, and even potentially harmful bacteria空调或者加湿器的过滤器很快就会被灰尘、烟灰、宠物皮屑和有害细菌感染
proj.manag."Anybody that starts off as a hedger becomes a gambler and I have taken too many losses from hedging, so I don't do it anymore," he says他表示:"任何一个最初以对冲为动机的人、最终都会变成一个赌徒。我在对冲上损失了太多的钱、因此我不会再这么做了"
gen.Applicants who provide incorrect information may become permanent ineligible to enter the United States提供错误信息,申请人有可能永远不符合条件进入美国
met.arrest point at which alpha iron becomes magnetic on cooling居里点768⁰C
met.arrest point at which alpha iron becomes magnetic on cooling冷却时磁性转变点
gen.arrest point at which alpha iron becomes non-magnetic on heating居里点768° C
gen.arrest point at which alpha iron becomes non-magnetic on heating加热时磁性转变点
gen.As you faint, the doctor said, as your neck goes limp and your head flops, your windpipe becomes blocked and you can't breathe医生说,当你昏厥时,颈部松弛,脑袋侧偏,会阻塞气管,让你无法呼吸
econ.At the finish oil shares became active收盘时,石油股票很活跃
China, lawat the time when the mortgage contract becomes valid抵押合同生效时
China, lawauction shall become null and void拍卖无效
China, lawautomatically become null and void自动失效
met.be refined to become steel精炼成钢 (In the WORCRA process, blast furnace hot metal is refined to become steel as it flows through a launder-shaped furnace using sequential oxygen lancing and the countercurrent flow of slag. 在 WORCRA 连续炼钢法中,当高炉铁水流经一个槽形炉时,通过采用连续喷氧和炉渣的逆向流动,高炉铁水精炼成钢。)
econ.Because of the interference from the third party, things became more complicated由于第三方的介入,事情变得更复杂了
econ.Because the cases have become thoroughly damp with water, we shall not let them go forward由于这些箱子完全受潮,我们不能把这些箱子运出去
gen.become a football of变成玩弄品
gen.become a mere formality流于形式
China, lawbecome abnormal失常
gen.become alienated from reality脱离实际
tech.become annulled废止
tech.become annulled作废
gen.become aware of开始注意意识
gen.become aware of发觉
gen.become aware of发〔察〕觉
gen.become aware that开始注意意识
gen.become aware that发〔察〕觉
textilebecome bankrupt倒闭
textilebecome bankrupt破产
interntl.trade.become bankrupt倒账
fin.become bankrupt倒帐
China, lawbecome bumpy坑漕
agric.become calm平息
commer.become commercialized商品化
securit.become compatible with internationally accepted practices与国际惯例接轨
gen.become confused慌乱
gen.become confused发慌
gen.become conscious of觉得
gen.become conscious of知道
gen.become conscious of发觉
gen.become conscious of意识到
gen.become conscious that觉得
gen.become conscious that知道
gen.become conscious that发觉
gen.become conscious that意识到
securit.become debt ridden债务累累
fin.become debt-ridden债台高筑
China, polit.ideas become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people思想深入人心
China, lawbecome disabled at work因公致残
interntl.trade.become due到期
commer.become due票据到期
proj.manag.become fall due应付的
proj.manag.become fall due将到期付款
proj.manag.become fall due到期的
fin.become or fall due到期
fin.become or fall due期满
tech.become due期满
tech.become due满期
gen.become due票据到期
China, polit.become educated through independent study自学成才
textilebecome effect生效
commer.become effective生效 (与失效(become invalid) 相对)
China, polit.become effective实施
interntl.trade.become effective生效
busin.become effective开始生效
China, lawbecome effective as of the date of execution自签订之日起生效
gen.become enthusiastic about热心于
gen.become enthusiastic over热心于
gen.become feasible成为可能的
gen.become flat泄气
gen.become food for fishes葬身鱼腹
China, lawbecome fugitive在逃
textilebecome impoverished破产
textilebecome insolvent破产
textilebecome invalid失效
econ.become knowledgeable and professional知识化和专业化
gen.become known出名
China, lawbecome legally effective发生法律效力
gen.become less widespread不大普遍了
dril.become lodge in a hole留在井中
tech.become lodge in a hole留在孔内
China, polit.become more alert to the possibility of danger增强忧患意识
China, polit.become more aware of potential problems增强忧患意识
become of结局是
become of变成
become of发生
busin.become old before their time早期衰老
gen.become one成为一体
mil.become operational开始运行
interntl.trade.become operative生效
textilebecome partner入股
securit.become partner成为合伙人
securit.become partner人股
gen.become popular
busin.become reconciled和解
China, lawbecome reconciled after conciliation调解和好
gen.become rusty from disuse因不用而生锈
China, polit.become second nature for everyone成为每个人的自觉行动
tech.become shareholder入股
securit.become shareholder成为股东
securit.become shareholder参股
securit.become shareholder人股
tech.become stuck in a hole卡在孔内
gen.become used to弄惯
gen.become used to变得习惯于
China, lawbecome vacant出缺
China, lawbecome valid发生效力
econ.become wealthy致富
busin.become wealthy发财致富
econ.become wealthy by illegal and dishonest method发横财
econ.become wealthy by illegal and dishonest method发不义之财
interntl.trade.become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods发不义之财
interntl.trade.become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods发横财
adv.Blackglama-Great Lakes Mink, "What becomes a legend most?"宝嘉美一五大湖皮草、"是什么活在传奇里" 、Peter Rogers 集团、20世纪60年代 (Peter Rogers Group)
gen.brakes become heated while stopping an automobile or a train制动闸在刹住汽车或火车时会变热
sport.Britain's Iron man Daley Thompson won the decathlon and became only the second man ever to retain his Olympic title英国"铁人"汤普森赢得男子十项全能金牌、成为第二位卫冕奥林匹克"铁人"美名的运动员
econ.Civil servants shall not become agents of any company国家公务员不应成为任何公司的代理人
proj.manag.Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public当20世纪80年代个人电脑开始普及之后、电脑艺术也时髦起来
expl.Connectors with built-in delay detonators, allowing the design of complex delay shots, became available as early as the 1950s装有嵌人式延时雷管的连接器早在20世纪50年代已付诸使用、借此进行程序复杂的延时爆破设计
cloth.Cotton is woven into voile and then voile becomes material of clothes棉花纺织成纱,然后成为制衣材料
interntl.trade.date on which payment becomes due付款到期日
tech.date on which the claim become due应履行债务日期
interntl.trade.date on which the claim becomes due债务到期日
econ.date on which the claim becomes due应履行债务的日期
shipb.date on which the claim becomes due索赔要求到期日
China, lawdate the judgment becomes final判决确定之日
tech.date to which payment becomes due付款到期日
gen.For me, drawing is a form of therapy, but also, quietly, it has become a passion对我来说,绘画是一种治疗方式,但同样,它也悄悄地成了一种激情
gen.His breathing has become increasingly difficult他呼吸越来越困难
commer.If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent如果买方在货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提单已交付买方或其代理人,卖方仍有权停止交货
commer.In that case, the contract will become null and void那样,合约将无效
dentist.In the advanced stage, teeth become loose because of destruction of the supporting bone接下来牙齿会因为牙周支持骨的丧失而松动
proj.manag.It became the fourth largest economy in the world in 2005, and is second in terms of purchasing power parity2005年、中国已成为世界第四大经济体、若以购买力平价标准衡量的话、甚至是世界第二大经济体
econ.It has become impossible to execute your order No. 2020 by the end of July7月底前完成贵方2020号定货已不可能
econ.It is entirely understood and agreed that if either of the parties becomes insolvent, this contract will be terminated双方完全理解并同意,缔约双方中有一方成为破产债务人,本合同即告终止
manag.item do not become obsolete各项不会变为陈腐过时
manag.items do not become obsolete各项不会变为陈腐过时
sport., cloth.It's a good opportunity for us, as we want to become an international, specialist sports brand我们想成为国际的、专业的运动品牌,这是一个好机会
sport.Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成为这个男子项目中第一个在47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒
winemak.Large-scale production of vodka began in Poland in the 16th century, and it has become a major export from the 17th century伏特加大量生产始于16世纪的波兰,从17世纪起,就成为这个国家主要的出口商品
proj.manag.Motorola China R&D Institute is helping us become the leader in telecommunication and semiconductor industries摩托罗拉中国研究院将促使我们成为通信和半导体工业领域的领导者
econ.Mr. John Smith became partner in a firm约翰・史密斯先生做了一家商行的合伙人
gen.Niagara Falls becomes a tired old tourist sight尼亚加拉瀑布已经成为一个老掉牙的景点了
econ.Only when the trade becomes truly international, can commodities be circulated freely只有当贸易真正国际化了,商品才能自由地流通
telecom.Our goal is to become your most reliable supplier of professional mobile power我们的目标是成为您最可靠的专业移动电源供应商
tech.plus and become symbol插值符号
agric.prices become firm物价稳定
busin.production becomes divorced from marketing产销脱节
tech.products become hot on the market热门货 (品)
busin.products that become hot on the market热门货
China, lawsecondment for training to become experienced挂职锻炼
fin.shake off poverty and become prosperous脱贫致富
gen.She only became coherent again two hours after the attack她疾病发作两小时后,才恢复了清楚说话的能力
securit.strive to become well-to-do奔小康
gen.supplies are materials used in the production process but which do not become a part of the product消耗品是用于生产过程而又不转化成产品成分的各种物料
gen.That's the way it is, so they become more and more impatient就是这么回事,所以他们越来越不耐烦
econ.The contract became overdue此合同已过期
econ.The contract would terminate if the joint venture corporation should become dissolved如合营公司解散,契约即告终止
winemak.The customers, both at home and on vacation abroad, have become the biggest buyers of Louis Vuitton clothes and handbags and hennessy cognac国内和在海外度假的消费者是路易・威登服装、手包以及轩尼诗干邑的最大买家
econ.The debts the debtor is unable to pay are likely to become bad ones债务人未能清偿的欠债很可能成为呆账
econ.The exclusive license granted to your company will become non-exclusive when the following conditions occur...如果发生下述情况,授予贵公司的专营许可证即成为非专营许可证…
econ.The interest of the money will become due and payable on Sep. 5, 1999利息将于 1999 年9月5日到期并予以付讫
station.The map in the atlas itself indicated that significant portions of Greenland's coastline had become ice-free地图集里的地图表明,格陵兰岛绝大部分的海岸线都已经成为不冻区
commer.The new agreement becomes effective from December新协议从十二月一日起生效
commer.The new regulation became operative on 1st August新规章已于八月一日生效
commer.The offer will remain valid until June 30, after which date it becomes null and void本报盘六月三十日前有效,过期无效
econ.The seller can require cash payment before shipment if he judges that the buyer's financial responsibility becomes impaired如卖方判断买方的财务能力已削弱时卖方可要求发货之前先行支付现款
commer.The seller may retain the goods when the buyer is in default or he has become insolvent卖方可扣留货物,如果买方违约或无力清偿债务
econ.The store became involved in receivership n., and we had to terminate the agreement with该店卷入了财务清算,我方不得不终止与该店订的协议
dentist.The teeth may become sensitive to hot and cold food for a while洗完牙后牙齿会出现对冷热食物敏感的现象
gen.The Valentine's Day became associated with romantic love in the Middle Ages in England圣瓦伦廷节与爱情发生关联是在中世纪的英格兰
econ.There is no question that the market will become normal市场转向正常是没有问题的
econ.This difficult job became an encumbrance to him这件困难的工作成为他的累赘
commer.This dress becomes an old lady这种衣服适合老年妇女
gen.This dress is very stylish and really becomes you这件裙子很时髦,而且很适合你
expl.This material is recognized as being likely to become airborne and farm an aerosol хим. and considered to be capable of being inhaled by humans, penetrating the gas exchange region of the lungs人们注意到、这种物质很可能悬浮在空中、称为悬浮微粒。并认为这种物质可由人呼进肺腑、穿透肺部的气体交换区
tech.times and becomes symbol乘值符号
agric.to become thoroughly decomposed腐熟作用
China, polit.top leaders became personally involved主要领导亲自抓
nautic., tech.very high waves with long over hanging crests. the resulting foam in great patches is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of wind. on the whole the surface of the sea takes a white appearance. tumbling of sea becomes heavy and shock like. visibility affected.狂涛,波峰长而翻卷,大片白沫密集地随风成 串飞溅,整个海面成白色,海面翻滚动荡汹涌 澎湃,影响能见度。
el.We aspire to be the foremost manufacturer of aircraft instrumentation in North America, while you want to become a leading distributor of aircraft instrumentation in East Asia我们追求成为北美地区最重要的飞机仪表制造商,而你们则希望成为东亚地区领先的飞机仪表分销商
ceram.What had begun in the 16th and 17th centuries as the importation of occasional pieces of blue-and-white porcelain for princes and their palaces became, in the 18th century, the porcelain sickness16 至 17世纪开始少量进口瓷器,最初只是为王子及其宫殿添置备用青花瓷器,到18世纪演变成瓷器痴狂症了
proj.manag.When data has a relational structure, data access, storage, and scalability are very efficient, but -writing efficient and maintainable code becomes more difficult当数据具有关系结构时、在数据访问、存储和可扩展性方面会非常高效、但编写高效的、可维护的代码则变得非常困难
dentist.When did you become swollen up like this?您什么时候肿成这样的?
econ.When the supermarkets were equipped with cash-registers, the abacuses became obsolete当超级市场配备了现金出纳机,算盘就显得过时了
dentist.When you are not wearing your denture, be sure to keep them in a glass of water, so they will not become too dry当您不戴义齿时,请把它放到水里,防止义齿变干
gen.Why Hollywood becomes globally?为什么好莱坞电影会畅销全球?
gen.with all the precautions sometimes the drill does become hot尽管采取了种种预防措施,钻头有时仍然变热
proj.manag.With the widely use of raster display, pixel-level algorithm becomes a research hotspot of fundamental algorithms of Computer Graphics now随着光栅显示器的广泛使用、逐点算法已成为目前图形学基础算法中的一个研究热点
econ.Your initial payment will be non-returnable, even though the licensed patent becomes invalid即使许可的专利权失效,定金也不退款